magician in town

Chapter 405 The Road to Survival

Chapter 405 The Road to Survival

Chapter [-]

Luo Qi seemed to wake up from a dream, and suddenly the crisp sound of cups and plates tapped in his ears, the sound of the pipa was disappearing, and the sound of the flute was clear and clear.The old woman was receiving the barbecue that Du Zhengyi handed him, Roach blinked, and heard the old woman talking to Du Zhengyi, "...the deer in the forest has appeared, and everyone with their own minds will go there Some people want to set up an altar and ask for the blessing of the forest deer. But some people may just want to catch the deer."

"Want roast venison?" Roach asked.

Du Zhengyi picked up a piece of grilled sizzling meat for him, "We're talking about you should change your name to Lin Lu. What are you talking about? What made you distracted again?"

Luo Qi cautiously avoided this terrible question, thought about it with a fork, and sneakily forked the meat into Du Zhengyi's plate, deciding to taste what the dipping sauce served by Du Zhengyi was.Du Zhengyi slapped Du Zhengyi for this move. He didn't take it seriously, ate the barbecue with satisfaction, and raised his eyelids to glance at Mr. Shi.

He just felt strange that the Mr. Shi he saw in the conscious world lacked a little breath of life, and he didn't think it was the whole soul of Mr. Shi.Now it seems that this is the case, Jiang is still old and hot, she did not underestimate Du Zhengyi's fox spirit.Mr. Shi is connected with him in the world of consciousness, and the image that appeared in front of him must be a part of consciousness that she preset before coming here.That period of consciousness is like a computer program made by human beings, including a simple simulated shell, and a simple answer mode for talking to Roach (Roach doesn’t want to discuss why he is so easy now, so the difficulty of the conversation is calculated, Is he really too superficial), and the most important thing is the core of information, the memory bag she wants to hand over to him.

Luo Qi never cared about the one-second delay in front of Du Zhengyi, he was just dumbfounded, and Du Zheng was used to his distraction early on.If he had acted like a little wit from morning to night that day, then Du Zhengyi might have killed him as a subbed fake.

But going back to the matter in front of me, the husband had already decided to give him this package if he analyzed it this way.She has made all kinds of preparations, all in order to hide the situation under Du Zhengyi's nose.The dialogue she set for herself was actually like a private statement, expressing her attitude—she did not support Qionglin's rebirth mechanism, but she supported Roach's havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

After this set of statements that Roach felt didn't work at all and had no magical binding force, it was the substantive substance she really gave.In order to make Luo Qi wreak havoc in the Heavenly Palace, she would not hesitate to donate her power to him.She thinks that Roach is the son of change, probably because he has the ability and inner drive to make troubles in the heavenly palace.She didn't come to give him a gold collar, she came to give him a golden cudgel specially.

Roach didn't know what to say, he didn't even know how to use this generous gift, but the value of the gift was self-evident.He was a little flattered.Then he couldn't help being a little excited when he thought that they were actually doing this under the watchful eyes of the guards of the Lonely Mountain.

"It's better to ask others than to ask yourself." The old woman said, "If I were you, I would give him some battle mage courses. Master Du, you are the best battle mage I have heard in 200 years. Accept an apprentice?"

Du Zheng looked at Roach as soon as he heard the words, and Roach subconsciously looked at him while biting the barbecue.The barbecue stove burned his face flushed, his lips were stained with the grease of the barbecue, and his black eyes were round and round because of curiosity.Du Zheng felt a pain in his head just by looking at him. How can he be expected to be a tough guy with this look?

He sighed, "Mr. Shi, this project is a bit heavy. But if there is any other possibility, I don't want to choose this road."

Luo Qi rolled his eyes and realized what Du Zhengyi meant, which meant that he was the complete opposite of Bone Jingqi.

The rib of beef that Luo Qi was biting into his mouth was roasted a bit hard, he occupied his mouth, and kicked Du Zhengyi angrily in a moment of impatience.

Du Zhengyi hissed in surprise and annoyance, and Luo Qi realized what he had done. He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became excited, "Brother, my legs are working! My senses are back! My legs can move again." Already!"

Du Zhengyi gave him a death stare, and said to the old woman, "Mr. Shi, as you can see, it is basically impossible to teach Luo Qi. Luo Qi has his strengths, and I am afraid that he can only tailor his clothes. "

The old woman really looked at Luo Qi with the eyes of a tailor, and then said kindly, "Master Du, if it was a time of peace, it would be reasonable for you to say so. But now the time is different, and now the mind Archmage is already a scarce resource. He is a rare archmage, but he is so young and easy to manipulate. There are so many people who are ready to move, do you still think that this child can grow to full-winged like a bird in the usual years? "

Luo Qi saw that Du Zhengyi was really thinking about it, and he was a little silent. Considering Du Zhengyi's intelligence level, if he was silent for a while, he didn't know where he was thinking.He didn't want to disturb him, he ate the barbecue silently, and used the wine to remove the oil.The tone of the old lady's words is really interesting, both of them are polite, it sounds like two old neighbors from the Republic of China, but they can talk about life and death in a gentle tone.

Mr. Shi waited leisurely for a while, and then said, "I still say the same thing, but don't forget that there is never any news that can really be hidden. Whether it is from the black market or from Qionglin, there will always be news. It is said that Roach released the magic of the ancestor level on the high ground. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, from a certain moment, and if you do not have the magic information of the ancestor level, no one will believe it. No one has ever been able to prove his innocence , Only the strong can truly have a clear conscience, ordinary people can't even get this."

Luo Qi watched Du Zhengyi nodded with rare convincing, and accepted others' kindness.

Luo Qi couldn't help but said, "Pei Shu agreed with me to take the Battle Mage course, I might still be able to take the exam. My brother didn't say that I can't take it."

Du Zheng took a look at him, "I think it's better for you to be busy than to be idle. If you are idle, you will cause trouble. If it weren't for their poor coordination and giving you so much free time, you would Not going out and causing trouble."

"Oh." Roach said reluctantly. "I told you before I went out to play, and you said yes. Yes, I just went out to play. I asked the leader early for instructions and reported later, and I was not sloppy at all."

"Shut up." Du Zhengyi said in an annoyed manner.

Mr. Shi smiled slightly, and said to Luo Qi, "I'm talking about letting Du Zhengyi teach you personally. He has more practical experience than anyone else. He has the best fighters in Qionglin for hundreds of years to guide you. Your future The chances of survival increase."

Luo Qi couldn't say how much meaning she had in her words. She said it to him and Du Zhengyi at the same time, but the meaning was rich.He hesitated, and was caught by Du Zhengyi, who looked at him with difficulty and asked, "What do you mean? You don't believe me to teach you?"

"After all, you are too young." Roach said casually, "And simple and rude."

"What?" Du Zheng slapped him on the back of the head as soon as he raised his hand.

Roach yelled "Aww" and said loudly, "Look, that's how it is, how many beatings I have to suffer to learn from you! The highland mage never beats me, and he is very loving to me."

The old woman laughed, "Whether to learn from sheep or from wolves, grandson, you have to think about it."

"I don't need him!" Roach said angrily, rubbing the back of his head, "Any magic teaching needs to be guided by magic. Du Zhengyi is not suitable for him to do this, so there is no need to talk about it!"

The other two fell silent at the same time, Du Zhengyi looked at him for a while and said, "Then I will only participate in teaching, and I can evaluate the teaching process."

Luo Qi didn't look at him, and he was unhappy every time he said such a thing, but the fact is that he needs to keep reminding Du Zhengyi that he can't use magic anymore.

"That's good too." Mr. Shi said kindly. "My journey is coming to an end, and you will continue on. Who knows, the truth of this world is originally left to the mind master, and maybe one day you will know what you are looking for."

 Thank you for your support during the downturn, we will work harder next time



(End of this chapter)

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