magician in town

Chapter 201 Chaos

Chapter 201 Chaos

Chapter 190 Nine

"Immortality seems like a myth. But kids think about what our magic can do? We can travel through space, we can create objects from the void, we can duplicate our own consciousness, why can't we achieve immortality? Many, many Combining many high-energy magics together, with the synchronous power of the magic circle, is it really impossible to achieve immortality?" Wan Pei whispered.

"What did you say?" Roach asked in surprise, "Magic circle?"

"You don't know the magic that many people use together, do you?" Wan Pei said.

"Of course I know." Luo Qi murmured, his thoughts had already flashed to the day when they were tricked by Fan Shi to the Heping Street Sub-district Office, that day he and Du Zhengyi acted like real partners for the first time, For the first time, he gained Du Zhengyi's trust and friendship.While resting by the river, Du Zhengyi gave him a secret, a secret that might be related to his future.

Du Zhengyi told him that many mind masters would work for Pei Shu in the first laboratory, and they all worked together. He even learned later that even Pei Shu was not in the world during the three months. Possibly working in the first lab.

He knew that what Wan Pei said was actually very likely to be true.

"If there is really a way to bring the dead back to life, if we actually have rebirth magic, this kind of magic must be very difficult, and how much energy it takes to use it once." Roach came back to his senses and said, "In a legendary way, this It is a ticket to reach the other shore. In today's terms, this is just a scarce resource, and everyone may not be able to share this opportunity. But they can't treat this as a secret and hold it by themselves. I don’t know the rules to choose people who can survive.”

"Civet cat, have you ever thought that Du Zhengyi supports this rule." The old man said patiently.

Roach pursed his lips tightly, unable to speak.

"Du Zhengyi supports this kind of rule, and this is the true manifestation of Du Zhengyi's loyalty." Wan Pei said, he sighed, and looked up at the eternal night outside the window, "Perhaps although Pei Shu is unreasonable, But he may have also given up the opportunity to enter the gate of eternity, only in this way can he gain Du Zhengyi's respect and recognition, which is also his loyalty to Du Zhengyi."

"Two like-minded dead people." Roach said sarcastically.

"Maybe." The old man said, "I can understand that for people of your age, life has just begun, and it's a normal choice not to let go. However, if Du Zhengyi gets the chance to be reborn, I think you will too. Still lost this friend, he will leave this world."

"Knowing that he is alive and well somewhere in the world is different from knowing that he is dead." Roach said stubbornly, but he had already begun to feel depressed, deeply depressed.The secret of Gushan is out of reach, and the person who even guards the secret of Gushan is Du Zhengyi himself.He didn't dare to hope that he could really go into the lonely mountain and dig out the secrets there. What's more, in order for Du Zhengyi to survive, he had to step on Du Zhengyi's body to get the secrets of the lonely mountain. That's ridiculous.

"The only chance and the best solution is that Pei Shu can change his mind." Wan Pei said.

"What is his selection criteria?" Roach asked, this was the first time he asked this question calmly today, the previous few times he was almost complaining and yelling.

"I don't know." The old man said helplessly, "I only know that the goal he chooses must be beneficial to the entire race of mages. Maybe Du Zhengyi is not good enough, but not appropriate enough. His immortality may be beneficial to the entire race of mages." The benefits just so happen not to be particularly great.”

Luo Qi shook his head dejectedly, "This kind of thinking is really similar to that of the Lotus Burner. They kept saying the same thing. I understand now that the Lotus Burner just wants to replace Qionglin and become Qionglin."

The old man pondered for a while and said, "Except for the extreme slogans, the Lotus Burners are actually not a rare organization in the history of mages. You are right, they are just some ambitious people. Instead of Qionglin. The Du family did support a venerable. That venerable and Pei Shu were both likely to become the first venerable at that time. Pei Shu's proposition seemed more moderate, but the other venerable did A man of action and a man to follow."

Luo Qi couldn't understand, "In this case, as a descendant of the Du family, didn't Du Zhengyi have any psychological barriers when he followed Pei Shu?"

"I don't know, Du Zhengyi is not a talkative little girl." The old man made a grimace, and looked a bit like an old urchin again, "Maybe Du Zhengyi and Pei Shu are more like-minded, and he trusts Pei Shu more .”

Luo Qi knew that it would be difficult for him to dig out any useful information from Wan Pei. He just didn't trust Pei Shu at first, but the information he got from Wan Pei was more than he wanted, and it was more important. fatal.He thought for a while in a trance, but he couldn't come to any useful conclusions.There is no solution after thinking about it over and over again.More importantly, he hoped from the bottom of his heart that he was wrong, his premonition had no basis, and Wan Pei would be wrong too. Du Zhengyi may be seriously injured, but he may not necessarily die. Well, Du Zhengyi's name will go down in history, and there is a statue of a miracle doctor in Qionglin or in the school.

The old man seemed to think that today's chat was over, showing some intention to say goodbye to Roach.

It was only then that Luo Qi realized his real intention of coming to Wan Pei today, and he quickly reached out his hand to stop the old man, "Wait a minute, Grandpa, we haven't finished talking about the first thing!"

"What's the matter?" The old man had been immersed in his sentimental feelings towards Du Zhengyi, and couldn't remember what the big raccoon cat king was going to talk to him when he just sat down.

"It's about Xingtai Mountain." Luo Qi inspired him, "What exactly is Guan Yushan guarding?"

The old man didn't say anything.

"As I said just now, I'm not a careerist. I'm not interested in what's buried under Xingtai Mountain."

"Then why do you keep emphasizing it over and over again? My child, the things that are repeatedly emphasized often have the opposite meaning during the period." The old man said.

"Yes, I don't care what is buried under Xingtai Mountain, because I know what is buried under Xingtai Mountain."

The old man was indifferent.

"It's empty under Xingtai Mountain." Roach said softly.

The old man looked up at Roach in surprise.

"Someone took the contents, left an empty tomb, left the guardian crystal, and even left a guardian."

(End of this chapter)

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