magician in town

Chapter 357 Curfew

Chapter 357 Curfew

Chapter 350 Five

This is the first night without light after living in the highland mage's domain for so long.

The highland mage tried various methods to kill the plants, but even in the most extreme environment, Jack's peas just fell into a dormant state and temporarily stopped growing wildly.With so much magical power required to sustain an extreme environment, Highland mages prefer gentler methods as long as there is time.The highland mage strictly forbids anyone to create light for the time being, and everyone can only stay in the room. Not only is it inconvenient to go out of the room, but you may trip over the vines protruding from somewhere and break your neck at any time.So the actual effect is similar to a curfew.Du Zhengyi chose to have a curfew in Roach's room.

"Why?" asked Roach, who was building a nest and trying to carve out a comfortable area on the ground where the two of them could fit comfortably.After all, the room is too small, and there is no furniture such as sofas and chairs for sitting and sleeping. The bed is a narrow single bed.This place is okay for one person to live in, but two men are too crowded in the room, not to mention the ignorant people who can't see clearly, bumping around like headless flies.

"Mahjong is also at Guan Xinyue's." Du Zhengyi said, "At this time, it's safer for everyone to stay together."

"Also?" Roach said, "I'm not a little girl. It's just a little dark at this time. Are you trying to ensure the safety of something, the chastity of the two of us?"

Roach heard Du Zhengyi's laughter in the dark, relaxed and casual, which made him feel even more confused. "You're not in a good mood like you."

"I'm almost on vacation now." Du Zhengyi said, he stretched his body and lay down among the pile of cushions that Roach was tossing, deliberately making Roach unable to move.Every time he just makes trouble for Roach, he feels good when he sees Roach dare not speak up. This is like taking care of the welfare of the younger brother at home.You shelter him from the elements, and you snatch his teddy bear and hang his hat out of his reach.

Still holding a cushion in his hand, Roach stared at Du Zhengyi for a while in the dark, his bright black eyes were like a night owl.Not only did Du Zhengyi not make room for him, he even laughed mockingly.

Roach gave up the project of building a fort with mats, and leaned next to Du Zhengyi, leaning his elbows on the carpet, staring at the pair of cat eyes nearby, as if a night owl was squatting on a tree to observe Du Zhengyi.His body was always warm, like a younger child, and Du Zhengyi didn't resent him being close to him or invading his personal space.

"Are you worried about those plants?" Roach asked him.

"Why are you worried? Worried that the rattan will slip through the door in the middle of the night and strangle me?" Du Zheng asked rhetorically.

Roach laughed, "Then do you think the Highland Mage can handle this?"

"Sooner or later, it can always be done." Du Zhengyi said, "In fact, they have many ways to deal with the plants, but they just want to choose an optimal solution, so they are still thinking about it."

When he said this, he laughed in a low voice, looked at Roach and said, "One year, Qionglin discovered an unverified secret word in the book of a human alchemist. At that time, they estimated that the long-dead alchemist might have discovered According to my understanding, he may have deciphered part of the language of the ancestor mage. This is also possible because he or All the elders in his family may have been with mages. It's a pity that he doesn't know that although he can understand the secret language, he doesn't have the ability to use the secret language, ah, this is another story, I don't want to tell this."

"What is this secret language about?" Roach asked.

"According to their speculation, it's about the magic of life. All in all, they decided to try it. At this time, I don't know who contributed two Angora rabbits." Du Zhengyi said.

Roach thought for a moment and asked, "Is it the kind of rabbit with particularly long hair?"

"Yes, they used this secret language on a pair of Angora rabbits. It turned out that the so-called magic of life was completely reflected in changing the reproductive ability of this animal. It was really a rabbit disaster. It is said that the female rabbit of Angora rabbits was originally Species that can immediately enter the next reproductive cycle on the second day after giving birth have amazing reproductive ability. After being treated by magic this time, they can give birth to a litter of small rabbits in about 24 hours. At the beginning, they I haven't realized that this will eventually become a disaster, and it will be too late when there is a problem, and the whole Qionglin is full of fluffy little rabbits." Du Zhengyi couldn't help laughing again, "At that time Qionglin was really a grand occasion, at least a pair of rabbits ran into Qionglin's library somehow, gave birth to litter after litter in the library, and ate countless precious ancient books."

"What an idiot." Roach commented.

"And," Du Zheng paused, and finally smiled unkindly, "Teacher Liu Li is also allergic to rabbit fur."

Roach finally laughed, "Then how did you deal with it, the massacre?"

"They also thought of many ways, the main idea is to control their breeding behavior first. But this kind of rabbit is not afraid of cold or heat, but everyone thinks it is relatively afraid of heat, after all, its hair is relatively long. Later they The temperature in Qionglin was raised to 40 degrees above zero, and the Angora rabbits were finally not in the mood to mate. The disaster was brought under control, and this is the biggest disaster I have witnessed in Qionglin for so many years.” Du Zheng One said.

Roach laughed out loud, "How come I never knew about this?"

"Maybe the venerables want to list this matter as the number one taboo in Qionglin, and no one is allowed to mention it." Du Zhengyi said rather happily.

"Since you have already experienced this situation, why are you still worried about things here?" Roach asked.

"Because I'm worried that the damage caused by plants is not what someone really wants to achieve," Du Zhengyi said.

"Someone?" Roach asked a little anxiously.

"I don't know who it is. But I have never encountered a truly random event. Everything has a reason. When people achieve their goals, they can burst out endless wisdom. Maybe the seed is just the first step , Maybe the wildly growing plants are just a cover, what they want is not the impact of the plants. What if what they really want is complete darkness here tonight?" Du Zhengyi whispered.

Luo Qi swallowed nervously, looked at the door worriedly, and suddenly made up his mind, "I also have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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