magician in town

Chapter 142 Bonfire

Chapter 142 Bonfire

The forest fell silent, Roach raised his head, and saw the last sliver of mist, like a broken spider thread, floating on the top of the tall trees.He walked slowly in the forest, loneliness wrapped around him like a mist, and he felt uncomfortable in his hands after walking for a long time.Raising his hand, the deep red in the palm made his scalp numb, his hand was the dried blood of his friend.

He stopped, remembering that the bright red blood used to flow out of Du Zhengyi's body continuously, and the life flowed away from his body bit by bit. He could feel Du Zhengyi's consciousness sinking bit by bit. Into the boundless darkness.

Roach took a deep breath of the cold air deep in the forest, his hands trembled, and finally he curled his hands and stuffed his fists into the pockets of his trousers.He raised his head and continued to walk towards the depths of the mountain forest. The blood continued to flow, but the feeling that his consciousness was gradually leaving him was still lingering.

He wanted to hold his friend, he wanted him to stay in a safe place, he wanted to grab that precious ray of consciousness, if he was really going to die, he wished he could hide his consciousness in a bottle Wear it on your body and keep it close to your body, so that the god of death will never be able to find him!He suddenly stopped under a cliff, turned around and stood with his back against the cliff, pulled his hand out of his pocket, and pressed his fist to his mouth. Biting on the knuckles of his own fingers.

Luo Qi sat down slowly against the cliff, waiting, waiting for life, waiting for death.

Time became meaningless, just like when he was underground in Qionglin, the time seemed to be infinitely long, and it seemed to be just a moment.He looked blankly at the sky above the treetops, not knowing where the boundary between infinity and the moment was.The moon rises from behind the tree, and the bright moon is in the sky. This kind of sun rise and moon set has been repeated countless times. I don’t know how many people have seen it in the eternal cold night.

Roach was thinking wildly, suddenly, as if being patted from behind, someone called him.He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses and struggled to stand up.He didn't know how long he had been sitting, and his limbs were a little stiff. Even though the moon was shining in the sky, the mountains and fields far away from the human living area were still dark beyond his imagination.

Roach stumbled and walked a few steps towards the direction he was coming from. After walking for about 5 minutes, the feeling returned.He had a feeling that when someone called his name, his attention was drawn invisible, and he couldn't help laughing.That feeling is very familiar, just like when different people call our names, we will always respond with different feelings.What Roach felt was a wave of closeness and trust, mixed with a familiar impatience.

He walked eagerly, and several times almost tripped over potholes in the ground.He didn't know whether he was going in the right direction, but if he didn't go, he would never know whether he was going in the right direction.He walked forward desperately, and suddenly, bright fireworks rose above the woodland far ahead to the left, which was very conspicuous in the dark forest.

Roach recognized that it was the flame created by the mage, and the flame went out after rising for about 1 minute.Roach hurriedly stumbled towards the direction where the flames had risen. After walking in the dark for five or six minutes in the dark forest, the flames in front of him rose into the sky again, calibrating his direction like a lighthouse.He felt relieved, and stepped forward confidently in that direction.Fortunately, the mountains and forests here are not really dangerous, and fortunately, the mountains here are also very gentle.

But Roach still fell a few times, and the muscles in his walking legs were about to cramp. Now he feels that he must be an idiot a few hours ago. Even if he wants to walk away, he shouldn't have walked until he hit the wall. Only then did he stop, and he kept walking this far.

The flames rose with regularity, extinguished, and rose again.Roach kept walking and went up the hill several times, and finally he could see the light of the bonfire in the forest without the need for the flames in the sky.At that time, the night wind was blowing softly from the forest, Roach had something stuck in his throat, and was extremely happy in his heart, not the excited joy of those young people in the past, but the cautious joy.There is a heavy joy in his heart, because he got it, because he is satisfied.

From a distance, he saw figures in the forest. They changed places. This is not the bloody battlefield anymore.There are two seated figures by the campfire, and one is standing leaning against a tree.The man standing was Mahjong, and Roach saw him unleash another burst of flame into the air.Luo Qi hurried over, Guan Xinyue was sitting by the fire, adding dead branches to the campfire, his heart warmed.There was another person sitting against the tree trunk, and one could feel his fatigue even from a distance in the firelight. He was the first to feel Roach's approach, and raised his eyes to look at him gently.

Roach became ecstatic, and ran over in one breath, full of gratitude to God.Everyone is here, everyone is safe and sound, even Mahjong, because he saved Du Zhengyi and took care of Guan Xinyue, so Luo Qi is grateful to him.But most importantly, he got carried away in a burst of ecstasy, threw himself to Du Zhengyi's side and hugged his shoulder, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Roach," Du Zhengyi said calmly, "it's very weird, you know?"

"Yeah," Roach choked out. "You're all right, aren't you? I heard you calling me."

"If you don't crush me to death, I guess I won't die today." Du Zhengyi said, but he neither pushed him impatiently nor told him to leave.

Luo Qi couldn't help laughing, quickly got up from Du Zhengyi's body, and looked at Du Zhengyi carefully.He looked tired, but he was alive, better than he expected, and at first glance he looked like he lacked sleep every night.After Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief, he timidly glanced at Guan Xinyue who was sizing him up. He felt so awkward that he almost didn't dare to face her.

Mahjong suddenly asked from the side, "Did you hear Du Zhengyi calling you?"

He cautiously looked at Mahjong. To his surprise, Mahjong didn't seem to want to kill him immediately. "Du Zhengyi, have you established an entanglement with him?"

"Of course not." Du Zhengyi said, frowning wearily, as if he was very reluctant to say it. "Roach, his ability may be stronger than you think. His familiar thinking, if there is a strong directional call to him, he can feel it."

"Super dog, this is dazzling." Guan Xinyue whispered, then laughed.

Luo Qi turned his head to look at her, this time he didn't dare to respond to Guan Xinyue's verbal attack, "You...Are you okay? Right..."

Guan Xinyue raised her hand and waved him to stop talking, "I actually don't know anything. I was already frightened and fainted at the time. I was a little delirious since I started running away. Dr. Ma also checked me, everything All good, no problems."

Even though she said that, she still looked at Du Zhengyi enviously, and said with a little regret, "However, I really hope that I am also a mage."

Roach was speechless. Sometimes it was easy to say sorry, but there were some things that could not be expressed by just saying sorry.

"You didn't take the opportunity to touch my chest, did you?" Guan Xinyue asked suddenly.

Roach froze for a moment, his face flushed red.

Du Zheng half-closed his eyes and sneered, "Roch was too anxious this time and didn't take care of it."

(End of this chapter)

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