magician in town

Chapter 209 The Robber

Chapter 209 The Robber

Chapter [-]

There is only one table in the hotel restaurant, partly because seven in the morning is not the opening time of the restaurant for dinner, and partly because Mahjong said that since Roach has the ability to let others cook earlier, why can't they have a hearty meal earlier , anyway, all of them have been turned upside down day and night so that there is jet lag.

Both Du Zhengyi and Luo Qi hadn't eaten for two days. Luo Qi ate a few mouthfuls without any image, but found that he had suffered retribution. .

"Du Zhengyi, even if you are Du Zhengyi," Mahjong stuffed a small piece of steamed pork ribs into his mouth, "you will never guess what Roach did!"

Luo Qi put down his chopsticks and hid himself behind his arms, "My pressure in the eyes suddenly increased."

"You should be a little stressed." Mahjong looked at him, "It's useless to pretend to be sick, Roach, even a blind person like you can see through your broken ways."

"Brother Jiang," Roach asked anxiously, "Why do you know what I'm doing?"

"There is a saying that good things don't go out, but bad things go far." Mahjong said, "Your cat is on the table, do you have table manners?"

Luo Qi clutched his kitten, his expression turned serious, "While I was asleep, those grass and wood people from the black market came to the door?"

Du Zhengyi raised his eyes and glanced at him, "Did you go to Zhouqiao Grass Market by yourself?"

Luo Qi looked hesitantly at Du Zhengyi, then at Mahjong, and finally looked at Guan Xinyue for help, "They are not cheating on me, are they?"

Guan Xinyue carefully poked a pineapple bun with her chopsticks, "It seems...not."

"You heard me, bear cub!" Mahjong said, and the black cat came over again, making up his mind to hook the pork rib steamer at Mahjong's hand. what?"

Roach was nervous and anxious, "His name is Ricky."

"I'm on the same level as you." Guan Xinyue said.

Roach didn't retort, he did have a bit of brain pain, twitching near his temple, it may be a hangover, or it may be the result of the pressure on his head these two days.

"Roach, I really admire your courage." Mahjong threw another rib to the kitten, "You are definitely the only person in the last century who provoked the black market administrators like this. What I am most concerned about is, were you Are you not in a mentally abnormal state?"

Roach said nothing, looking down at his empty plate.

"What did Roach do?" Du Zhengyi asked in a low voice after being silent for a while.

"Your Luo Qi..." Mahjong put down his chopsticks angrily, otherwise he would point uncivilizedly with the chopsticks, and he might hit Luo Qi's head with the chopsticks.He turned to Du Zhengyi and said, "Have you seen his cat? Do you think it's different from his previous one?"

Du Zheng glanced at the cat, and Roach also looked at his own cat, "What's wrong with the cat?"

"That's your Luo Qi who came back from robbery in Zhouqiaocao City," Mahjong said angrily, "Your little friend has made a lot of money and ransacked the pet store there!"


The exclamation actually came from Roach's mouth, even Du Zhengyi looked at him suspiciously, "Is this news untrue?"

"What's not true, even Qiong Lin knows now, and I've confirmed with the black market management that it's your Luo Qi. I think he's drunk, he doesn't know what he did." Mahjong said . "Crazy, you don't pay for things on the black market."

"Why didn't you pay?" Du Zhengyi asked quietly.

"I..." Roach said, thinking carefully again, "I forgot to pay."

"Forget..." Mahjong was stunned angrily, "Why did you go to the 24-hour honesty supermarket that is newly emerging by human beings?"

Luo Qi sat blankly, and Du Zhengyi probably thought he was frightened, so he picked up a shrimp dumpling for him, "If you drink too much and make a fuss, don't be so afraid. There will be a legend for a while that the black market is all about money in the deepest sense, if you double the money and add a little face, it will always pass."

"Hey, Du Zhengyi, what are you talking about? Are you so protective?" Mahjong said angrily, "Do you think your little cutie is a cat that was given to him by telepathy? What the hell is he? Robbery, he opened all the pet cages, strangled the owner unconscious with a boa constrictor, stung the clerk unconscious with a fucking scorpion, smashed the inside to pieces, and drank all the wine they kept , and finally ran away with this cat in his arms. Passing by the famous well in Caoshi, Zhouqiao, he threw a wine bottle into it and spit! Let me tell you, even if you spit on your The black market manager won't forgive him, and you, the guarantor, even if it's all about saving face!"

Du Zhengyi was also a little surprised, his eyebrows raised slightly, "You are rebellious, do you really have to spit?"

"What?" Mahjong said angrily, "What are you focusing on? You don't think it's a big deal? Don't you?"

Roach was more surprised than everyone else, he couldn't help it, "Just for this?"

"Fuck," Mahjong glared at him, "Aren't these things big enough?"

Roach hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to say it or not.Du Zhengyi ate his meal slowly, and asked in a low voice, "So why did you come to Qiaocao City, Luo Qi, and what else did you do?"

Mahjong looked at Roach in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"Don't always think of Roach as a lunatic." Du Zhengyi said calmly, "How could he go to the black market on purpose to drink and rob the zoo? Is he that childish in your eyes?"

"Fuck," Mahjong murmured and cursed again, "I really hope he's just a little naive, what else is he doing? I don't have the guts to listen anymore."

"I beat up Dai Wei." Luo Qi went all out and told the truth.

"Who is Dai Wei?" Mahjong was taken aback, but then he realized, "No, that's not important. How the hell did you break the biggest rule of the black market and hit people in the black market?"

"How did you play?" Du Zhengyi ignored mahjong and continued to ask.

"Use..." Roach hesitated, "Just watch a movie together."

Guan Xinyue suddenly caught up with her thoughts on the opposite side, "A horror movie?"

"Yeah," Roach said.

"Is there no one dead? Is he not crazy?" Mahjong asked worriedly.

"Dai Wei is a middleman. He offered a bounty for some big bosses in the black market. I asked him to withdraw the bounty." Roach said in a low voice, "He offered a bounty for Du Zhengyi's body parts."

Mahjong took a deep breath, and he and Du Zheng looked at each other.

Guan Xinyue looked around at them, "Is it not in compliance with the rules?"

"Put this together with torturing people in the black market, and it's enough for the black market administrator to issue a gold reward for Roach's parts." Mahjong said in a low voice.

"But," said Roach, feeling relieved, "but they didn't mention it?"

Du Zhengyi also looked at Mahjong, who shook his head, "No one knows about this."

Roach breathed a sigh of relief and sat up straight, "Look, I knew they were more inclined to Du Zhengyi, I just did for them what they were inconvenient to do directly. Snatching any cat is just avoiding the important thing, fuck it What a neutral black market administrator, I know everything is politics."

Mahjong had nothing to say, and Du Zhengyi opened his mouth to analyze, "Zhouqiaocao City does not want to destroy the relationship with any party, but they want to maintain the status quo. The lotus burner is rising, and the balance that has been maintained for thousands of years is being broken. An ancient force like Zhouqiaocao City may feel threatened. It is understandable that they tend to Qionglin and Pei Shu at this time, not to mention that the sandbox rules of Zhouqiaocao City have not been violated, and Roach has not used Offensive magic."

Mahjong looked displeased, Du Zheng sighed and said, "They have nothing to do, offensive telepaths are indeed above many rules. And I think the administrators of the black market don't want to easily offend this kind of mage, especially they may not know this Who is the mage's real body, Roach is completely in the dark compared to them."

Seeing that Luo Qi beside him looked angry, he changed the topic, "So Luo Qi, why don't you tell me what you are going to do in the black market? You probably only found out that there was a reward for me after you went to the black market." Bar?"

Roach tensed up.

(End of this chapter)

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