Chapter 309

Chapter [-]

Pei Shu's departure was as sudden as his appearance. Although his movements were a bit slow, his spirit was still as strong as that of a mature man.

When Pei Shu really left, Luo Qi began to realize that he was in a completely strange place, and he might need to live here for a while.He, like all normal people, felt uncomfortable.Du Zhengyi, like all abnormal people, can't see any feelings, and he can show the spirit of "ownership" wherever he goes.

After sending Pei Shu away, Du Zhengyi walked into the corridor, found the two rooms pointed out to him by memory, opened the door of one of them and walked in.Like a psychopath, Roach naturally followed in.

"A single bed." Du Zheng looked back at Luo Qi, pointed to the small bed, and motioned to Luo Qi.

Luo Qi looked confused, as if he didn't understand what he meant, and looked like a fool.

"Do you want to live in this room?" Du Zhengyi asked him.

Luo Qi came to his senses half a beat late, "Oh, that's not what I meant, I just... ah, I..."

"Are you wandering in your head again? There is no emergency now, can you talk to me after you gather all your three souls and seven souls?" Du Zhengyi said in a bad tone.

"Ah?" Roach was surprised, and immediately understood what Du Zhengyi meant, and quickly denied it. "No, there's no such thing, I'm all here, not in my own head."

Du Zhengyi looked at him suspiciously.

Roach rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "That's not the case, er, it's the case, I..."

Du Zhengyi leaned his back against the head of the bed impatiently, and stood facing him, with his arms crossed across his chest, "Aren't you very eloquent? You suddenly stuttered, what bad idea are you thinking?"

Roach scratched his hair, "Um...not really, I...want to make sure that the two of us...just now is not...turning faces, right?"

Du Zhengyi understood what he meant, "Come here and check with me to see if the two of us have broken off our friendship?"

"Breaking off's too serious, it's not a man's behavior." Roach's language system suddenly caught up again, and he blinked, "It's just... we just talked about the matter, right? It's about the matter, not the person, yes Bar?"

"It's the right person, I think you are very unpleasant." Du Zhengyi said firmly.

Instead, Roach grinned, as if he had received a guarantee, and sat down on the bed with a playful smile, "Such a small bedroom also has a private bathroom. The conditions here are really good."

Du Zhengyi looked at him with a hiss, "When someone scolds you, you think it's a compliment, right?"

Roach waved his hand, as if he didn't care about small things.He also kicked off his shoes, fell down, and fell on his back on the bed.

"I want to sleep in this one. I don't know why, but I think the one you picked must be better."

"Really shameless."

"True hair."

Roach let out an "ouch", and his nose hit a small bouncing stone with moderate force, which not only ensured that he didn't have a nosebleed, but also ensured that his nose was so sore that he couldn't open his eyes.

"Do you still want to listen to two bedtime stories?" Du Zheng asked indifferently.

Roach kept silent vigilantly, covering his nose and closing his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Du Zhengyi continued, "Then I will tell you an important bedtime story."

"Huh?" Roach opened his eyes suspiciously and looked at him, "Are you going to tell me a little secret?"

"Yes, big brother wants to tell you a little secret." Du Zhengyi said, his tone became more and more dangerous.

Luo Qi looked at him vigilantly. He had already moved close to Luo Qi, looking down at him condescendingly, "I want to tell you a little secret. The secret is: Qionglin, this system is actually very suspicious. If they prove their innocence and make inferences of innocence, they want to be morally perfect. People like me who go through life and death for Qionglin...Of course, I don’t care what they think, but people like me who are so desperate for Qionglin, They are also always alert that I may have rebellious intentions.”

"Hmm," Roach stared at a pair of deer eyes, "it's really chilling."

Du Zhengyi was amused, "Don't be funny here, chilling or not is the smallest thing. What I want to ask you is, have you ever thought that in such an environment, as a person with real high energy , how to survive?"

Luo Qi seemed to really think about it, and said, "Get rid of Pei Shu, and I will be the boss?"

Du Zhengyi laughed again, but his expression became more and more serious, "No, Roach. The way to survive is not to say anything that doubts Qionglin, don't question, don't speak for the lotus burner, don't speak for human beings."

Roach pursed his lips again.

"Luo Qi, it doesn't matter to you now, because Pei Shu is still here, and so am I. I will guarantee your personality. Under my guarantee, under Pei Shu's guarantee and trust, everything is easy to say. And , and no one will really aim at a child like you endlessly. However, you still have more than 100 years to live, and you will grow up on the road of more than 100 years. You are a child with strength in your hand, you are destined to You will become a powerful mage, someone will want to use you, someone will be afraid of you, and you will stand in a very important position. On that day, all the words you said and all you showed on the way forward True thoughts will become a curse to you." Du Zhengyi said.

Roach was silent for a long time, and said, "Will you continue to guarantee and testify for me?"

Du Zhengyi's eyelids drooped, and he said in a low voice after a while, "Everyone is alone in the end."

Roach closed his eyes, a wave of anger and sadness churning in his chest.He suddenly remembered how familiar this emotion was, that he had felt similar emotions before.He still remembered that feeling, and also remembered that place, in the well of Guan Yushan's house.

Du Zheng straightened up, and his tone became relaxed again, "You are a child, aren't you? The toys others hold are good, and the places others sleep are comfortable? I will give you this room tonight. I wish you a good night's sleep. Have a good night's sleep. But when you wake up tomorrow, you have to confess to me, when did you see the clownfish's thigh? I wonder what you two did together."

Luo Qi was amused, he looked up from the bed, saw Du Zheng leaving the room with a smile, and helped him close the door.Hearing Du Zhengyi's footsteps, he turned to the next room, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing.

He rolled over on the bed and buried his face in the pillow.There was a scent of medicine in the pillow, and before he had time to wash his face, he fell asleep and had a night of strange dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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