magician in town

Chapter 156 Black Market

Chapter 156 Black Market (4)

Luo Qi raised his head, and the spacious alley stretched from his feet to a far place, with ancient small buildings facing the street on both sides, and all kinds of lanterns floating in front of the store, and the street lights were like daylight.

The time in Zhouqiaocao City seemed to be frozen forever on the night of the Lantern Festival. Luo Qi was inexplicably moved, and also felt a little horrified.If it weren't for the natural wind that came and went, he would really have thought they were in a huge studio.Or worse, trapped in a crystal ball, the kind that turns it upside down and it snows.

"Every night at twelve o'clock, there will be fireworks here." Du Zhengyi said softly beside him.

He raised his head and saw Du Zhengyi looking at the full moon on the street market.

"Like Disneyland?" Roach asked.

"Like the Lantern Festival on the [-]th day of the first lunar month. The moon above is fake, but everything else is real, and sometimes it rains here. There is an endless void around here, so don't leave the market. There is a river outside the market. Take the river as the boundary, don’t cross the boundary. The first one in this alley is a tavern, and the last one is a casino. When we go back, we still walk in the lobby where Mr. Mu is, just like a hotel, and Mr. Mu is the manager of the lobby.” Du Zhengyi said, it's too early today, and there aren't many people at the alley. "By the way, setting off fireworks doesn't mean carnival, it just means that the Shangyuan Festival has passed, and the business in Zhouqiaocao City is over for a day, and those who should get out, get out."

"It's equivalent to the saxophone "Going Home" when the train arrives at the station." Roach nodded in understanding.

"Let's go to the tavern first and see who we can meet today." Du Zhengyi said, grabbing Roach's arm, "Come on, take it easy."

Roach was caught by the arm and could only follow along, complaining silently to Du Zhengyi, obviously much more nervous than him, as if he could really run away by himself.Now the two of them behave like a parent holding a cub for a primary school entrance interview.

There is no signboard on the small building, but the wine flag is flying above the lanterns, so there is no need for any signboard, and it has a more mage-world style than ordinary places.

When entering the door, Du Zhengyi let go of Luo Qi, and Luo Qi became more at ease under a burst of apprehension, and followed Du Zhengyi into the door closely.The interior space of the tavern is much larger than what Roach looks from the outside, and what makes him a little embarrassed is that it is no longer the pure Chinese style it looks from the outside.The shopkeeper's bartending wooden counter has obviously been used as a bar counter, and even one of the two people ordering drinks has red hair.

The music in the bar is bright, singing the most modern human melodies in the oldest mage language that can still be spoken, and Roach can understand more than half of them.He looked curiously at the noisiest group of people in the tavern. They were all beautiful mages, handsome men and slim women. They gathered together to sip drinks with unknown ingredients. of popcorn.It looked like they were going to blow their heads off, and Roach had other thoughts this time, he hesitated if he could get a little closer to them and analyze their psychedelic magic.

Du Zhengyi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and suddenly squeezed his forearm tightly.

Roach tried his best to look back at Du Zhengyi with an innocent expression.Du Zheng didn't follow him early in the morning, and didn't bother to talk to him. He raised his right hand and greeted the burly man in the shopkeeper.

The man nodded to him, glanced at Luo Qi, and said to Du Zhengyi, "You're doing well, Brother Qionglin."

Roach smiled.

Du Zhengyi ignored his words, grabbed Roach's forearm, and dragged him to a corner of the tavern with him.Roach observed the people here with relish along the way, this place was much more interesting than the tavern Mahjong took him to.Mages of all kinds here hardly conceal their identities. There is a black man as dark as the night, who is trying to explain something in crappy southern dialect to a man with a round face and thin eyes and a Mongolian appearance. He answered him in stiff Mandarin with one more word, and ten wine glasses floated around them.

A very attractive woman looked at Luo Qi from head to toe, but her eyes stayed on Du Zhengyi's body with interest. Luo Qi took another look at her and guessed whether her breasts were real or fake.Could it be that there are sorcerers who don't use spiritual induction, but use human medical beauty?

Times are advancing and civilizations are blending.

Du Zhengyi pulled Roach to stop in front of the last window. There was only an old man with long white hair sitting behind the wooden table. He was wearing a white linen cross-collar robe.Although it is a mage's robe, it is a simplified version. It can be worn casually, and the material looks softer and more comfortable.

He raised his head slowly after Du Zhengyi stood in front of him, his eyes were deep and his posture was calm, as if he had just woken up from meditation, as if the noise here was not enough to disturb his meditation.There was an old oil lamp on his table, but the light was much brighter. Roach saw that the old man's eyes were a gradual change between green and brown.It seemed that it took him a while to recognize Du Zhengyi, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Please sit down, child of the Du family, I haven't seen you for some time." He slowly stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please sit down. I can't bear it.

"Is Mr. Shui still in good health?" Du Zhengyi asked, taking Luo Qi to sit with him opposite the old man.

"Okay." The old man said, "but the mage's aging is too fast, just like the moisture in the dry grass leaves baked by the hot wind on the desert. However, your teacher has sent me an invitation letter, and the boat ticket has been placed on the My bedside, I'll prepare for a while, and it's time to set off."

As soon as Du Zhengyi smiled, Roach was already very good at reading Du Zhengyi's expression, and he knew that the smile was sincere.So the boat ticket the old man said is probably a good thing.A good thing that can reverse aging?Or a good thing to avoid death?Roach couldn't figure it out.

"I was going to introduce my friend to your old acquaintance, but it seems that you won't be able to take care of him for long." Du Zheng said with a smile.

"Oh." The old man looked at Luo Qi with a smile, "Is it the big civet cat king?"

Luo Qi froze for a moment, an old man seriously called him the big raccoon cat king, which finally made him feel embarrassed.Luo Qi vaguely added some anxiety. If this continues, if this nickname really stays with him for the rest of his life, and when he is a hundred years old, people will still call him that. At that time, he will not hate today's middle school Second him?

"You've heard of it?" Du Zhengyi said.

"Sitting here, it's hard not to know." The old man said, "The identity of the big raccoon cat king is about to become sky-high news here."

(End of this chapter)

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