magician in town

Chapter 344 Temple

Chapter 344 Temple

Chapter 340 Two

"The land exposed in the place where there is no snow in front is red, and there is no grass." Luo Qi and Zhou Quan walked slowly into the depths of the valley. He noticed that Zhou Quan was also calculating and measuring energy all the way like Du Zhengyi. "Do you know why?"

"Humans have explained this situation because the soil is rich in iron." Zhou Quan said simply, distracted from his calculations.

Luo Qi had a new understanding of Zhou Quan, "It's rare, ordinary mages don't care about human knowledge."

"Many mages know these things." Zhou Quan said, "They are just too embarrassed to say it. Everyone lives in a human society, most of them have TVs, almost everyone has mobile phones and computers, and they can know about it after watching TV series. Who wouldn’t know about it? It’s just that everyone pretends not to know.”

"Du Zhengyi doesn't have a TV, a mobile phone or a computer." Roach said casually.

"It's conceivable." Zhou Quan made a grimace, "He's different from us, he's a mage among mages."

"Do you believe that the soil here is rich in iron?" Roach asked suddenly.

"I was asked by you." Zhou Quan smiled, and looked at Roach again, as if trying to see the entity behind it through the mask Roach showed him. "Some soils are indeed red because they are rich in iron elements, but the presence of some rare magical elements can also make the soil red, and not even a blade of grass can grow. Ah, as for what kind of magical elements it contains, I don't know. Got it. You know I'm in charge of files, I've seen a lot of things, but I only know half of them."

"It's already awesome."

"Then can you tell me why those stupid donkeys are poking their heads at the mouth of the valley?" Zhou Quan looked back at the wild donkeys again. "We came in where the donkeys didn't even come in. I don't like this kind of scene very much. It's not very pretty when you look into the meaning of it."

"They're animals," Roach said succinctly, thinking about something else.

"Huh?" Zhou Quan said, "So he's stronger than us?"

"Oh, animals live on instinct, they can feel that there is a strong consciousness here. I don't know how to explain it to you, I guess they feel like you feel someone behind you, but you don't see anyone when you look back. So you just I can't help but go back and watch it." Roach said very flatly.

"Brother, what you said made my hair stand on end." Zhou Quan said.

"There are more creepy things." Roach muttered, "We are about to reach the dividing line between grass and grass, and we have to be more cautious when we get there. Have you heard of the curse of the highland mage?"

"Oh, I'm in charge of the files."

"Understood, since you know, I don't need to continue telling ghost stories." Roach said, "Then you judge that there won't be that kind of silent curse here?"

"There can be no curses in this world." Zhou Quan said firmly, "Everything will have an explanation."

"You think so?" Roach blinked his eyes in confusion, "I was the only one who could say such things before."

"That's because they are too narrow-minded. Of course, we are mages, not witches in the village who treat patients." Zhou Quan said, "The curse is completely superstitious."

"Then you mean that the curse doesn't exist? It is said that the people who died under the curse didn't turn into liquid to die?" Roach asked.

"I didn't say that. The unlucky ghost who liquefied must have really liquefied. So many shameless archmages have witnessed the death process of the mage who was cursed to death recently. If they want to fabricate the cause of death, it can be said to be more real. It's not so bizarre. It's so bizarre, so it must be true." Zhou Quan said.

"You feel cursed and..." Roach said hesitantly.

"It's not a superstition like invisibility, but some kind of magic?" Zhou Quan took his words decisively, "Yes, that's what I think. Since it's a kind of magic, it's definitely not the mountains that are cursing, nor the valleys." Cursing. The one who can use the curse must be a human being."

"But if the highland mages are cursing, they won't deny it." After living in the highlands for the past few days, Roach has basically figured out the behavioral rules of the highland mages.

"Maybe it was left by an earlier mage, even the highland mage didn't know it very well," Zhou Quan said.

Roach felt that there was something in his words, that he must know something, but for some reason he was unwilling to make it clear. "Are you implying the ancestor mage?"

"Why do you think of those legendary figures? We mages don't record much history, and there are gaps in the actual history. The history of mages is very chaotic, strange, anything can happen." Zhou Quan said, The last sentence is so stupid.

Luo Qi was not angry, there was a magical soothing mode in Zhou Quan's charm, no matter what he was talking about, his tone of voice and his demeanor could always make people feel comfortable.This may be the reason why Zhou Quan was able to complete his work. The mage is a group of cats that cannot be grouped together. Zhou Quan can walk through it and cage these cats together.In addition, Zhou Quan is also much smarter than he thought earlier.

As they talked and walked, Roach noticed that the terrain rose slowly after a drop, and a brand new landform was in front of him.Originally, now should be their last chance to turn back. After all, it is still dangerous to go forward, and the curse is always the thing that bothers them the most.After all, before the cursed one fell ill, no one knew whether they had been tricked or not.But just as they approached the invisible dividing line, Roach suddenly realized that the two keywords of red soil and no grass were not important at all.

"Did I fall under the illusion?" Roach opened his mouth in surprise.

Zhou Quan stared blankly at the distant mountain wall, "Aren't you the Great Master of Mind?"

"That's right." Roach said, "But no one issued me a professional title certificate."

"Have you ever been hallucinated?" Zhou Quan didn't look away.

"It seems...not." Roach said.

"Has Pei Shu ever hallucinated you?"

"No." Roach said.

"Then you must not be under the illusion." Zhou Quan said.

Luo Qi looked at the majestic stone pillars attached to the mountain wall in the distance. The wind and snow eroded a part of the pillars, but most of the graceful and majestic lines remained.The stone pillars are five or six stories high, clinging to the mountain, like a huge gatehouse.

"It doesn't look like a highland mage at all. It seems that another group of people did it. Do you think there will be inscriptions in the language of ancient mages?" Zhou Quan said.

"We're definitely going to take a closer look now, aren't we?" Roach said. "

(End of this chapter)

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