magician in town

Chapter 169 The Position

Chapter 169 The Position

Chapter 160 Eight

Luo Qi was sitting on the sofa, watching Du Zhengyi looking for menus and restaurant introductions behind the desk in the hotel, without even looking at him, he knew that this time Du Zhengyi was a rare occasion, so he was really angry with him up.

His cross-legged legs were a little sore, so he stretched them out on the sofa, and half-lyed down on the tea table, his cat cub rising and falling on his chest following him. "I'm craving pasta today."

He was ignored, not even a menu wrapper flew in his face.

Luo Qi sighed, folded his hands on his stomach, and lay upright on the sofa, "Brother."

Du Zhengyi still ignored him, as if he was thinking about the menu seriously, he didn't remember that Du Zhengyi was so interested in what he ate.He knew his insincerity irritated him.

"Brother." Luo Qi looked at the plaster molding on the ceiling and whispered, "I've always wanted to ask you, did you really deduce that person is a clownfish based on those characteristics? Who is that person? Clownfish And who is it? That person and the clownfish are actually phantoms. To put it bluntly, there is no evidence to prove that they really exist, only Pei Shu is real."

"What do you want to say?" Du Zhengyi asked coldly in the chair behind the desk.

Luo Qi knew that Pei Shu couldn't say or doubt that Du Zhengyi was rescued by Pei Shu and returned to Qionglin, and it was Pei Shu who raised him. For Du Zhengyi, Pei Shu was all his mentors.Pei Shu carefully cultivated Du Zhengyi, and Luo Qi speculated that even the formation of Du Zhengyi's three views may come from him.He thought of the way the old man pressed Pinduzheng's crumpled thesis bit by bit, and carefully put together his thesis, and he felt guilty for a while.The old man loved Du Zhengyi just like he loved his own grandson, Luo Qi could tell.That's why he didn't say it just now, and even now he regrets saying it a little bit.

"What I mean is," Roach heard his voice muffled, "are there really two legendary mind masters in this world at the same time?"

"Luo Qi, many people have misunderstood Pei Shu, thinking that he used technology to frighten Qionglin." Du Zheng said dryly, "Are you that kind of idiot too?"

Luo Qi lay still, "I heard that Pei Shu is the leader of the Great Chess Gang."

"Tell me another person."

"Many people say...even among the students, it is rumored that Pei Shu's success lies in his wisdom. Small things may win or lose, but in the end he can always play a big game steadily. So our class of students privately Call him the Master of Big Chess." Roach said.

Du Zheng is half-believing, he has known Roach for a while, and now he stays together every day, he has already given birth to the illusion that he has known Roach for a lifetime.So he knows that anything that comes out of Roach's mouth is not necessarily true, no matter how serious or vicissitudes Roach said when he said it.

"I guess that means that Pei Shu is a master strategist, always looking ahead, and a great helmsman," Roach said.

Du Zhengyi didn't know why he thought there was a hint of irony in his words, but he didn't understand the vague semantics that humans are good at, so he couldn't capture Roach's true meaning.

Roach didn't speak, his fingers circled in the air, and a series of golden names floated in the air.Pei Shu, the clownfish, that person, Dahei.

"Why is Pei Shu's name lined up with them?" Du Zhengyi frowned and looked at the big characters floating in the air.

"I'm listing people of similar influence and status," Roach said.He displayed a new line of names in smaller characters, Li Xu, Yao Yu, Zhao Zhiyan, Jin Yu, monk.Then he thought for a while, and listed Fan Shi, Wen Lin, Du Zhengyi, and Luo Qi himself.

The names of Zhao Zhiyan and Jin Yu slipped to Li Xu's name, connected by a line, the monk fell under Dahei's name, Wen Lin appeared under Fan Shi's name, and Luo Qi appeared under Du Zhengyi's name.Du Zhengyi's name is related to Pei Shu, but he flew to the same position as Li Xu.

Du Zheng understood what Roach meant at a glance.

Fan Shi was slightly higher than Li Xu and slightly lower than Pei Shu, and it was embarrassing to see this position.

Luo Qi let the three words clownfish fly up, but he hesitated, and finally landed in an awkward position on the same level as Fan Ya.Then there is Dahei, and "Apology and forgiveness?

Luo Qi finally made the names of the lotus burners all black, and put a black question mark at the same position as Pei Shu.

"This question mark represents the leader of the Lotus Burner that we have never dreamed of finding. We really don't have any information about him, right? But this is also very reasonable. It is very difficult for us to prove the existence of the Lotus Burner. The work has just begun. The leader of the organization does not have to be a legendary archmage, his strengths may be as a politician, or as a heroic idol." Roach said.

Luo Qi looked at Du Zheng and nodded, and he said, "The number one person in a terrorist organization is usually extremely cunning and difficult to determine. We can ignore it for the time being. For others, then these few people will all fall into the position of this ordinary venerable. Clownfish, Dahei and that person."

"Drawing the structure diagram like this is indeed very clear." Du Zhengyi admitted.

"That person, like Dahei, has never shown up, and clownfish only exist in the legend of the black market. You may think I'm not cute, because I look like a deranged conspiracy theorist now." Roach said.

Du Zhengyi couldn't help but said, "I never thought you were cute, so stop putting gold on your face."

Roach continued as if he didn't hear him speak, "If I don't get definite evidence to prove that the three of them exist, then I can assume that they don't exist. I don't believe there will be three people like me in this world. It's illogical. It looks to me like someone is creating a chess game where maybe three people exist, maybe three people don't exist at all, it's just three phantoms."

"What made you suddenly have such an idea?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Luo Qi ignored him and continued his thinking, "Our investigation in Guan's house allowed us to find Guan Yushan's storage crystals. But we didn't find anything of real value from the crystals left by Guan Yushan, did we? The investigation of the Guan family extermination case is far from over! Not to mention that Lu Xinchen's whereabouts are still unknown."

"You want to go to the Guan family again?" Du Zheng paused, "You want to go to the temple."

Roach nodded.

"Are you ready?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I admit that Dahei's temple scares me more than anything else, but I don't want to run away anymore, let's go. I think I'm almost ready. It's definitely not possible to follow their path to Qianzhou, and we must find another way , let's try Dahei's temple." Roach said.

(End of this chapter)

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