magician in town

Chapter 158 Black Market

Chapter 158 Black Market (6)

A man pushed away the person who was blocking him, and walked to Du Zhengyi and Luo Qi's table.He drank a lot, and when he pushed the woman who was holding his arm away, he was so strong that Roach was annoyed.

He was a tall, lean man who stumbled up to them, and the first thing Roach noticed was that his hair was damp and curled against his scalp, looking as if it had just been washed.Or maybe he was after the effect of overuse of this kind of hair care products, Roach couldn't tell.Just as a mage can't figure out humans, he sometimes doesn't quite understand the mage's popular tastes.

The man's clothes could barely be regarded as the clothes of a mage, but they were not very solemn.He was wearing a white collared gown with a black belt around his waist, and a cloak with silver dark patterns on the outside.But Luo Qi knew that the preciousness of the mage's clothing was reflected in the belt, which was a customary rule in the mage world. In addition to the expensive fabrics, there were also many mages who were used to making expensive crystals into belt decorations.So Roach could see that the cloak was just a show, and his belt showed his poverty.Or maybe he hasn't been rich long enough to convince the master tailors to take his orders.

But Roach knew that if he always behaved like he is now, with the collar loosely parted, revealing the honey-colored chest muscles, showing off everywhere, then even if he paid twice the price of the master tailor, he would never get them to accept him. orders.

Besides, if this man hadn't been so vicious when looking at people, then Roach could barely consider him a handsome guy.Under the unruly strands of hair on his forehead, his eyebrows are black and slender, his eyes are slightly sunken below the brow bone, and the shape of the eyes is quite in line with the general aesthetic requirements.His nose is straight, which also makes him look heroic.But his middle was a bit too long, and his lips were too thin, almost as if he was pursing his lips on purpose.

"Du Zhengyi." He said, the name slipped down his throat, as if about to be spit on the ground.

Roach was uncomfortable. He saw a serpentine ring on the man's bony hand and held an obsidian dagger in his hand.

"Forgive me." Roach said suddenly. He has some sequelae now, and feels like vomiting when he sees obsidian. Touching porcelain? Let me tell you, if Du Zheng breaks your thing, I will never compensate you. If it is a precious cultural relic, you'd better take insurance."

"Who are you?" the man asked him sullenly.

Roach shrugged, picked up his glass and took another sip, ignoring him.

Mr. Shui said with difficulty, "Sir, you are a guest here, and you know the rules here. If you want to do something here, I have no choice but to have someone kick you out."

"We just want to talk to an old acquaintance." The woman beside him said, "I promise, we just meet Mr. Du rarely and want to talk. If Mr. Du is not free, we can wait for a while."

Roach glanced at her, she was a pretty woman with short chic hair, wearing a black windbreaker, with a wide belt tied around her waist, which looked like a girdle, with a front Large clips, shining darkly like obsidian.From the waist down, her windbreaker turned into a black leather skirt, making her look sharp and full of aura.She wore black leather gloves on her hands, and a special-shaped bracelet on her wrist. Roach could tell that she was a popular celebrity of human beings.

It's hard to estimate the mage's age, but Roach saw the sophistication in her eyes, so he guessed that she was slightly older than the man.

Mr. Shui shook his head with a gentle smile, "Our conversation is over. If you just want to chat, this is a place for chatting, and I will give up the place to my guests."

After he finished speaking, he stood up slowly. Roach just wanted to stand up to help him, but he disappeared across the table out of thin air.

Luo Qi was stunned for a moment, then understood, shook his head secretly, and wished Du Zhengyi to be so agile when he reached that age.

Unceremoniously, the man took two steps forward and sat in Mr. Shui's original seat, without even thinking of giving up his seat to the woman.

The woman didn't intend to sit down either, she just stood where she was, with her hands in black leather gloves in the pockets of her windbreaker skirt, looking at them worriedly.

Du Zhengyi did not say a word from the beginning to the end, and quietly looked at the comer.

"Isn't this Qiong Lin's dog?" The man laughed softly.

Luo Qi raised his eyebrows, his cat struggled a little, jumped onto the table lightly and gracefully, and then fled back into his arms, as if the man's evil spirit had startled it.

"What do you want to say to me?" Du Zhengyi said without emotion.

"I don't want to say anything. I'm an old acquaintance. Let's come over for a chat. I heard that you are not as impartial as you used to enforce the law, and you are dedicated to serving the public." The man smiled sullenly.

"Where did you hear that?" Du Zhengyi said perfunctorily.

"The news from Zhouqiaocao City has been coming very quickly. Du Zhengyi, the people here don't like you, and you have enemies here. Do you remember how many people's family members were taken away from their homes by your own hands? Yes? It’s one thing when you have Qionglin as your backer, but it’s another thing without Qionglin.”

Roach was stunned and became nervous.

"If I don't do some things, someone else will do them. I don't want to repeat the reasons why I do things to you." Du Zhengyi said, but since he was willing to talk, he was more patient than usual .Luo Qi didn't know if it was because they were in the grass market. Hands-on hands were forbidden in the grass market, and Du Zheng would knock the other party to the ground as soon as he couldn't agree with each other.

"Yes, you are here to solve the potential crisis for the mage world." The man suddenly laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes, and he slapped Roach's cup flying out. "Du Zhengyi, when you took my brother away, he was only 13 years old. It's hard to say whether a 13-year-old child will be a good person or a bad person in the future!"

"A 13-year-old child pushed a human child to jump off a building with his mind." Du Zhengyi said coldly, "Let's face the reality."

"He's only 13 years old!" the man growled in a low voice, "Even humans will deal with it lightly."

"I didn't make the law. It's Qionglin's job to evaluate and educate your brother," Du Zhengyi said.

"Really?" the man said, his tone suddenly full of playfulness, "I heard that you recently released a minor detained by Qionglin. Why?"

Du Zhengyi didn't speak, and Roach thought that he could say that it was just a rumor, and no one had evidence to accuse Du Zhengyi.But Du Zhengyi just kept silent.

The man laughed lowly, "Just because of this one, it's someone you know. What about my brother? I haven't seen my brother since then, and I don't even know if he is dead or alive. That's what you said Is it fair? Is this how you brazenly maintain fairness?"

(End of this chapter)

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