magician in town

Chapter 170 The Nosebleed Boy

Chapter 170 The Nosebleed Boy

Chapter 160 Nine

Their chat ended with Du Zhengyi's silence. With his sharp eyes, Roach could now clearly see Du Zhengyi's various silences. Today's silence expressed agreement.At least they agreed to their further moves.

But for the first time, the atmosphere between them became a little tense. When they went to eat in the restaurant of the hotel, Du Zhengyi kept his eyelids half down, maintaining a very healthy posture.

Luo Qi wasn't in the mood to cheer up the atmosphere either, he was tired because he said bad things about Pei Shu.The uncomfortable feeling was like he told Du Zhengyi, I think your mother may be a special practitioner.

Du Zhengyi didn't turn his face more thoroughly, he was already considered a very calm and good person.

So Luo Qi sat in the restaurant of the five-star hotel and chewed a lot of vegetable leaves. When Du Zheng ordered dishes, he only ordered vegetarian dishes, most of which were salads.He didn't give Roach a chance to order food, and Roach didn't dare to ask for it, even though he only wanted to eat meat every day.

Roach sighed again, forking vegetable leaves in boredom, imagining himself as a rabbit.He ate up the little bit of eggs and bread crumbs in the vegetable salad, and what was left was either green or purple, which made him want to eat cat food a little bit.

Roach couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere. He yearned for the usual relaxed and happy feeling. Like a comedian, he was content to challenge Du Zhengyi's unsociable audience, and he enjoyed seeing the corners of his lips rise.But he didn't want to beg Du Zhengyi to make up, because today was different, if he took the initiative to ask for peace, it meant that he took back what he said.He has nothing to take back, all he says is what he really thinks.

Luo Qi didn't want to keep staring at Du Zhengyi at this time, it would only make him angry, and they might quarrel over eating vegetable leaves after a while, and they would be provoked by Du Zhengyi, a chicken thief.Sometimes he really doesn't understand Du Zhengyi, is his calm and mature just pretending?But he also understands that geniuses are all unique, and they can do whatever they want.

He chewed the vegetables slowly, trying to ignore the texture and taste of the food in his mouth, and turned his attention to other people in the restaurant.The restaurant of the hotel is spacious and comfortable. There are not many diners. The service of the waiters is thoughtful but not friendly.

Roach fiddled with the vegetable leaves on the plate with a fork, the tentacles of consciousness slowly stretched out, his thoughts flew over the restaurant easily and comfortably, he got rid of the restless Roach's life, and infiltrated the restaurant in each consciousness.A total of 29 people, except him and Du Zhengyi.

He's not interested in most people's superficial consciousness, he doesn't like prying into other people's private secrets, they're like a bunch of chatterers, he turned down the volume of these voices, reduced them to the background sound, just copied a part of himself low-level consciousness to monitor these sounds.He figured that sooner or later he would need a set of scientific methods to efficiently filter these surveillance contents, maybe he should learn about human search algorithms.

His consciousness invaded the deep consciousness of these people one step further, and eliminated more than half of the people who were as boring as his dinner plate.He became interested in a doctor, and the knowledge in his mind was frighteningly thick.Like a person learning to surf the Internet for the first time, Roach always downloads everything he sees curiously.He has copied a lot of professional knowledge of doctors, and these things are actually not of much use in his consciousness. He lacks the professional way of thinking of doctors, so it is difficult to become a doctor, even a pathologist.But he has already understood that this knowledge can still exist like a database, and he can search for relevant knowledge whenever he needs it.

Then he entered the deep consciousness of a veteran. He is a senior military fan. Roach didn't have the knowledge of his ships and planes. interested.But Roach soon discovered that his memory was more interesting. He used to be a special soldier. Roach reviewed his history with relish, feeling no less than a first-person perspective VR game.

There is an extremely conspicuous part of the veteran's memory, Roach's consciousness was quickly attracted, and that memory seems to be often recalled by the main body.Just like a samurai's knife, put it by the bed and wipe it off from time to time.

Luo Qi fell into it without thinking, his world suddenly went dark, and he smelled the smell of rotten wood in the depths of his memory, mixed with a vigilant smell of blood and an indescribable stench.Roach gained vision in the memory of the main body, the light fell on the dilapidated house, and the dust was flying under the pale sunlight.

Luo Qi turned his head following the memory of the main body, and looked around the dilapidated factory building. There were sawdust scattered on the ground. The tall factory building was as high as two floors. Good for lighting.There are many windows in the factory building, but the glass pieces inlaid on the windows are very small, which are obviously different from the large pieces of tempered glass widely used in today's buildings. Roach can probably tell that it is a building in the 60s.The factory building must have been abandoned for a long time, and this memory is also a long time ago. Such a place probably does not exist today, and it has long been demolished to sell the land.

The memory of Luo Qi and the main body gradually merged. Even if he wanted to avoid the emotion of the main body, the emotion of this memory was too intense, pulling him like a black hole.The main body's angle of view suddenly pointed at the ground, and Roach couldn't tell whether it was him or the main body that was frightened. He saw that the ground was actually full of blood, and the blood pooled into a small pool in the low-lying areas of the terrain.

Roach's heart was beating wildly, and he wanted to break free from this memory, but it was still not fast enough.He turned around with the main body, a human head rolled beside the abandoned machine, a sharp pain burned his heart, the pain was like the misplaced pain in Roach's memory, and he almost cried out.He vaguely knew that it was the veteran's comrade-in-arms, his best friend, Roach was struggling in the cruel pain, quickly separated from the body, and shrank back to all consciousness under the intense fear.

Like diving back to the surface stupidly fast, his ears buzzing, his heart pounding, his brain nearly exploding, nosebleeds pouring out onto his plate of rice.

Du Zheng was taken aback, he heard the sound of Du Zheng throwing a knife and fork into the plate, a ball of napkin covered his nose, and he could barely hear Du Zheng asked him with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Roach never once in his life failed to jump at an opportunity, he said, "I'm allergic to greens."

He heard Du Zhengyi scold him, and roughly pinched his nose tightly, as if planning to deal with Pinocchio's long nose that was about to grow.

(End of this chapter)

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