Chapter 143

They didn't leave the woods that night, of course it wasn't the best choice, but Du Zhengyi had better rest in place for a few more hours.The doctor, who was almost exhausted, summoned some blankets out of thin air. Roach felt that those blankets looked similar to those used in his clinic. He probably didn't have more imagination, and he probably didn't know about other textiles. What the ingredients are, much less is known about human sleeping bags.

That night Roach thought Mahjong would definitely talk to him, but Mahjong didn't say anything, maybe Du Zhengyi said something, or maybe Mahjong didn't want to talk to him about heavy things after such a long day. topic.Luo Qi himself would definitely not take the initiative to talk about it. He was immersed in the joy that Du Zhengyi was safe and sound, and it was so warm by the campfire. Guan Xinyue forgave him, and he kept this favor as big as Tianmu Mountain in his heart.

He really started to like Guan Xinyue a little bit. She may be endlessly mean to him by grabbing small things in his ordinary life, but he almost forgot that in almost every real big thing, she always Calm and forgiving.He couldn't understand such a girl a little bit, but finally he could gradually understand.

Mahjong baked a piece of dry and warm ground for Guan Xinyue, and apologized to her for letting her sleep at night. Luo Qi didn't have the heart to slander him. I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes.The dry food made by the mage is known to be unpalatable, but he suspects that the dry food Mahjong made for him is particularly unpalatable.He smelled goldfish food once when he was a child, and it probably smelled like this.

He didn't want to complain, he was content, curled up beside Du Zhengyi, and lay down on the dry ground beside him.Du Zhengyi was still sitting and resting against the tree trunk, turning a blind eye to Roach's encroachment on his territory.Luo Qi lay down beside him, stretched out the tentacles of consciousness to test slightly, and felt Du Zhengyi's consciousness was warm and strong.He felt relieved, and his last thought before going to bed was worrying about whether any humans would be attracted to him.After all, this place is not a deep mountain or old forest. Just now the place was full of flames, and now there is a bonfire again. Will there be any curious humans planning to come over to find out?

But he was too tired, so he felt relieved now, his whole body ached, and he fell asleep as quickly as if he passed out.In the dream, he was still pondering the last thought, whether there will be human beings seeing the fire, and I don't know how many times in the history of human beings the phenomenon created by mages has been recorded.The sighting reports of supernatural phenomena really filled the history books of mankind, constantly interfering with the progress of human history, mages should be a little sorry, right?

After a while he dreamed that Du Zhengyi was killed, and he was in the mind of the schizophrenic. The Du Zhengyi he saw in the eyes of the schizophrenic was a three-headed and six-eyed monster. Kill Du Zhengyi from behind from a single perspective.Desperation and fear grew from the depths of his heart, he screamed in fear in his dream, he must have moaned, he felt a hand land on the top of his head and pat it gently.

He was soothed, his subconscious mind approached the warm consciousness in his sleep, and soon fell into a deeper sleep.

At dawn, he woke up almost energetically, and the depression of the night was evaporated by the sun like dew. He opened his eyes, and a pine cone hit him on the forehead.

Luo Qi was beaten with a "wow". He opened his eyes and saw Guan Xinyue squatting not far away looking at him. He thought that he owed Guan Xinyue as much as Mushan that day, so he didn't dare to make a noise.Rubbing on the pillow, a hand was stretched out from the pillow, and it flicked on his forehead. This time it really hurt, Roach yelled, tears came out of pain.

"Roch, you're never finished, are you? Is the pillow comfortable?" Du Zhengyi said vigorously on top of his head, "When you wake up, quickly roll up from my lap. That position is reserved for me. pretty girl."

Luo Qi crawled up, clutching his head, "It's too ruthless, is there a girl on your leg who can sleep on it? The muscles are so hard that my head is packed!"

Guan Xinyue laughed, "Luo Qi is looking for benefits everywhere, shameless."

Luo Qi couldn't say anything, turned around and found that he was still in a stiff neck.

Mahjong walked over from a distance, and as he approached, their blankets disintegrated into the air, he looked at Roach and handed him a pack of goldfish food.Luo Qi took it with a bitter face, "What are you doing?"

Mahjong said with a blank expression, "Go to be a scavenger."

Luo Qi guessed that he must have meant to dismember the body, and suddenly he couldn't eat the dry food in his hand.In front of mahjong, I was too embarrassed to directly say no to eating, so I decided to say something to distract him. "Then can you be sure why there happens to be a high anti-mage in such a desolate place?"

"First of all, your concept is not very clear." Mahjong said, "Have you ever seen human mental illness? Is it also more powerful than ordinary people? This problem is even more serious among mages. Schizophrenic patients have brain problems. It is often accompanied by the problem of high energy. The more serious the mental problem, the higher the energy of the mage. They are often driven by the energy itself to find places with high energy radiation, such as public stations. Many patients with schizophrenia are afraid of people There are many places, so there are occasional homeless people in the public post in the wilderness."

"Are all archmages mentally ill?" Guan Xinyue asked suddenly.

"It doesn't mean that, it's two different things." Mahjong said a little discouraged, "I'm not mentally ill, neither is Du Zhengyi."

He glanced at Roach again, and finally said, "Neither is Roach."

Roach felt that he seemed to omit something in front of this sentence, probably the original sentence should be-not even Roach.He turned his head to look at Du Zhengyi's complexion, he looked really good, Mahjong was an amazing doctor.No wonder when they first met, Mahjong said that he was responsible for sewing Du Zhengyi up.

Feeling uncomfortable for a while, he approached Du Zhengyi and asked, "So this is your job? Clean up the broken mages?"

As soon as Du Zheng understood what Roach meant, he whispered, "It's really not a happy job. But someone has to do it, and I can do it better than others, so I'm more suitable for it."

Luo Qi couldn't tell what was in his heart, he lowered his head and squeezed the dry food in his hand.

"Roach! Control your emotions! Your barrier has been lowered again!" Mahjong reminded him disgustingly, "I feel so sad, but in fact I'm not sad at all!"

Roach shivered, "My emotions are my privacy!"

"Then you can build your fence higher, you stupid thing! Who wants to see your privacy?" Mahjong's voice was even louder.

Luo Qi immediately fell short, pulled his face unwillingly and writhed in his consciousness to maintain a more stable barrier, and suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of which, as a lotus burner, Li Xu has been collecting information about Du Zhengyi, Is it possible that the public stations that Du Zhengyi has been active in are all in the records of the lotus burner?"

Du Zhengyi frowned, and said reluctantly, "It's possible."

"Brother, the nature of the matter has changed. You should send another message to Wen Lin immediately and ask her to send someone to other remote public stations to clean up the mental illness. Otherwise, when the lotus burner checks the bait, he will find out about our general activities. It's gone," Roach said.

Du Zhengyi's complexion changed, and he turned and walked towards the road almost immediately.Luo Qi hurriedly followed, "It's enough to tell Wenlin a few locations, don't tell her everything you know."

"I know." Du Zheng said impatiently as he walked.

The rest of Mahjong and Guan Xinyue were still standing there with big eyes and small eyes. Mahjong sighed, "Well, Luo Qi's lack of trust in people may be because he has too many thoughts, and it may be a good thing. Let's follow suit. Finish work early and go home early."

Over there, Luo Qi suddenly became angry and furious, "By the way, you tell that idiot Wen Lin again, whether she wants to or not, we will contact through WeChat in the future, and we will no longer abide by the rules of mages in the short term! If this matter It wasn't arranged by the lotus burner, but Qionglin's handwriting, so I don't care about morality or immorality, I will change her mind and make her have an obsessive-compulsive disorder to eat shit for the rest of her life."

"Shut up!" Du Zhengyi said disgustedly.

(End of this chapter)

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