magician in town

Chapter 159 Black Market

Chapter 159 Black Market (7)

Chapter 150 Eight

I don't know how many pairs of eyes looked over, Luo Qi stood there in a daze, the man questioned Du Zhengyi viciously, and waved the dagger in his hand emotionally.

A sharp dagger flashed in front of his eyes, heading straight for Du Zhengyi, Roach involuntarily stretched out his hand to block it.In fact, with this man's state, it is very unlikely that he would really attack Du Zhengyi, and Du Zhengyi is fully capable of handling this situation.But Luo Qi was thinking about the man's accusation in a mess, and suddenly saw the shadow of the dagger, and subconsciously blocked it for Du Zhengyi.

His hand bumped into the man's hand that was good at using a knife, which made his wrist hurt, and his hand almost scratched the blade.Although obsidian knives shatter when dropped, they are somewhat like human ceramic knives, and the blade is worth mentioning.The only reason why Roach's hand didn't see blood was that another stronger hand stretched out from above and firmly grasped the man's hand, blocking the castration of the blade.

"Boy, your name is Dai Wei, right? If you really want revenge on Du Zhengyi, write him a letter through the public station, and then arrange a duel in a place that is not protected by a truce agreement. Don't hide here and scold him. It's not Du Zhengyi's fault that your brother is a pervert."

Comparing the size and height of the hand, Roach felt that it was a man as tall as a god, and he raised his head in awe.A man who was very old and was about to become an old man stood beside them. He must have been very burly when he was young. Even though his muscles are not as developed as before, he still has the outline of a strong man.

There are many wrinkles on his face, deeply engraved with the mage's long years.His eye, one filled with cloudy white, was completely blind.In the other remaining eye, Roach saw a cloudy sky.

The man named Dai Wei showed his teeth and smiled like a dog barking. "Why am I going to duel with Qionglin's God of War? I choose the way of dialogue of civilized people. I am discussing with him to see if he is human and has humanity."

"Stop talking, Xiaowei." The woman in black windbreaker standing next to them called in a low voice, "Let's go, stay away from them."

"Really?" The old man didn't let go of his wrist, "But I'm a barbarian, and I'm uncivilized to ask you to go away now, because I want to chat with Du Zhengyi."

Dai Wei didn't want to get out of the way, but the old man grabbed his wrist so hard that he almost broke his arm, and his whole body was pulled out by the old man.

Roach watched this scene in surprise. He noticed that the woman in the black windbreaker didn't scream or plead. She just turned her head and gave the two of them a vicious look.She left in a hurry, grabbed the boyfriend who was thrown out by the old man purely by muscle strength, and forcibly pulled him out.

Roach turned his head and stared at the gloomy old man. The fight seemed to make him a little happier. He sat down heavily on the seat opposite Dai Wei just now, "Mages always rely too much on magic to strengthen their power."

"Why are you here?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Luo Qi immediately turned his head to look at Du Zhengyi. Du Zhengyi's tone had a rare familiarity, which was very strange.

The man ignored Du Zhengyi's words, and seeing that he did not introduce himself, he turned to Roach to introduce himself. "My name is Wan Pei, who are you?"

Luo Qi came back to his senses, "My name is Tanuki."

"Li Mao?" Wan Pei frowned and said, "What accent do you have?"

"He speaks Mandarin. His name is civet cat. The civet cat is replaced by the prince's civet cat. Do you understand?" Du Zhengyi said bluntly.

Wan Pei laughed loudly, "Interesting, it's the first time I see such an interesting person beside you."

Luo Qi opened his mouth in surprise, and before he could speak, Wan Pei roared loudly, "Give me three glasses of Jinbo wine, and some more food!"

In a blink of an eye, there were three glasses of wine on their table, and two small plates, one plate was filled with fruit, and the other plate was filled with edamame.Luo Qi didn't know what to say, but his cat didn't dislike it, and rushed out excitedly, wanting to share some food.

"I'm here to be their security guard." Wan Pei said, his eyes fell back on Du Zhengyi, looking him up and down, "You've lost weight again."

Luo Qi was peeling edamame, and he trembled when he heard the sound, and the beans in his hand fell into the wine.

The thing that allowed Roach to drop more beans was that Du Zhengyi didn't show any resistance, and even restrained his arrogance a lot.You know, even mahjong can't get such a good treatment from Du Zhengyi.

"I'm fine. Why are you working here? You should have accumulated a lot of credit points, right? If you encounter any problems, I can help you. I still have a lot of credit points that I can't spend." Du Zhengyi Said.

Roach heard real concerns from his words, and he didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable.I don't know if these recent experiences have given him strange hints. He always feels that Du Zhengyi has no friends or family, and he is the only rascal who can go to Du Zhengyi's side.So to a certain extent, the awesome Qionglin First God of War is completely his, but now an old man ran out, looking like Uncle Du Zheng.

"I'm not short of money." Wan Pei said bluntly, "I just like the job here. I work underground, far away from Qionglin, and I only have one job every day - when someone fights, I beat them up. Get out, I like this kind of simple work."

"I like your job too." Roach said involuntarily, "Are you hiring an assistant?"

Wan Pei laughed loudly, turned his head again, and looked at Roach with the only intact eye, "I like you. You and Du Zhengyi are completely different. He has been a bit precocious since he was eight years old. Not flattering."

Luo Qi laughed, he had never met anyone who would talk about Du Zhengyi in this tone, especially when Du Zhengyi was a child. "What was my brother like when he was a child?"

"A gloomy kid who is always unhappy and plots against everyone. He doesn't need friends, and no other kid wants to play with him, because he's smarter than everyone else." Wan Pei said, without any scruples about Du Zhengyi. One really didn't interrupt him.

Luo Qi glanced at Du Zhengyi, and saw a soft expression on his face, and Luo Qi thought that it was Du Zhengyi's expression closest to admiration.Even in front of Pei Shu, Du Zhengyi was a little arrogant.Now Du Zhengyi almost looks like a cat.

"I didn't expect that," Wan Pei showed a gentle smile, and a loving expression was shown on his face that was better at gloomy and furious, which made Roach feel rare warmth.He continued, looking at Du Zhengyi lovingly, "I didn't expect you to find a girlfriend. I've always been a little worried that you chose to die alone at such a young age."

"What?" Du Zhengyi cried out in surprise.It was more than a scream, it sounded like a scream to Roach.

"Hahahaha." Roach laughed loudly, appreciating the effect of his prank with satisfaction. He had been waiting for this moment for two hours.

"What did you say?" Du Zhengyi exclaimed in surprise, his eyes moving back and forth between Wan Pei and Luo Qi.

Wan Pei also looked at him in surprise, then at Roach, "She..."

"Ah, the weakness of Chinese, it is always so difficult to distinguish gender from the third person." Roach said with a smile.

Du Zhengyi asked his old captain in surprise, "What did you see him like?"

Luo Qi laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, so he decided to show kindness and tell Du Zhengyi himself, "Do you remember Atta?"

(End of this chapter)

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