magician in town

Chapter 342 Gambling

Chapter 342 Gambling

Chapter 340

Zhou Quan looked at it for a while, he was a little hesitant, but his face still showed eagerness, "How about... let's go and have a look? What if there are some great geographical discoveries? Anyway, I can't ski, so I can't waste an afternoon in vain."

"Okay." Roach got cheap and acted like a good boy, "How do you fold and store ski equipment, can you teach me the folding magic? This is really a practical spell."

Zhou Quan only carried a small bag on his back, and he was the one of the two of them who was responsible for carrying the equipment.

"It's easy to say, I can teach you. But I only brought prototype materials that are not easy to replicate. When I really want to ski, I need to make two complete sets of equipment first." Zhou Quan said, he looked at the sky, the sun It is still very strong, and the blue sky in the highlands is extraordinarily blue. "Then we'll talk as we go."

They walked to the river by stepping on the residual snow on the yellow grass.The water in the river was very shallow, and the surface of the river was not too wide. After Zhou Quan cast a few waterproof spells on their shoes and calves, they walked into the river.

Wading across the river, even if it wasn't broken through, was not very pleasant for Roach.He shuddered very visibly. "I think I'm about to pee my pants."

Zhou Quan laughed, and looked at Luo Qi carefully, "To be honest, don't be angry, you look like a good child raised by the family, why do you want to study with the highland mage, it's too painful."

"I want to be a battle mage." Roach said vaguely.

"If it's not crossing the line, can I ask you for some gossip?" Zhou Quan said suddenly.

Roach glanced at him, but he didn't feel disgusted. It was strange for someone who had no curiosity at all. He knew that he would come sooner or later. "What news? News is a scarce resource, and I charge for it."

"I don't want to know anything else. I'm just curious about Du Zhengyi. In fact, I'm not the only one who is curious. You can definitely feel that he is basically the focus of these people. Regardless of the good or the bad, he attracts everyone's attention anyway." Many people speculate that he is the one who will succeed Shuban Pei in the future." Zhou Quan said.

"You want to know if he's going to take over?" Roach asked.

"Ah no." Zhou Quan burst out with a smile, "I'm not interested in that. You see, with Du Zhengyi's character, even if I know that he will be the leader in the future, is it useful for me to curry favor with him now?"

"It's probably useless." Roach said honestly.

"That's right, so what does it matter to me whether he is a future venerable? I am always in charge of whoever becomes a venerable. I have accumulated five rounds of service time in Qionglin. After I have done enough of my current job, I will go on vacation in the human world, and I will not be recruited by the mage world for at least a few decades. So I don’t care who is the leader, and I will retire if I am not happy. But the word When I come back, I am not worried about Du Zhengyi taking the position of His Holiness. In all fairness, he is a just person."

Roach nodded and asked, "Then what do you want to ask?"

"I just have one question. Please satisfy my very personal curiosity." Zhou Quan said.

"Stop laying the groundwork."

"Okay, then tell me, why is your surname Luo? Aren't you Du Zhengyi's younger brother?" Zhou Quan asked eagerly.

"Why is my surname Luo?" Luo Qi said in astonishment. At this time, one of his hooves had stepped out of the water. "My surname is Luo, so I am Luo. Because my father's surname is Luo, so my surname is Luo. Besides. Du Zhengyi and I don't look alike at all, how can you tell that we are brothers? Is this the gossip you want to ask me?"

"But you are a mind mage! Isn't the appearance of your mind mages always covered up? You must not be what I see now, right?" Zhou Quan asked.

Luo Qi found out that he was actually serious. In Zhou Quan's eyes, he didn't know what his real face should look like under the skin. Maybe it was the smaller Du Zhengyi?Slowly, it suddenly occurred to him that other people might think so, and they must have guessed like this when they talked to him, and they didn't believe that he was him at all.My goodness, the mind mage itself is an existential nightmare.

Roach opened his mouth, but a new thought erased what he was about to say, and he said, "Wait a minute, are you making a bet?"

Zhou Quan's expression was complicated.

"Tell me quickly!" Roach said unwillingly, "I can help you win. But I will share half of the money you win!"

"Qiqi, your personality is nothing like Du Zhengyi." Zhou Quan said.

"Do you still want to win?"

"Okay." Zhou Quan's eyes lit up, and he made up his mind, "I will tell you at the risk of being beaten to death by Du Zhengyi, there is now an underground gambling game in the underground laboratory."

"It's really a veritable underground gambling game." Roach said, "I hang out in the underground every day and treat you like brothers, but none of you told me about it. I gave you my heart and soul for nothing."

"You haven't tried your heart and lungs. But that's not the point. The point is that no one will tell the person involved. Only I can do this kind of cheating."

"You asked me out to play just to find an opportunity to ask me the truth," Roach said.

"I swear to God, you are really fun." Zhou Quan said seriously.

"Then quickly tell me how you bet." Roach said.

"Well, some of us believe that you are Du Zhengyi's younger brother." Zhou Quan said.

"Anyone else bet on me?" Roach asked.

"No, other people bet that you are actually a girl." Zhou Quan said.

"FFFFFF..." Roach dragged his voice to curse.

"Because according to some gossip, Du Zhengyi once brought a beautiful woman into the black market."

Roach's swear words were choked back.He was suddenly panicked. If one day he really fell in love with a beautiful mage, would the girl be beaten to death and not believe that he was what he looked like?How on earth is he going to prove to the girl that he is him, a good-looking boy who is not tall enough?

Isn't this his own fault?The hole he dug for himself?

If that bastard Du Zhengyi dies in the future, he will definitely be treated as a widow by half of Qionglin...

The handsome Roach's eyes darkened...

"Roch." Zhou Quan stopped suddenly, "Do you think the wild donkey is getting more and more excited? I think there is something about this place."

"We're not on the mountain, are we?" Roach asked.

"We're in a valley. A valley at an altitude of 5000 meters...should not be considered a mountain...what do you mean?"

"If it's not a mountain, there will be a curse, right?" Roach said, "Let's probe around, can you measure magic energy?"

"A little bit, but don't expect me to reach Du Zhengyi's level." Zhou Quan was made a little nervous by him.

"Well, you can test it, I can use telepathy to test it too." Roach swallowed, "I don't feel very good."

(End of this chapter)

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