magician in town

Chapter 157 Black Market

Chapter 157 Black Market (5)

"Mr. Shui, I know you don't do some business here." Du Zhengyi said seriously, looking into the old man's eyes.

Roach didn't know what kind of confrontation he felt, nor did he know what kind of communication Du Zhengyi had with the old man in front of him in that short moment, obviously the two of them were not telepaths.But no matter what, he saw the gentle understanding on the old man's face, and he realized that he was very nervous just now.

"I understand." The old man smiled slowly, with a trace of pretended innocence in his eyes, a bit like an old urchin.He looked at Du Zhengyi, and Roach didn't know whether he sensed some unpredictable regrets from his eyes, his expression, or his emotions. "Does Master Pei have to be that fair?"

"Yes." Du Zhengyi pursed his lips for some reason, Roach was familiar with him, and this was the look he would have when he had no other choice.

On such an occasion, Roach didn't understand what it meant, and he didn't understand Mr. Water's words.If they were still entangled in the identity of the big civet cat king, but the underworld boss turned to him gently. "Then this big raccoon cat king will be Zhouqiao's future big customer. When we meet for the first time, we will give you a glass of water and wine as a token of our sincerity."

Luo Qi lowered his head and watched an enamel goblet appear on the table in front of him. There were ice cubes floating in the wine glass, and the top was dotted with mint leaves and two small strange red fruits.He looked at Du Zhengyi involuntarily, and a glass of wine appeared in front of him, which was contained in a glass, not as fancy as the glass in front of him.

Du Zhengyi picked up the glass casually, and a huge hockey puck was soaked in the light brown glass of wine. He glanced at Roach's wine glass, "You are really treated preferentially."

Luo Qi knew why he was treated preferentially, and he could guarantee that Du Zheng would be surprised when he understood why he was treated preferentially.He smiled, picked up his glass as gracefully as possible, and took a sip.

The wine was very sweet, with a slightly bitter aftertaste, and it washed down his throat softly, making him unable to resist taking a second sip.Hearing Du Zhengyi and the old man continuing to chat, they chatted for a while about the nearest market, and Du Zhengyi asked the old man about a few people Roach had never heard of.

When Luo Qi's glass of wine was bottomed out, Mr. Shui turned to him, "Mr. Beaver, you are welcome to come to our store often. Your introducer is Mr. Du, so the store will naturally provide you with the best quality resources. However, if If you are willing to provide consultation for our store, we are more willing to pay a big price."

Luo Qi was stunned by the address of "Mr. Beaver" for a while, and after he realized it, he still couldn't understand what he was talking about. He sat stiffly holding the wine glass, looking at the old man like an idiot .

The old man smiled politely and raised his hand, the wine and ice cubes in his hand were suddenly filled up again.

His mind moved a bit. Mr. Shui said that his identity could be sold for a high price. Du Zhengyi reminded him that there are some businesses that they don't do here. Du Zhengyi and him have been chatting, asking about the recent situation of some old people.These associations piled up together, and Roach suddenly enlightened.The so-called tavern was indeed the first store in the black market, but what was sold here was not alcohol, but information.The shopkeeper welcomes him to buy news, but hopes that he can come here to sell news.

Roach considered how to answer, but in fact he didn't know how to answer at all.After thinking nervously for a moment, he suddenly realized that telling the truth is actually the best way to answer.

"I can't guarantee it." He said honestly.

He could see that Mr. Shui was a person who was not used to accepting direct rejection, but he also realized that Du Zhengyi didn't respond at all, and his pride was as usual.

The young man next to him never prompted him how to answer, nor did he care if he made a mistake in answering, which in itself created a huge aura.

Roach smiled complacently, and continued, "After all, my goal in life is to be an animal behaviorist. My career is all about cats. Mr. Shui may not be interested in this kind of knowledge."

The small black cat crawled out of Roach's pocket at the right time, grabbed his clothes and jumped onto his shoulders, lay down on his shoulders, licking its paws leisurely.

Mr. Water laughed and understood Roach's joke.He graciously echoed Roach's words, "Yeah, who knows what the future holds?"

Roach breathed a sigh of relief, picked up his glass and took a sip.

Du Zhengyi looked at him gently, and gently shook the ice in the glass, "He's telling the truth, if his luck is high, maybe he won't come here again."

"The current situation is not good, we all need to be lucky." Mr. Shui said.

"The current situation..." Luo Qi had an idea, "Mr. Shui has news about the lotus burner, can you sell it to me?"

Du Zhengyi suddenly turned his head to look at him, and Roach was a little nervous for a moment, worried that he might have said the wrong thing or said it at the wrong time.

Du Zheng whispered to him, "The business Mr. Shui doesn't do includes those related to the lotus burner."

Roach understood, a little embarrassed.Probably the old gentleman in front of him is relying on not being offended by both sides, so that he can take both black and white, and he is asking a little too much.

"It doesn't matter." Mr. Shui smiled and said slowly, "Although it is a little sensitive, I am willing to launch a special service for old friends and new friends."

Luo Qi was taken aback when he saw Du Zhengyi, and his expression was a little confused, but he became extremely serious in an instant, looking at Mr. Shui who was sitting across the table.

"I heard that they sent a backbone to deal with the two people who escaped from Qionglin." Mr. Shui said, his light-colored eyes saw Roach from Du Zhengyi, "I think those two people must be I mean you."

"What kind of backbone?" Du Zhengyi asked, "I think Li Xu should also be their backbone."

"I don't know the specifics." The old man shook his head and said, "I'm about to leave. If I knew more, I would definitely tell you more. Unfortunately, I only know this person's name. Follow us Like this new friend, he is only acting under a pseudonym, and his name is Clownfish."

"Clownfish?" Roach couldn't help blurting out, "Just that kind of tropical fish?"

"Yes." The old man said, and he looked at Du Zhengyi, "Believe me, we want to know who he is even more. Unfortunately, he seems to have appeared out of nowhere, and he can't match any known mage. However, one of his legs is lame, lameness is very rare in the mage world, I think you will probably recognize him when you meet him."

"Thank you, but I think he has probably appeared, but he refuses to stand on the bright side." Du Zhengyi said.Without asking for more information, he continued, "This information is expensive, how much should I pay?"

The old man raised a finger to stop his question, "This is a gift I give to new friends. According to the rules, the first time is free."

"Thank you." Roach said flattered, and at the same time, he was a little flustered that someone was going to deal with him.At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on one side of the tavern, someone shouted Du Zhengyi's name, and Roach was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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