Chapter 210

Chapter [-]

"Why did you go to Zhouqiao Grass City?" Du Zhengyi turned his head and looked at Luo Qi calmly.

There was a thin layer of sweat on the tip of Luo Qi's nose, and Du Zhengyi's eyes were not sharp. As usual, when he looked at Du Zhengyi's eyes, he often thought of chocolate.The sunlight outside the window fell on Du Zhengyi's head, and his eyes reminded him of warm dark brown chocolate.Du Zhengyi would not scold him harshly, would not look at him coldly, would not look at him suspiciously like mahjong, and would not look at him as if seeing a ghost like those people did.

He is a powerful person, and now Luo Qi is glad that there is such a powerful person as Du Zhengyi in the world, and fortunate that Du Zhengyi can tolerate him.The so-called powerful doesn't just mean that he can burn a flaming mountain and split ball lightning, but also refers to his heart.The so-called tolerance also includes that Du Zhengyi really has no guard against him in his heart.

If there really is a Boggart in human legends in the world, Roach knows what he will see, a Du Zhengyi who no longer trusts him and is full of guard against him.

Therefore, it is really no wonder that he is sweating coldly right now. Since he woke up until now, the most recent strings in his mind are not whether the black market wants to order him in the world, nor is it after the lotus burner knows his real body. How to use this information will have to be discussed tomorrow.Roach's biggest problem today is how to answer Du Zhengyi so as not to lose his credibility in front of Du Zhengyi.After all, mages are also human beings, and no one can stay insane in a hundred years of solitude. Especially telepaths understand that the only way to keep their minds healthy is to find a chord that resonates.

Luo Qi knew that he had to answer Du Zhengyi's question carefully. He had the idea of ​​telling Du Zhengyi everything. He didn't want to lie, and he was not a person who was willing to bear secrets.But what can he say, the result is nothing but a big fight.He told Du Zhengyi that he hoped that he could live a long life, so at least get him a boat ticket, so he thought about prying into the secrets of Gushan.The result must be that Du Zhengyi stood up and beat him down as the guard of the lonely mountain.

He suspected that it was Du Zhengyi's bottom line, and Du Zhengyi's bottom line was something he valued more than his life. He wanted to get a boat ticket for Du Zhengyi, but in the end, he might get a ticket from Du Zhengyi himself. A direct ticket to Qionglin Hell.

"I'm going to see Wan Pei." Roach said carefully, lying in front of Du Zhengyi, it's best to tell the truth except for the one sentence that you can't tell. "Are you still eating? If you don't, I'll show you my cat."

The attention of the three people was attracted, and they all looked at Luo Qi's little black cat at the same time, and gave up paying attention to Luo Qi.This cat is bigger than Luo Qi's last little milk cat, but it is far from the level of a cat uncle. Just when the three of them turned their eyes, the little black cat gnawed into pieces A piece of bone, as if teeth were extremely sharp.

Mahjong couldn't help squinting his eyes carefully, "What is this...?"

Guan Xinyue was surprised when she heard his question, "Isn't it a cat?"

Roach licked his lips, "Are you sure it's a cat? Are you sure you've seen this little thing in your life or in a documentary?"

He reached out and petted the kitten, scratched it gently on its back, pulled the kitten's soft ears, and showed the three of them the long, thin black hairs on the kitten's pointed ears.

Guan Xinyue laughed, "Like a pigtail."

As she spoke, she reached out to touch the little black cat, and Roach pulled her hand away, "Don't, this one can't be touched."

Guan Xinyue was taken aback, Luo Qi's spirit was tense, and he showed a rare expression of nervousness.The kitten looked well-behaved and harmless. It tilted its head to look at her with bright yellow eyes, and licked it with its tiny tongue.Luo Qi suddenly became more nervous, and stretched out his hand to block the kitten's front, while the other hand ran along the cat's back.

Startled by Luo Qi's nervous attitude, Guan Xinyue shrank back and sat a little further away.As soon as she backed away, the kitten suddenly turned her head coquettishly, and rushed back to Roach's shoulder, rubbing her forehead against Roach's neck.

Roach rubbed the kitten, "This cat is very useful. Brother, try to attack me."

"I attack you?" Du Zhengyi said, sounding not very motivated.

"You don't have to really attack me, just try to think that I'm hateful and you want to attack me." Roach said, "But be careful, be careful."

Du Zheng glanced at the cat, "Will it rush up and scratch my face?"

Mahjong laughed, "I will tear you into a ball, hurry up and get ready to teleport."

"Please be serious," Roach whispered.

Mahjong couldn't help laughing again, "It's the first time I heard Roach tell others to be serious."

"Okay." Du Zhengyi said, turned to look at Roach, and made serious preparations for attack and defense.

All three were staring at Roach and Roach's cat.But after a while, the cat was just a cat, rubbing sleepily on Roach's neck and yawning.

"Roach, are you playing tricks on us just to change the subject?" Mahjong asked.

Luo Qi sighed, "Brother, do you really like me? It's not easy for you to seriously want to beat me up, is it? Don't scare me again! I've already seen through that you are a paper tiger. In the future, I want to Whatever it is!"

"Alas," Mahjong said, "do what you can."

Du Zhengyi lowered his head and laughed, "Why don't you play mahjong, don't you want to tear Roach three times a day?"

"Eight times, let me tell you, it's still a conservative estimate." Mahjong said, he leaned forward, thinking of Roach's hatefulness, he had long been planning to beat Roach to death, this little bastard, today is indeed the one Chance.

"Meow," the kitten called out suddenly, turned to stare at Mahjong, and observed him motionlessly, Mahjong was also surprised.

"Is this a telepathic creature?" Mahjong said. He had heard of the existence of such creatures, but only in legends. Legend has it that ancient creatures once flourished unprecedentedly.

The kitten coughed strangely, which sounded like a cat about to spit out a hairball.

Guan Xinyue couldn't hold on for the first time, "Will it vomit a hairball and disgust the doctor?"

Mahjong glared at Roach angrily, "If you're kidding me..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the small creature shaped like a black cat suddenly "clicked" its throat and spit out a mouthful of mucus at him.

Mahjong instinctively picked up a plate at hand to cover his face. Although he was a doctor, he was a trained mage after all, and his reaction speed was amazing. The kitten's slime fell in the middle of his plate.

Guan Xinyue was stunned. Just as she was about to say that the kitten spit like an old man, she heard a small and strange sound coming from the plate.She saw that Mahjong's face changed. The plate in his hand started from the middle, and a hole gradually appeared under the corrosion of the mucus.

Roach murmured and comforted his kitten, who finally turned around, grabbed his clothes and slid into his lap.

"Xinyue," Luo Qi raised his head and shrugged his shoulders under the astonished stares of the three people, "You have to sit farther away, I think the strong corrosive mucus diluted in the air may still be a little irritating to the human respiratory system. "

Guan Xinyue immediately sat on the other side of the table, far away from the unlucky plate.

(End of this chapter)

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