magician in town

Chapter 144 Networking

Chapter 144 Networking

The mountain path extends all the way to the woods under the highest peak. If you can look down from the top, you will probably find that the path twists and turns like a snake in the mountains, and finally turns over the mountain ridge and disappears into the mountains.

Under the leadership of Du Zhengyi, they quickly found the path, but they didn't go too far along the path, and stopped before reaching the foot of the main peak. The mage's public station was halfway along the road.

Guan Xinyue let out an exclamation first, "If no one points it out, I won't be able to see that it's man-made."

Luo Qi felt that what Guan Xinyue said was right, no matter whether there were magic tricks or not, this place itself would not be easy to see.The architectural relics here are almost obliterated in the surrounding environment, and the shape of the piled stones can only be seen after careful identification, but even if the identification is careful, the first impression will be that it is the main part of the common stone bridge in the south. But no one will build a stone bridge in the woods deep in the mountains.

But here is too old. The stone bridge in the ancient town in the south is about the remains of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it can only be counted to the Yuan Dynasty if it is farther away.But this stone building is as old as the ancient Roman aqueduct. Although it is not as grand and majestic as the aqueduct, it is no more than two meters high and no more than six or seven meters long. Tomb entrance.But as long as you get closer, you will see the strange sense of exoticism on the remaining stone carvings, which is very different from the familiar civilization on this continent.A perfect arch is carefully erected in the middle of the stone building, so at first glance you may think it is a stone bridge, but the arched area is only half the thickness of the building, which looks a bit like a Buddhist niche.

"Was there any god enshrined here before?" Guan Xinyue asked again, "Now the shrine is empty."

Mahjong shook his head and pointed to the flat lower end of the arched area, "Look here, there is no trace of a god seat. Someone has demonstrated these ancient public posthouses before. If we mages also have faith, there should be After all, gods should be on a high ground and should not be on an equal footing with humans."

Luo Qi also felt that what Mahjong said made sense. It was the first time he had seen this kind of ancient public post. If mages found an energy node that could be used as a public post, they would mark it nearby.For example, building a house, public posthouses in modern cities often open a coffee shop or teahouse, and in recent years there are even Internet cafes.The public station here must have been abandoned for a long time, so long that even the mage himself couldn't tell when it was discovered, nor what era the mage built the marker here.

Hearing Guan Xinyue said it looked like a shrine, Luo Qi pondered for a while, "Actually, I think the height and shape are more like a door, an arch."

Guan Xinyue reached out and pressed the solid wall inside, "Damn it, the archway leading to a dead end."

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, what about the door leading to a dead end." Roach almost cried out, wasn't what happened yesterday enough to irritate him.

Du Zhengyi couldn't help laughing. He was chanting a secret phrase with his eyes closed, "Roch, shut up and don't disturb me."

"Why are you talking about me again? I'd better walk away." Roach complained half-truthfully, and walked around the stone shape, carefully admiring the incomplete carvings on the stone.

Roach saw many symbols used in books here, and he stretched out his hand to stroke a few complicated secret words, which were the language of his ancestors, and today's mages can no longer use this language to communicate.The surviving mage's original language does not have enough vocabulary to communicate, and can only be used as incantations to drive magic.However, spells are based on the names of human beings. In the original language of mages, they are called secret words, secret words that drive the power of all things.

He was vaguely sad. If one day the mage's lineage really disappeared, these secret words, together with these ancient relics, would eventually be turned a blind eye by humans.If one day, extraterrestrial civilizations visit this planet, they must think that only a single intelligent creature existed here, and their mages, a unique civilization that is very different from humans, have no traces.

He was a little sad, and hurried away from the others, for fear that his thought barrier would not be strong enough if he was not careful.Fortunately, they didn't seem to be affected by him. He heard Guan Xinyue asking, "Is there any place that can be used as a public station, and it happens to be occupied by humans?"

"Of course there is." Mahjong chuckled and said gently, "You must know that human beings do not really have telepathy. Do you think that human beings really have no sense of force fields? There are always places in this world where human beings When I walked there, I suddenly felt strange emotions, such as solemnity, emptiness, holiness, or other indescribable feelings. So human beings will build their own places of belief in those places. There are many shrines, churches, and temples where our public station is located."

"Oh." Guan Xinyue said excitedly, "It's so interesting, sometimes I think we are not so different, it's just that we see the world differently."

"I think what you said makes sense." Mahjong said approvingly.

Of course you old pervert think what she says makes sense—Roach shrugged to himself inwardly.He circled around and walked back to Du Zhengyi's side. They were standing in front of the stone arch.Roach looked at the totems wrapped around the arch. These lines were intricate, but if you didn't look carefully, you might just think they were natural cracks in the stone.

Roach slowly read the secret language of the arch, and struggled to translate it, knowing that these secret words are actually the methods to open the public station, just like the protocol to connect to the computer network.Du Zhengyi was compiling the secret letter, he read all the way to the vault in boredom, and suddenly froze.

Roach stood on tiptoe and looked carefully at the very center of the vault, where he seemed to see a twisted snake.

He stretched out his hand and anxiously wiped away the sticky dirt on the vault, just a little bit short of being high enough.

Suddenly, a hand stretched over his head, and easily brushed twice on the vault that he couldn't reach.It was Du Zhengyi, with a relaxed face, and even a smirk on his lips, "Short-legged civet cat."

"Damn..." Roach said unhappily, but then he became nervous, and Du Zhengyi wiped the vault to reveal a serpentine mark twisted into an infinity symbol and swallowing its tail.

"Isn't this..." He swallowed nervously, "Isn't this the mark of the Mahakala Temple?"

Du Zhengyi also looked at it carefully for a while, "This is engraved in a stone. Judging from the style of the engraving, it is consistent with other secret words. This should also be an ancient symbol."

(End of this chapter)

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