Chapter 358

Chapter 350 Six

"Do you want to talk now?" Du Zhengyi looked at him and turned slightly to him.

"I..." Roach hesitated.

"I've always wanted to ask you if your memory has recovered. But I don't want to press too hard, it doesn't matter if you can't remember." Du Zhengyi said.

"I vaguely think of some, but they are just fragments." Roach said, "My concern is that the fragments may produce results that are taken out of context, so I have never wanted to say that if I wrong someone because of the out of context Not so good."

"Anyway, it's just you talking to me in private, and it's not an official occasion. You might as well just share these fragments of memory, and I can analyze them for you," Du Zhengyi said.

"Okay, let me talk about some memories that are basically certain." Roach said, "First of all, I want to talk about some good things. I don't think Zhou Quan is a bad person. He neither rejects me nor is he hostile to you. He The attitude towards Qionglin is basically allegiance, but it is not hostile to human beings, and even his acceptance of human culture is similar to mine. I don’t think Zhou Quan has any ambitions, not Fan Shi’s kind of ambition He is not a person with extreme tendencies like Li Xu. If I were to say who he is, I would intuitively think that he is a normal person. Or an ordinary person. If we combine these characteristics As an indicator, he did not tilt to any extreme, he is almost at the balance point of all the characteristics of a mage."

Du Zhengyi smiled, "You are right. The person you have concluded is very suitable for his current position. Teacher Pei has always been very good at employing people. Although I can't say that I like him, or Hate him, but I also have to admit that he is very suitable for a liaison between mages, and he is especially suitable for secretarial work."

"Yeah," Roach admitted with emotion, "I felt the same way after being in contact with him for a while."

"So do you think there is something contradictory about him?" Du Zhengyi asked, knowing that Roach would not say that for no reason.

"Yes, I think that if it is such a person, this person should not have a lot of courage, or in other words, such a person will never ask for trouble." Roach said after thinking, "But Along the way, he pushed me many times to find the temple of the highland mage with him. Ah, the so-called temple, now I think this legend about the highland mage may not exist at all. But if he really He is a person who is well-rounded and good at dancing, a person who is especially suitable for mediation work, so he should be a person who likes to stand in the background, and he should never want to go into that obviously dangerous cave."

"It makes sense, let's keep talking." Du Zhengyi encouraged Roach.

Roach continued, "He did mention that he would come back here to find you to explore the cave. But what he said was not firm. I think he was just testing me. He knew that I would not let you in this cave. Time to get involved in that kind of dangerous thing. Now that I think about it, he actually just put me in the army and gave me two choices-either I, as a mind mage, went with him to find the Highland mage Secret, or I will come home to you and let you play forward."

Du Zhengyi listened carefully and did not speak.

"He is a smart man. I don't know if he knows the truth. He may not know anything. He just instinctively discovered that I would never want you to spend magic." Roach said a little excitedly.

"Roach." Du Zhengyi called his name in a low voice, which sounded like a sigh. "You're right, you're actually not difficult to guess. The trick is to treat you as a child, just think about what a child would think and do, and it's not difficult to use you at all."

"Is this criticizing me?" Roach asked.

"This is to praise you for always having a pure heart. Even though you have experienced so much, you can still maintain your original heart. You may be born to be a mind mage." Du Zhengyi said.

"Thank you for the compliment." Roach said, and he brought the topic back to the point just now. "Zhou Quan said many reasons. We must find the secret of the senior mage, or we must find the secret weapon of the ancestor mage. Because if these things exist, it will be good for Qionglin and Pei Shu's current situation. Yes. To be honest, it's a bit awkward, Zhou Quan is not such a righteous person at all."

"Actually, you don't have to go in with him. Even if he wants to come back to me, I have many suitable reasons to refuse him. We shouldn't be curious about the secrets of the highland mage, an ally." Du Zhengyi said .

"Oh." Roach hesitated for a moment, dodging a little.

"But none of this matters. I believe you don't mean to shirk responsibility." Du Zhengyi said gently.Luo Qi has always been indifferent to getting into trouble. Once he gets into trouble, he just comes back and puts on a pitiful look of self-blame. Most of the time, he has nothing to do with him. This little brat has become more and more confident.

"In fact, Zhou Quan became more and more eager later on. Before the accident happened, he almost stopped hiding his thoughts. He definitely has his own purpose. I don't know what he wants to get from the highland mage, but he His purpose is very clear, he is still different from Pei Shu's other students." Luo Qi said seriously.

"So you mean that although he doesn't look like someone from either side, he is definitely not innocent." Du Zhengyi concluded.

"Yes, I haven't figured out what his purpose is, or who he is after thinking about it for so long." Roach said, "One more thing, brother, how can you be sure that all these troubles are gone?" Did it start in that cave? If Zhou Quan had a seed in his hand, who would know when he held it in his hand?"

No one can actually answer this question.But the situation derived from this problem is extremely complicated.

"If what happened in the cave is just a cover, then the problem still lies with us." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice. "If this is the case, then maybe he has something to do with the figure who sneaked in."

"Yes, maybe Zhou Quan intended to find some secrets of the highland mage there, but he may not have found anything later, but he didn't want to waste the opportunity, and by the way, he started what he planned to do earlier." Roach said.

"If that's the case, then we really have to be careful tonight," Du Zhengyi said.

(End of this chapter)

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