magician in town

Chapter 352 Oblivion

Chapter 352 Oblivion

Chapter 350

"Roach? Are you awake?" Du Zhengyi turned around and walked back to Roach, observing him carefully.

Luo Qi opened his eyes, and seemed to be out of focus for a moment, looking at Du Zhengyi and the old mage in confusion.

Upon seeing this, Du Zheng couldn't help lowering his voice, "Where does it hurt?"

Roach looked up at him, opened his mouth, and swallowed hard.

"Do you want some water?" Du Zhengyi asked.

This time Roach nodded, Du Zheng raised his hand and summoned a glass of water.He sat down beside Roach's single bed, helped Roach up first, and then brought the water to his mouth.Roach swallowed impatiently, then drank heavily, and didn't look up until he drank the whole glass of water.

"Do you still want to drink water?" Du Zhengyi asked him.

Roach shook his head and was put back on the bed again, he leaned on the pillow and let out a relieved sigh.

Du Zhengyi's originally tense expression relaxed, and he laughed amused by his appearance, "Masochistic. Look at you now, like a baby who has had enough milk? Are you satisfied?"

Roach licked his chapped lips and smiled at Du Zhengyi.

Du Zhengyi raised his hand to cover his forehead, which was a weird gesture of intimacy, as if he didn't want Roach to see how satisfied he was now.

"I'm very stiff all over." Roach grinned, and his hoarse voice was worrying. "But I'm fine, I'll be fine soon."

Du Zhengyi asked him, "How did you go there? What happened? Do you have the strength to say it now?"

Luo Qi nodded, "But I can't remember anything clearly, I don't know what happened. Ah, how is Zhou Quan? Is he okay?"

"He's fine." Du Zhengyi said immediately, with a little force on his hand, he pushed Roach back on the bed and lay down. "Mahjong is taking care of him, it's just a bump on his head."

"Head?" Roach said in surprise. "That could be serious."

"I think it's fine." Du Zhengyi said, looked at Luo Qi and smiled slightly, "Don't worry about him."

Roach looked over Du Zhengyi's shoulder, looking at the old mage behind Du Zhengyi who had been silent all this time, with a look of fear, "Master Hashi, I..."

Du Zhengyi stood up and moved out of the way so that Roach could watch the highland mage speak, just like pushing a child who got into trouble in front of the teacher.Although cruel, but really a bit of revenge pleasure.

"It's okay, I won't blame you." Hash Master said gently, "What do you remember?"

"I..." Roach tried hard to recall for a while, "I remember that Zhou Quan and I were looking for a place suitable for skiing, but we couldn't find it. Then we saw wild donkeys..."

"Wild donkey?" Du Zhengyi said in surprise, "Did you really lose your mind? What does seeing a wild donkey have to do with this? Should I call Mahjong to see you?"

"Animals never approach that valley." Master Hashi said clearly beside him.

As soon as Du Zheng understood it, his face became a little dangerous. He stared at Roach and asked, "So those stupid donkeys know that there is a problem, but you went?"

Roach lay weakly on the pillow, trying to make himself look weaker, Du Zheng was a little speechless as soon as he looked at him.

"Roach, I don't want to blame you, and I won't hold you accountable afterwards, but I still want to clarify the situation at that time." Master Hashi said seriously.

Roach nodded cautiously.

Master Hashi continued, "Although it is not difficult to reach that valley, it is actually not easy to get there."

Du Zhengyi turned his head and looked at the highland mage thoughtfully.

Roach looked as if he was about to vomit, and his cheeks were a little red. Coupled with his bloodshot eyes and frightened expression, Du Zhengyi couldn't help carefully assessing the risk of interfering in this conversation.

"Going in the direction of the valley, the road is not smooth, and the environment is also very bad. No matter how you look at it, it is not a place suitable for skiing. Near our station, only that valley is dangerous, and only that valley is the least worth it. Go. This kind of not worth going also contains a more practical meaning. Not only animals will avoid it. Mage and ordinary humans will also find it uncomfortable. In fact, the closer you walk to it, the more people want to leave it. The stronger the desire will be. The so-called forbidden area sometimes does not need a clear mark. I want to be a mind mage, you can understand what I mean." Master Hashi said.

Du Zhengyi felt that Master Hashi had actually made the meaning very clear, but he used a more tactful way, but Roach might not understand it. He didn't want to delay any longer. There is a closure as soon as possible.

"Can you recall? Why did you go there? Specifically, where do you want to go or where Zhou Quan wants to go?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Roach took a deep breath, "It was Zhou Quan who decided to go skiing, and I followed him all the time. But I still think that we just walked there by accident, and which way we went was random .”

"That's impossible, kid." Master Hashi said firmly.

"What else did Zhou Quan say?" Du Zhengyi said bluntly.

"No, we talked about skiing all the way," Roach said, "until we thought we might not find a suitable place to ski, and that's when I saw wild asses. You know the wild asses , has been running around wildly, but just refuses to go into the valley, so we are curious."

"What made you overcome your distaste for it and go straight there?" Master Hashi said, "I am also a mind mage."

Luo Qi recalled carefully, and gradually covered his head with a headache, "I can't remember, and I don't know why I went there. Every time I think about it, there is something blocking me, The scene at that time was always separated from me by fog.”

"Rest for a while, can you remember?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"Son, you'd better think hard about it now," Master Hashi said.

"I can't remember." Roach said, covering his head, "I vaguely remember what Zhou Quan and I were arguing about. It seemed to be related to that... that figure I saw here. Then we lost Consciousness. By the way, we seem to have seen the mark of the ancestor mage."

"Mage Ancestor?" Du Zhengyi, with a look of distrust, "Mage Ancestor, what do you mean by ancestor? Have you watched any human movies recently? So you think our ancestors should be more magical?"

"You don't believe in the existence of the ancestor mage?" Roach said in surprise, "We must have a reason and source, there must be an ancestor."

"I'm not interested in the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg." Du Zhengyi said dully.

Master Hashi didn't seem to want to talk about this invisible topic anymore. Seeing that the efforts to remind Roach of more details were useless, he could only give up for the time being. "If you really can't remember, then rest first. Memory is like sand, sometimes you can't grasp it with hard work."

"Okay, I will try my best to remember." Roach said with relief.

Seeing him like this, Master Hashi couldn't say anything more, no one could put too much pressure on a person in a hospital bed.He asked a few more questions about Roach's physical condition, and then wanted to leave. "I think Zhou Quan should probably be sent back. I'll go see his situation. If you need anything, please feel free to ask us. Don't pay too much attention to this matter, my child. When you recover In the future, your lessons will continue."

Roach nodded to him gratefully, and expressed his thanks to Master Hasi repeatedly.At this moment, the door of Roach's bedroom was pushed open again.

Mahjong opened the door and walked in.He looked at Roach at the first glance, and probably made sure that Roach's condition was similar to what he had estimated in advance. He nodded casually at Roach and Du Zheng, and then turned to Mage Hashi.

"Master, you are here. I am looking for you." Mahjong said.

Master Hashi looked at him inquiringly, and Du Zhengyi interjected, "Is something wrong? Why are you in such a hurry to find Master Hashi?"

"It's okay, it's nothing serious." Mahjong said quickly, as if he didn't want to make things worse at this time.

From Du Zhengyi, you really didn't see any real nervous look from him. Mahjong wouldn't act like this when he was nervous.

"Zhou Quan is out of danger?" Du Zhengyi asked again.

"I've checked it carefully, don't worry, this kid's life is hard, nothing will happen." Mahjong said with a smile, "He hasn't woken up yet, but I guess he will be able to wake up in a few hours .The bump on his head was external, not internal. Nothing will happen, don't worry. But there is still something, I want to talk to the highland mage."

Master Hashi, not quite sure how serious the matter is, he made a gesture now, as if asking if the mahjong matter needs to be discussed in secret.

In fact, Mahjong didn't feel any atmosphere at all, he took something out of his pocket. "That's right. When I checked Zhou Quan, I found that he was holding this thing tightly in his hand."

Du Zheng glanced at his hand, always feeling as if he saw a walnut. "He's learning how humans grind walnut beads. Does that matter to us?"

Mahjong laughed, "You stayed with Luo Qi all day long, and you have learned from him badly. What are you talking about? Ah, this is not a walnut. How could he grind walnuts? Besides, what kind of walnut is worth dying for?" Hold it tight in your hands?"

Mahjong said, and handed the things in his hand to the highland mage. "Master, please take a look. I think this is what Zhou Quan brought back to you."

"This is..." Master Hashi took it and said hesitantly, "This seems to be a plant seed."

"It's still a walnut." Roach lay on the bed and whispered, and your Du Zhengyi patted him.

"I don't know what kind of seed it is, but I think Zhouquan holds it tightly in his hand. Maybe there is some reason for it. This thing is useless to us. We mages rarely study plants. , I specialize in art, I think this thing was originally discovered on the land of the highland mage, and it is the seed of a plant, so it should be returned to the original owner and sent to you, Mage Hashi." Mahjong said, As he spoke, he looked at Du Zhengyi again, "Isn't it right for me to do this? You don't object, do you?"

"Of course." Du Zhengyi said.He somewhat felt that this matter was actually a bit of a fuss. No one knew why Zhou Quan grabbed a walnut in his hand. Maybe he just grabbed a handful when the situation changed drastically.Perhaps it was a plant that grew on high ground after all, and the wind blew its seeds into the hole.

However, Mage Hashi did carefully identify it for a while. Senior mages are indeed like what Roach said, they are all born botanists, even a walnut is very careful.He looked at them carefully for a while, and then said to them, "This is really not an ordinary plant seed, I don't think it is something in this world. There is no such seed in our highland mage's inventory. I have probably seen some Similarly, it might be attributed to vines, but what it is, I cannot say."

Mahjong took a hard look at Du Zhengyi, and said to Master Hashi, "Then you are probably interested in cultivating it, Master."

Only then did Du Zhengyi realize that Mahjong might be trying to make up for the rift between the two groups of mages caused by Luo Qi and Zhou Quan's reckless behavior.Fortunately, Zhou Quan really brought back something. Since highland mages would not enter that valley, they would not find this kind of plant, so no matter whether the walnut is useful or not, whether it can grow into a walnut tree or a walnut vine, at least It seems to be able to appease the highland mage.

Mage Hashi carefully looked at the seeds for a while, and it was the first time Du Zhengyi saw that the mage was so interested in something.He was almost grateful for Mahjong's clever move, and seemed to be quite diplomatic.

"Thank you." Master Hashi said, "I want to give it to Master Kawa. He has the most experience in cultivating rare plants. Maybe he can really discover something. Every seed is a new hope."

Master Hashi carefully put away the walnut, greeted them again, and asked Mahjong about Zhou Quan's physical condition, like a chief physician consulting with an attending physician, but he was also sure that Zhou Quan would not After some major problems, he turned and left.

Watching Master Hashi go out, Du Zhengyi greeted Mahjong, "Okay, come and see if there is any problem with Roach? Especially take a closer look at his head. His whole head is still worth a bit."

Roach pouted weakly, suppressed a smile and cast the medical spell on him again, examining him closely.After about 20 minutes, Mahjong said, "He is fine. I think his body recovered quickly, better than I imagined."

 Unexpected surprise, thank you for your support and likes()



(End of this chapter)

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