magician in town

Chapter 343 Red Valley

Chapter 343 Red Valley

Chapter 340

The valley in front of them was not a majestic canyon, sandwiched between mountains, the valley was like a wide corridor.Withered grass covered the whole canyon in spring, but as long as they looked up, they could find that the valley stretched far into the hinterland of the mountains. In the depths of the valley, after passing a certain invisible line, they could no longer see to any vegetation.

Surrounded by the most majestic snow-capped mountains on this planet, the blade-like ridges criss-cross here. As long as people stand here, they will have a vague sense of the sacred.But in the distance where there is no ice and snow, the exposed rocks have an unusual crimson color.

There is something odd about this valley.

"I can feel some strange energy fields, but I don't know which category to put this energy into. In other words, I don't know what is there." Zhou Quan complained.

Roach didn't make a sound, he was concentrating, his eyes were open, but what he was looking at was the vision of consciousness.

Roach carefully observes and evaluates in the field of vision of consciousness, evaluating all the consciousness he can observe.Fortunately, this is an inaccessible highland, and it is almost a forbidden place for life. Here, the number of consciousnesses he needs to detect and distinguish is very few.

So in this case, it is not difficult to lock on to a target.

"There is a highly complex consciousness here." Roach made his own judgment, and then switched from the vision of consciousness.

Zhou Quan stared at him, "What does that mean?"

"It means that there may be a person here, or something similar to a person, almost smart." Roach said.

"What are you talking about step by step? What is something as smart as a human being? Ghost? Gorilla? I'm a little scared by what you said." Zhou Quan said, looking around in horror.

The surroundings are still the usual highland scenery, but the strong wind has blown quietly, and when they look up, they can see the snow and fog like flags floating on the majestic snow mountains, like a world of yin and yang separated by ridges.Temperatures are dropping rapidly and there could be a bad day tonight.

Roach didn't really explain it to him. For Roach, after the previous experience, he was a little afraid to say that in this world, only people have such a high level of intelligence.However, it is also possible that he was frightened by the alien, and he himself is not sure.

"Just treat it as a person." Roach said.

"Is there a person in this valley?" Zhou Quan asked nervously, he hesitated and said, "Do you think he might be the person you mentioned?"

"Who?" Roach asked casually, but he had already thought of who Zhou Quan was talking about.

"Is it possible...that is the one you mentioned who has the ability to break into the highland mage's territory?" Zhou Quan asked.

"Maybe," Roach said.

"It must be him. In this no-man's land, it's not so easy to have a passerby in the valley." Zhou Quan said worriedly, "What is he planning to do when he stays here? Roach, I think we have to Hurry back and tell the Highland Mage."

Roach bowed his head and thought for a while, then said, "Do you think the highland mage will come here to check after receiving our report?"

"They will definitely come, right? There is a thief squatting at the door of the house, how big is it that you don't even come to see it?" Zhou Quan said, but the more he talked, the more he lost his confidence, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Roach shrugged.

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Zhou Quan said, crossing his arms.Although Roach didn't say anything, the facts were in front of them. "As far as the fairy spirit of the highland mage is completely different from ours, it's really hard to say whether they care about it or not."

"Tigers and wolves are still talking about cause and effect, and this situation is also normal among people with faith." Roach said in a low voice.

"You must be short-sighted."

"It can't be said that, existence is justified." Roach is unwilling to question the lifestyle chosen by others, "Under the current reality of mage degradation, highland mages are generally powerful and can basically maintain the level of first-class mages. Therefore, the highland mages are almost invincible as a group. In addition, they have never participated in other people's wars, and they have always been a neutral place, maintaining a balance."

"That's right, they can completely keep us out. As long as they open the door, this risk will increase." Zhou Quan sighed, rubbed his face, abandoned his emotions, and thought seriously for a while, "We We can't just leave it alone. We are the guests here now. Although the highland mage is of Buddhist origin, once something happens, Guadatian Lixia will definitely doubt us. The people here are basically Pei Shu's direct descendants, Qiong Lin's situation is still unclear, we have already made enemies, if there is a gap with the highland mage now, there may be big troubles in the future."

Luo Qi nodded. Everything he said made sense. He didn't expect Zhou Quan to be such a serious and responsible person.

Zhou Quan continued, "Let's go back and gather our own manpower, let Du Zhengyi come over and take a look first."

"What?" Roach woke up, startled.

"Only Du Zhengyi can do this now," Zhou Quan said ponderingly, seeming to go through the resumes of those people in his head, "most of the others are laboratory mages, who can't handle emergencies. There are also a few battle mages Candidates, they can also use it. But they have no qualifications, and Du Zhengyi is still required to lead the team."

"Wait." Roach said hastily, "There is no need for Du Zhengyi, I will go ahead and take a look. If this person can escape the induction magic of the highland mage and has the possibility of being invisible, then I think Du Zhengyi will be fine." It is useless to come here. After all, I am a mind mage, and it may be more suitable for me to come on this occasion."

Zhou Quan hesitated, and Luo Qi was glad that he didn't expose that he was just a trainee mind mage.Luo Qi didn't want to give him time to think, "You can follow me and help me."

Regardless of whether he agrees or not, Roach will move forward, he will not let Du Zhengyi go, Du Zhengyi should avoid all occasions where magic is used now.Besides, he didn't care about the behavior of these people. They usually ignored Du Zhengyi, but when they needed someone to go to Lei, they would be the first to think of Du Zhengyi.

"Okay." Zhou Quan finally nodded.

Luo Qi was a little surprised that he was so courageous. At most, he had hoped that Zhou Quan would go back and report the news, informing the highland mage that he had entered the valley.You must know that even if the highland mage doesn't value his opinion any more, if he gets into trouble, he still trusts the highland mage's morality.

"Are you going with me?" Roach couldn't help but confirm again.

"That's right." Zhou Quan said, looking at him curiously, "You are still a child, how can I let you go by yourself?"

"I'm not a child." Roach said in amazement, "My actual age is over 100 years old."

"If you're not a child, then you must be a girl." Zhou Quan hit the nail on the head at the right time, and he still couldn't forget his bet.

Roach decided to send him fifteen nightmares.

(End of this chapter)

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