Chapter 196

Chapter 190 Four

"Who are you going to talk to?" Guan Xinyue asked alertly.

Roach stood up, "You are here to accompany Du Zhengyi, Mahjong has already entered the corridor outside."

"You suddenly look like a mage." Guan Xinyue said, narrowing her eyes threateningly, "But can you guarantee your own safety? In my impression, every time you want to do something, you will You're causing trouble for the boss."

Luo Qi ignored her words, "I'll be back tomorrow at the latest. If Mahjong asks you, just say so. Anyway, Du Zheng won't wake up until tomorrow."

Except for Du Zhengyi, no one else could do anything to him.

"Could it be that you were bewitched by someone yesterday? By that ghost?" Guan Xinyue stood up worriedly, and she suddenly realized that now that Du Zhengyi had fallen, if Luo Qi wanted to Something, no one can stop it at all. "You should at least discuss it with Mahjong."

"That ghost has been strangled to death by an angry man," said Roach, recalling the cold, sullen eyes of the clownfish.

"Luo Qi," Guan Xinyue stopped him, she thought quickly, "Then let me go with you, they won't notice a human being, I can keep a certain distance from you, I used to walk with you Du Zhengyi worked together like this. If something happens to you, at least I can notify Mahjong immediately, two people are better than one."

Roach tried to get around her, but she hastened and jumped into the hall to block his way.She changed the way. She knew early on that it was useless to talk nice things to Roach, and even Roach himself didn't really make a living by being cute and obedient.

She leaned against the door of the hotel and threatened him in a low voice, "Mahjong is coming to the door, right? If you don't take me, I will tell Mahjong immediately. What do you think will happen to him? I guess he will immediately Call Du Zhengyi, and then go to the back room and kneel for your brother!"

"Damn it." Luo Qi was full of panic, looked down at Guan Xinyue, and called out in a low voice, "Is it okay to have a bottom line?"

Behind her came the rising electronic sound of swiping the key card to open the door. Guan Xinyue stared at Luo Qi provocatively with wide-eyed eyes, and she mouthed, "Just look at your shamelessness?"

"Xinyue?" Mahjong said in surprise at the door, "What are you doing?"

Roach stared at her, and she turned around and stepped out of the room with light steps. Roach remembered that this art student must have learned to dance when he was a child.

"Why not." Guan Xinyue said, "Have you finished your meal? Why don't I go to dinner with Luo Qi?"

"Okay, let's go eat." Mahjong didn't doubt that he was there, so he took a step back and let them pass first. "Luo Qi, stop crying. I told you that Du Zhengyi will be fine, but this time I need to sleep a little longer."

"Hmm," Roach said vaguely, pausing to ask, "Do you want me to bring coffee? Or tea?"

"Ah, let's have a latte." Mahjong said casually,

Luo Qi nodded, Guan Xinyue was already waiting for him at the elevator entrance, pressing the down button of the elevator with one hand.

"I want to meet someone personally." Luo Qi said when the elevator doors closed, "Do you still remember Liu Ziyu?"

"Do you like her?" Guan Xinyue asked immediately, "She is indeed very cute."

"Forget it, it's not as good as I am," said Roach, uncomfortable without the cat in his pocket, his hands behind his back.

"That's true, but you are invincible because of your shamelessness." Guan Xinyue said.

"Thank you for your affirmation. People have to have some strengths." Roach said, "I won't take you to meet the person I want to meet, but I can send you a job."

"What are you doing? Are you talking about business?" Guan Xinyue said dissatisfied, but her tone was already reserved. She was always curious about Luo Qi's proposal.

"I chatted with Liu Ziyu, and now they have added me to Qionglin gossip circle." Luo Qi said.

"What?" Guan Xinyue said in amazement, and after thinking about it, this is indeed something that Luo Qi can do. Fortunately, she always thought that Luo Qi was very troubled by the affairs of Ganzhou recently, and he was not in the mood to do it. "Then congratulations, you finally have something better than your brother."

"I don't want to compete with him. My pleasure in life is to be the second child." Luo Qi said in a low voice, the elevator stopped on the first floor, he walked out of the elevator with Guan Xinyue, and the bright morning sun was outside .Even with such good sunshine, he just felt silent, and a thick wall was built in his heart, not even sunlight and human voice could penetrate.

Guan Xinyue glanced at Luo Qi, "Those soldiers in Qionglin accepted you to gossip?"

"There is also the executive mage. Wen Lin pulled me in. There are always some anonymous people in there. They probably feel that using human technology under their real names is a shame. If it weren't for Fan Ya who has no sense of humor at all, I simply doubt that he would also It's inside." Roach sighed, "I chatted with a few people inside, and I chatted privately for a few days, and I think it doesn't matter if I get in touch with some people."

"For example, Liu Ziyu who helped me?" Guan Xinyue said, and they walked quickly through the lobby of the hotel.

"Would you like to chat with her and be friends?" Roach asked her seriously.

Guan Xinyue shrugged, "If you pay for the shopping, it's fine."

"That's good." Roach said, "I'll steal a credit card for you later and pay you back."

"Okay." Guan Xinyue said, "Do you want me to inquire about Qionglinli?"

"You don't have to inquire about anything. If you think she can be a friend, just be a good pair of friends with her, go shopping, play games, watch movies." Roach said, and they walked across the lobby to the hotel room. outside the main entrance. "I think she is very smart, and although Du Zhengyi doesn't feel it or doesn't care, she has a lot of affection for Du Zhengyi. Don't make that kind of expression, she always calls Du Zhengyi Senior Brother, Du Zhengyi is like her Elder brother, she will help him."

"Oh, so do you feel that you and Liu Ziyu are sympathetic?" Guan Xinyue raised her head and looked at Luo Qi, "It's not that my heart is too cold, that thing is useless."

"Why is it useless? Wen Lin really likes Du Zhengyi." Luo Qi responded casually, "Look how active she is in helping."

"I still feel that you are just taking the opportunity to get rid of me." Guan Xinyue thought about him, "You didn't tell me the truth, you are really getting worse and worse now."

"Just be friends with her. We're not Du Zhengyi's kind of genius God of War, so no one can go alone. Small people like us need to hug each other to keep warm, you know?" Roach said.

"Well, it makes sense." Guan Xinyue nodded, and she took another look at Luo Qi, "What about you? Will you tell me when you know the truth? About what my grandfather is doing?"

"If it's safe for you to tell you, I'll tell you," Roach said.

Later, Guan Xinyue thought about it, and the fucking Luo Qi actually didn't promise anything.

(End of this chapter)

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