magician in town

Chapter 145 Ouroboros

Chapter 145 Ouroboros

"Mandala." A whisper came from behind them.

Roach turned his head and looked at Mahjong in surprise, "What did you say?"

Mahjong was attracted by their conversation, and also looked at the snake-shaped totem whose body twisted into ∞ and swallowed its tail. "Its meaning is a mandala, which represents an energy center in ancient wizard medicine. I saw it in a book in the school library. Oh, by the way, the name of this thing is ouroboros."

Ouroboros?Roach was taken aback, but the name was well chosen, "Isn't this a mathematical symbol for humans? Does it represent infinity in mathematics?"

"This symbol is much older than mathematical concepts," Mahjong said slowly. "The first day determines the last day, just like the snake's tail should return to the snake's mouth. It ends at the same time of birth."

"What is this? Is it your secret language?" Guan Xinyue asked in awe.

"No," Mahjong shook his head. "It comes from a book left by a mage on another continent a long time ago. The title of the book is "Letter to Friends."

"I haven't read it." Roach said regretfully.

"I haven't read it either." Du Zhengyi said, "Mahjong is a doctor, and the number of ancient documents he has read is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"Anyway, it's not an important book." Mahjong said, "But the image of ouroboros is actually all over the world. I remember the mages living on the plateau, and they also have the mark of ouroboros."

"Tibet?" Roach said in surprise. Only a small number of their mages lived in Tibet, and most of them lived in seclusion and had little contact with Qionglin. "Is it also engraved near the public station? If this symbol represents the energy center, it would make sense to be engraved on the public station. But why is the ouroboros engraved in the temple dedicated to Mahakala? That temple is not public. Station, right?"

His last question was directed to Du Zhengyi, who nodded affirmatively, "It's not a public station, I don't even feel any special power there."

"It's not exactly the same thing." Mahjong said beside him. "As far as I know, the emblem of this Ouroboros is called the Endless Knot by the highland mages, which means the cycle of life and death."

Du Zhengyi glanced at Mahjong suddenly, the meaning in his eyes could not be figured out, Luo Qi vaguely felt that Du Zhengyi's mood fluctuated for a moment, he was inexplicably scared, and now he is simply terrified. "Is it a curse? As soon as Du Zheng arrived here yesterday, he had a near-death experience. It was like a cycle of life and death. How about I smooth out this Ouroboros?"

Mahjong didn't know what he was thinking at first, but he couldn't help laughing, "Roach, you say you..." He couldn't continue, the alienation of Roach is always difficult to maintain, and in the end he can only become helpless, " Can we get serious for a moment?"

"That's right." Guan Xinyue interjected, "You are destroying public property, you are equivalent to a barbarian who carved letters on a pyramid, do you know that?"

After Mahjong laughed, he continued, "The meaning of ouroboros is probably equivalent to the body of immortality. According to the highland mage, ouroboros is a supreme creature, capable of self-reference, infinite loop."

Luo Qi pondered for a while, "Does that mean it's awesome?"

Mahjong was very unhappy with his simplicity and rudeness, but he couldn't say that what he said was wrong.

"So Dahei marks ouroboros everywhere, which means that he is very cool, so cool that he jumped out of the five elements and crossed the boundary between life and death?" Luo Qi said with a look of disbelief, "Is there such a good mage?"

Mahjong and Du Zhengyi didn't speak, Guan Xinyue waited and couldn't help but said, "Dahei wants to engage in cult worship, which god doesn't say that he has crossed the boundary between life and death? Are there any believers?"

Luo Qi felt that what Guan Xinyue said was very reasonable this time, so he nodded frequently.

Du Zhengyi carefully looked around again, shook his head, "Forget it, don't delay any longer, let's get out of here."

Luo Qi wanted to leave quickly, "Did you tell her to contact her on WeChat next time? Let's leave quickly, I never want to be near this kind of place again."

Du Zhengyi didn't answer, Mahjong knocked him on the head.

There was nothing to talk about on the return journey, except that the matter of going shopping with Guan Xinyue was in vain.Guan Xinyue is actually not very energetic, she just said that she doesn't want to go out anymore, and now she wants to go back to her bed and lie down.

When they returned to the ancient town at night, even Luo Qi felt that this place was very friendly. Originally, he wanted to live in Du Zhengyi's single unfinished building.Now that he has experienced such an indiscriminate disaster, he doesn't feel that the yard here is too narrow.Guan Xinyue ate something casually and went back to her room to rest early.Luo Qi carefully sent her back to the room, expressed his apology awkwardly, and told Guan Xinyue that if he had nightmares and was afraid at night, he could go to him. He must be very good at repelling nightmares.But Guan Xinyue was too sleepy to understand his apology.

Du Zhengyi and Mahjong lit the lights downstairs, drinking and chatting.Roach didn't go down, and surfed the Internet on his stomach on the bed upstairs.

He tried the keyword "ouroboros" on a search engine and was taken aback by the abundance of relevant search results.In mathematics, ouroboros represents infinity.In modern physics, ouroboros describes the concepts of particle physics and the universe, and symbolizes the intersection of extremely small concepts and extremely large concepts. In other words, ouroboros represents existence.From the perspective of mysticism, it is obviously not stupid to eat your own Ouroboros, but it is a bit weird. Roach thinks that eating yourself is obviously a paradox.But from another point of view, the big snake eats its own tail to survive, and the tail it produces allows him to survive indefinitely, so the existence of ouroboros is an eternal mode of existence.No wonder Mahjong said that the Highland mages believed that ouroboros self-referencing the cycle of life and death, representing the endless knot.

Roach fell into deep thought, and he found that the image of ouroboros actually filled the world, spanning the cultures of humans and mages, as if people in every civilization had experienced some kind of similar secret.

He stuffed another mouthful of crispy peanut beans into his mouth, biting into them with a loud crackle, and clicked on Guan Xinyue's laptop again, turning a page of the book spread out on the bed.Oh yeah, Parallel Roach is awesome.

His door was pushed open rudely from the outside.

"Roch!" Du Zhengyi said at the door.

"What's the matter?" He lay on the bed thinking, and stuffed another crispy bean into his mouth.

"Isn't it my bed that you are lying on your stomach?" Du Zhengyi said calmly.

"Hmm," said Roach, unmoved, and turned another page. "Pacs?"

"What are you doing?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"Waiting to talk to you about ouroboros." Roach said relaxedly.

"If you dare to eat on my bed, we've broken off friendship." Du Zhengyi said, "I'm going to kill you, and Mahjong can clean up your body for me."

(End of this chapter)

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