Chapter 198

Chapter 190 Six

"The last time we met, you asked me if Pei Shu was reliable. Why do you have such doubts?" The old man poured a glass of wine, as if planning to end today's security career.

But Roach knew that this was an interview question, and the result of this question would determine whether he had a chance to continue the conversation today.

He smiled slightly, "There is no reason. A great mage like Pei Shu has no selfish motives and is dedicated to the public. Anyone who doubts him will only appear to be a fool. I am a mortal, just a fool. "

The good eye of the one-eyed old man turned around, the shadow of the willow tree outside the window swayed in the seemingly absent wind, and the light from the lamp on the table swayed mottled, falling on either Du Zhengyi or Du Zhengyi. In human eyes, there is more pain in those eyes than Du Zhengyi, although happiness is often more than Du Zhengyi.

The old man seemed to comfort him, "Tell me the simplest truth, child, it's no use complaining, and it's no use being clever."

Luo Qi looked at him for a while, "Because Du Zhengyi trusted him wholeheartedly and put all his eggs in the basket called Pei Shu. Things shouldn't be like this, and people's hearts are not like this."

"Many little boys in Qionglin are eager to have a chance to be Du Zhengyi's younger brother." The old man's wine glass was automatically filled again, and he took a sip with satisfaction, "They worship him, envy him, and long to be able to follow him." He went through a little wind and rain together."

"I'm not interested in Qionglin's ups and downs." Roach said, "I guess if they follow Du Zhengyi, as long as they can guarantee that they don't die, they will probably have a great chance of promotion, right? Follow Du Zhengyi. Like joining the bounty club."

"You don't want it?" The old man looked at him.

"I don't want to be promoted, nor do I want to join Du Zhengyi's support club. I'm not even interested in Qionglin's secrets. I just don't think things should be like this. It's unfair. It's not right for Du Zhengyi." Fair," Roach said, coffee and alcohol racing through his blood, stimulating his nervous system.He hasn't slept in a long time, and in the real world, his eyes are red, his hair is disheveled, and only hysterical can describe his current state.

"Fair?" said the old man.

"I went to an unlucky place with Du Zhengyi, and I caused a little trouble." Roach said, "But now, I'm not feeling guilty, and I don't think I was wrong. Du Zhengyi insisted on solving the problem." problem, because he believes that he is obliged to rule out dangerous situations, so that the next common mage will not be in danger."

"Du Zhengyi is a problem solver. He is used to dealing with problems that others cannot solve." The old man said, he didn't seem surprised at all.

"That's a superhero, but he's a human being." Roach said, his throat was dry now, he looked at the glass in his hand, and drank it dry.

His head was a little dizzy, but his nervousness was relieved a lot.The old man glanced at him, filled his glass with wine, and clinked the glass with him nonchalantly.

"Why did you come to work in the black market after you left Qionglin?" Roach asked suddenly.

"Because I don't think Qionglin is right, but I don't know what the correct solution is? When I was young, I was as convinced as Du Zhengyi that I was on the right path." He frowned and said, There was a bit of self-loathing on his face, "But then I got old... The result is that the older I get, the more I doubt whether my judgment is correct. I thought that when people get old, they will become smarter? Don't you mean At forty without confusion, at fifty you know the destiny?"

Luo Qi nodded knowingly, "Master, do you think you were an idiot when you were young?"

The old soldier clinked the wine glass with him, watched him drink it up in one gulp, and didn't care what he forced out. "Are you starting to think you were an idiot now?"

"Someone said that if you don't feel like you were a fool a year ago, it means you haven't made any progress this year." Roach picked up the refilled wine, and now the bottle is empty. "Cheers to growth!"

Wan Pei picked up the wine glass and knocked it heavily with him, "It's a good theme."

"So I am rescuing Du Zhengyi. I am worried that when he gets old, he will feel that he was too stupid to face reality." Roach said.

Wan Pei drank a little too much, grinned, and stayed there for a while, as if chewing the bitterness in his mouth. "However, it depends on Du Zhengyi living to old age."

"Will Du Zhengyi not live to be old?" Roach asked.

Wan Pei didn't speak, he drank a glass of wine and choked back all the anger that was about to come out. "Pei Shu refused to save him."

"I heard that some telepaths belong to category A when they are rated. This kind of mind mage is good at attacking, but not good at healing." Roach said dryly.

"It has nothing to do with the telepathic master." Wan Pei said, he put down the wine glass and squeezed it tightly in his hand, "I know that Du Zhengyi will survive. I worked hard because I know that Pei Shu doesn't care about anyone, anyone. Even Du Zhengyi, a child he raised with his own hands, only has common interests in his heart, and only a great cause."

"Why?" Roach heard himself asking hollowly. "Why are you so sure that Pei Shu can help Du Zhengyi? Didn't you deify Pei Shu's power? He can bring the dead back to life?"

"I just know." Wan Pei said, looking at Roach.

Luo Qi looked at him numbly, and many intricate trajectories passed through his mind. He was thinking numbly. What covered all of this was the fact that Du Zhengyi would never live to be old. Knowing how he cut his emotions apart, or that he didn't actually do anything, it's just human nature that made him unable to respond to this event at all, and a large part of his self refused to believe that this event was real.

Maybe Wan Pei was just mistaken, he was just an old soldier after all, he looked full of vigor, and he didn't look like he could carefully ascertain the truth at all.

But a large part of Luo Qi was thinking quickly. He let several selves quickly compare all the events and analyze all the possibilities. The old man was still complaining about Qiong Lin and Pei Shu. .

"He doesn't care about Du Zhengyi, just like he doesn't care about Guan Yushan, because he thinks they are all unqualified."

Luo Qi took a long breath, "You mean, Pei Shu can choose people who are qualified to live forever, right? Why does he have such power?"

(End of this chapter)

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