magician in town

Chapter 310 The Missing Toilet

Chapter 310 The Missing Toilet

Chapter [-]

Roach woke up from a deep sleep, and he was in a good mood after getting enough sleep.The Highland sun streamed through the open windows, and Roach was comforted by the interior's large patches of warm rich color like chocolate.The worries at night always subside when the sun rises. At night, I feel that I have reached a dead end, and when it dawns, I feel that hopelessness is not worth mentioning.

He jumped up and walked to the window.One thing Pei Shu said may be right, the sun will always rise as usual.

At first glance, he found that the vegetation outside the window was very lush, which didn't seem to be in line with the ecological conditions here, but this is not a rare thing in the realm of mages.Luo Qi looked at the garden outside the window, a row of houses looming in the garden.

There are several towering ancient trees growing in the middle of this garden, vaguely setting an unusual tone for this place.Obviously, the area of ​​this garden will not be particularly large, but the deep atmosphere formed by those forests makes people suspect that this place is connected with deep mountains and lush forests, and there may be deer wandering in the deep forests.

There is a small lake in the forest, half of the lake is hidden behind the bushes, and some mist floats intermittently on the water, and the standing flakes of mist look a bit strange.It seems that a group of mountain elves in gray skirts are wandering and walking on the water, spending their time in the mountains.

Roach stared at the lake from the window for a while, feeling a little ethereal and serene, and it didn't make people feel weird.There was a row of houses vaguely behind the tree, and he seemed to see a figure passing by the window.He suspected that it was the end of the garden, a small park that wasn't too big.

Roach turned around and looked at the room where he had slept all night. The color here was rich and neat.The floor was covered with thick blankets like the small living room yesterday, and there were also a few cushions scattered on the floor in front of the bed.If you want to improve space utilization in a small room, there are not many options. Most of them use the ground like this to sit on the ground.People who live here, if they want to meet guests in privacy, probably can only use this small area in front of the bed.Fortunately, although the space is not large, it is still comfortable, and all the materials used are very elegant.Roach guessed that this might be some kind of life philosophy or philosophy of life of the highland mage, although Roach couldn't sum up what this philosophy and philosophy were.All in all, in Roach's words, that tune.

There is a small round table next to the bed, on which a glass of water and a plate of energy beans are already placed.Roach made a bitter face at the plate of beans, not thinking about eating at all.

It's less than 07:30 now. Roach himself is a person who gets enough sleep easily, but if he calculates the time, he knows that Du Zhengyi will not wake up.He planned to go for a walk in the garden outside the window, and take a look at who lived in the house opposite the garden.

He fumbled around the tapestry first, trying to find the secret door he had glimpsed yesterday.He needs to satisfy his physical needs before peeing his pants. At the beginning, this matter was not very urgent, but after he touched the tapestries hanging on the four walls of the room, he became a little confused.I don't understand why the highland mage has such a wicked design, who would hide the toilet?

Roach tried hard to remember where and how the bathroom door appeared yesterday.The result of his thinking made him a little nervous. The door leading to the bathroom was not there when they first looked at the room yesterday. Later, when Du Zheng walked into the room, the door had already appeared.

When Luo Qi thought of this, his heart sank—no, maybe it was actually Du Zhengyi who wanted to use the bathroom at that time, so when he entered the room, he let the bathroom appear, the situation was like entering the room and turning on the light .The more Roach thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. He had never seen Du Zhengyi use magic, which was as smooth and natural as breathing.You don't notice how a person breathes at all, so you don't notice Du Zhengyi using magic at all.

Roach folded his arms in annoyance and was angry at the wall where the toilet door disappeared.Life, suddenly the lotus burner, Qionglin, Pei Shu, and his own tragic experience seemed unimportant - he was about to pee on the carpet of his master's house like a puppy!Finding a place to pee was more important than anything else.See, what an important life insight this is, Roach made up his mind to write this sentence in his own inspiration, and also accompanied by illustrations.

Before he suffocated to death, he went out to Du Zhengyi's door and wandered around twice, but the door was closed tightly.He called his boss for help with his heart, but unfortunately the signal here might not be very good.He bit the bullet and went to the door of Mahjong to look around. Judging from the complete silence in the room, it is 80.00% likely that Mahjong did not wake up either.There was no movement in Guan Xinyue's room, and he didn't have the face to ask the little girl to borrow the bathroom.Although he is 100% sure that the clean girl must have used the bathroom last night, she must have asked Mahjong how to use the bathroom.

Roach frantically walked down the corridor in the other direction, not seeing any open doors.At the end of the corridor, he followed the turning of the corridor, turned right, and walked into a corridor of almost the same length.He secretly sighed that there are quite a lot of rooms in this building, and the end of the corridor is closed under a doorway the size of double doors.

He passed through the solid wood-wrapped door frame, and walked into a rather spacious hall, which was quite tastefully decorated, and there were places worthy of careful observation.But Roach was so urged that he was in no mood to take a closer look. The highland mage yesterday said he would be in the hall, and that hall must be here.Because compared to the small size of each room here, this place is really too big. If the word "hall" can replace a certain room and make everyone understand it, then it must be said That's it.

Roach hurriedly searched for the figure of the highland mage, but he couldn't find him after going around. He might be busy with something.Might as well be eating the toilet all by itself, Roach muttered unhappily.According to normal logic, there must be public toilets near the hall where people gather for activities.Roach looked around confidently, and found that although the hall was divided into several parts by decorations, it was generally a large room, and it was a perfectly symmetrical square.

Roach found four identical doors on the four walls of this square hall.To be exact, there are four identical door openings.

(End of this chapter)

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