magician in town

Chapter 200 Another World

Chapter 200 Another World

Chapter 190 Eight

Roach was silent for a long while, and the new information smashed his daily cognition into black.

"I don't think I'm a person who spreads the news." The old man said casually, looking at Roach with one eye, "Maybe Du Zhengyi feels that he is obliged to guard the secrets of Gushan. But, child, you have heard of the three Do mages keep secret spells?"

Roach shook his head blankly.

The old man put down his wine glass and seriously explained the theorem to the young man, "Three mages can keep a secret if and only if one of them kills the other two."

Roach was taken aback, "Is this still a necessary and sufficient condition?"

"Sufficient and necessary conditions." Wan Pei nodded in affirmation.

"Didn't Pei Shu ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement when he was talking about the boat ticket with you?" Luo Qi said with a heavy heart.

"Since he is a smart person, he knows that the thing is useless." Wan Pei said, "Things are placed wherever they are. Every once in a while, every year or a few years, many people will get tickets. Don't they Will everyone be tight-lipped and not say goodbye to their relatives and friends? In this magical world, as long as you live long enough, you will definitely hear about it."

Luo Qi asked suspiciously, "Longevity should be the most attractive thing in the world, right? Since someone knows the news, someone has other thoughts, right?"

"What do you think a Gushan guard like Du Zhengyi is for?" Wan Pei grinned.

Luo Qi was stunned, and instantly recalled the reason why Du Zhengyi was injured. Mahjong said that he was in the lonely mountain at that time, and he was guarding something at that time.If these are connected in series, Du Zhengyi was performing guard duties in the lonely mountain at that time. He was guarding the secret of longevity, and he was seriously injured for this secret.

His heart twitched violently, and Roach roared angrily, "This is too fucking ridiculous!"

He guards the secret of other people's longevity, he almost died because of it, he was extremely weak because of it, and in the end he would not live long because of it.

He remembered the one-eyed old soldier's argument with Du Zhengyi. He remembered that Wan Pei's suspicion of Qionglin at that time was the same as today, and Du Zheng's trust and loyalty to Qionglin were exactly the same as his lifelong virtues. "Then what right does Du Zhengyi have to argue with you like that?"

"I think he will be more qualified to be loyal to Qionglin because of this." The old man said, "This seems to be a paradox, but Pei Shu's refusal to help his most beloved child just proves Pei Shu's selflessness. Qionglin If you know Du Zhengyi well, I think you will understand that he has always wanted a meaning, and now this incident just gave him a meaning."

"Bullshit meaning?" Roach cried, "This world is absurd. What kind of shit is meaning? I don't want meaning, I just want Du Zhengyi to live, because I am very happy when he is alive, I am happy in this world It makes fucking sense to me, otherwise it doesn't."

The old man looked into Roach's eyes with great interest, "Are all the children nowadays as selfish as you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Roach glared at him. "Have I hurt anyone? Whom am I happy to hurt? My behavior hurts no one, so why am I a self? Don't I live?" The right to pursue happiness? Didn't Du Zhengyi have the right to pursue life? Whose interests did Pei Shu represent? What common interests, what great cause? Qiong Lin is no different from them at all? Who is Pei Shu? Is he the judge who weighs the soul? Who does he weigh the soul for? Why is Du Zhengyi's soul not enough? Has he identified it? Proof? Is the proof justified? Do I have the right to know?"

"Look." The old man said flatly, "You have been poisoned by humans, and they will definitely say that you have been messed up by humans. They also refused to tell me whether those high-rebellion teenagers I was ordered to capture were real or not. High rebellion? How likely are they to be high rebellious in the future? How long will they be imprisoned and when will it end? If I ask too many questions, even Du Zhengyi doesn’t think it’s reasonable.”

Luo Qi lowered his head wearily, rubbing his hands on his face, "Don't think about right or wrong, Grandpa, let's think about it together with our brains, does such a thing as longevity really exist?"

The old man was silent for a while, as if he was making his last assessment and consideration, and finally said cautiously, "As far as I know, this should be true."

Luo Qi looked at him, his eyes were astringent, this news stimulated him, he never thought that such a situation would happen.But deep down in his heart, he knew he'd been waiting for such news, and he knew something was there.Certain paradoxes have always existed, certain signs he cannot ignore, and certain people have been approaching the secret of the Lonely Mountain reluctantly.

The old man said again, "As I said, as long as you live long enough, you will definitely hear about it, even more than once. I also said goodbye to someone else, and that was a mage who was much better than me. I said a lot, far more than what Pei Shu said to me when it was my turn. That old man is a master of ancient and modern knowledge, and he has done a lot of research on his way of immortality. According to his research, he thinks that everything Information is contained in ancient legends."

"I can write fifty such legends in one afternoon." Roach said, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab his hair, and rubbed the hair on the top of his head to make it shattered. He didn't look like Du Zhengyi.

"Calm down, kid, you have to be patient to be a mage, or it won't be easy for more than 200 years," said the old man.

"Okay, what the hell is that?" Roach looked at the old soldier.

"The great mage believes that the key point is the legend of regaining a young body." Wan Pei said, "Obtain a young body and be reborn in another world."

"Which world?" Roach asked, "Which world do we have, which world can we reach by boat?"

"What is the travel method of our mages, child, haven't you used the Pendragon orbit system?" the old man said, "We travel through space, travel in the shortest way between two points, and we fold space."

Roach finally understood, "So it's not really a ship, is it? Maybe it's a gate leading to another dimension? The Lonely Mountain Guard is the gatekeeper?"

"He believes that there is a better world. After the aging mage obtains a young body, he will pass through the gate deep in the lonely mountain and arrive at that world. You can call that world whatever you want, heaven, the world of bliss, in short, it is roughly like this place," Wan Pei said.

(End of this chapter)

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