magician in town

Chapter 353 Meaning

Chapter 353 Meaning

Chapter 350

Roach opened his eyes, he just woke up from another lethargy.He lay quietly for a while, letting his eyes wander slowly along the lines on the ceiling.He saw the familiar lines, which after several deformations remained the same, intertwined with several obscure meanings.

His gaze moved to the opposite wall, and the patterns depicted more variants on the wall, describing the various creeds of the highland mages.He watched casually, and suddenly his eyes jumped, and he saw a black head leaning against the wall.

Then his mind caught up with his own visual signals, and what he saw was Du Zhengyi, the only one who was still with him.

Roach coughed.

As soon as Du Zheng raised his head, he saw a pair of clear eyes, showing concern and endless patience.It is as clear as the sky above the snowy pine tree on Christmas Eve, and it contains so many fragile human natures. Roach looked at him as if he saw the dry and crisp pine branches on the snow, and also smelled the cool aroma of the pine forest.

"Ah..." Roach sighed.

"Hey." Du Zhengyi looked at him amusedly, maybe because it was midnight now, his voice was very low, maybe he had been sitting against the wall for too long, and his voice was a little hoarse.But he still looked very happy, with a look of vitality on his face, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." Roach rubbed his eyes, "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Why do you say that? You just fell from a height of three floors, and you didn't fall into a bottomless pit." Du Zhengyi said with a smile, he stood up and sat by Roach's bed, his emotions were rarely soft, Nothing sarcastic.He is obviously very satisfied with the result now, and he doesn't have any special requirements.

"I don't know." Roach smiled, "I just have this strange feeling."

Du Zhengyi laughed, "You have finally learned your lesson. Kid, this class seems to be good?"

"Are you satisfied?"

"The tuition is not too expensive, I am very satisfied." Du Zhengyi said.

"Didn't Mahjong say that I'm fine? Why are you still here?" Roach stared at him with a pair of dark eyes, as if wanting to look into his depths.

"Stay with you for a while." Du Zhengyi said leisurely, "You don't want to wake up without a sip of water, do you? Can you bear the desolation?"

Roach seemed to be seriously terrified, "I can make water myself."

"You know how to make?" Du Zhengyi said disapprovingly, "But your biscuits are pretty good, do you want to eat them?"

Du Zhengyi gave him a glass of water and a plate with some Oreo biscuits in it.

Roach ate the biscuits and drank water with a complicated expression, "This taste won't kill me, will it?"

"It doesn't taste exactly like Oreo." Du Zheng said indifferently, "But you have to eat these experimental scraps, you throw them everywhere before you go out."

"I want to try some mahjong first." Roach said.

Du Zhengyi laughed, and the direction of the topic made him relaxed and comfortable, "You really think highly of him. Now everyone is holding back in the highland mage's resident to eat beans, not to mention the semi-finished products of Oreo, even the semi-finished products of steamed buns They'll ask you for it, too. Honestly, you're pretty gifted at doing this... non-productive magic."

"If you like to eat..." Roach cautiously took a bite of his homemade Oreo, the cocoa tasted a bit bitter, "I can make something more delicious than this."

Du Zheng turned his head and glanced at him.

"What's wrong?" Roach asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Du Zhengyi said, "Are you still going to sleep?"

"I've had enough sleep," said Roach, who must have slept eight hours.

"It's not yet dawn, you can still sleep for a while." Du Zhengyi persuaded him.

Luo Qi obediently lay back on the pillow, still looking at Du Zhengyi, "You are very happy. It is rare to see you so happy."

The smile returned to Du Zhengyi's face, and he didn't hide his emotions, ", it was yesterday, I was a little depressed."

"Frustrated?" Roach asked, studying him with his eyes.

"Of course I'm also depressed." Du Zhengyi said, "Normally not. But yesterday was a bit like the last straw."

Roach thought for a while quietly, and said, "It's out of control."

"Are you saying I'm out of control?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I mean you have always been able to control your life, but you lost control yesterday. Although your luck is not very good, you have been in control of your life under various adverse circumstances until yesterday." Roach said quietly Said, as if explaining his own problem to Du Zhengyi.

"Maybe." Du Zhengyi said, he was still in a good mood, if it was normal, he couldn't tolerate others daring to dissect him.Roach rarely said these words to him directly.

"Brother, you are too generous to be friends and buddies." Roach said, reaching out to hold Du Zhengyi's wrist, "You are the kind of person who will be friends with me forever."

"Did I say you are a friend and buddy Roach? You are my goldfish." Du Zhengyi smiled jokingly, "You are really scared, aren't you?"

"I feel like I'm special," Roach said. "Why?"

"Stop!" Du Zhengyi said, raised his hand and wiped Roach's forehead rudely, "Don't be so nasty, you are very annoying, you know that?"

"I'm talking about the facts, I feel that I am special to you. Like you are my anchor, I also become something special to you in reverse, and I want to know what is that?" Roach Looking at him innocently, it was like asking him to solve an arithmetic problem. "There must be a magical contract in it."

Du Zhengyi looked at him, "There's nothing in it, it's the necessity of the intersection between people. When you believe in me, I will also believe in you. I don't like this world very much, but I work for this world For my whole life, I gave everything. For public, it’s nothing, that’s it. But for private, I always want to get something in return, I want a meaning. I hope everything I do is meaningful. Significant. I seldom interact with people. To put it bluntly, I don’t have much intersection with the world. But between you and me, because of those encounters, we really have a deep relationship. You treat me For me, it is also an anchor point. If one day I no longer exist, thinking of you still in this world... I don't know how to say it, but to put it simply... I am very happy. I will feel that this world still pays Pay me. But if they take you away too, I... can't stand it."

"The values ​​have collapsed." Roach laughed. "To be honest, we are the same, and we will collapse a little anyway. But in fact, your kind of ptsd, see a psychiatrist can still overcome it."

"Really?" Du Zheng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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