Chapter 406

Chapter [-]: Encountering the Immortal

The music faded away, the trace of burning incense disappeared, the house with the shutters disappeared, and the old lady had also left.

"Have you ever thought about the magical intentions behind the ostentation just encountered?" Du Zhengyi asked Roach when he saw his thoughtful expression.

Luo Qi didn't understand, and looked at Du Zhengyi stupidly asking.

"When you see a phenomenon, you have to think about the essence of magic behind it. There is a rationality in its existence. When dealing with you and me, an archmage of her level will not build an environment just for one purpose." Du Zhengyi said. "Aren't you thinking about this?"

"Oh, I was thinking, our experience today can be called "The Encounter of Immortals"!" Roach said.

Du Zhengyi looked at him sympathetically, "It's all due to your high luck value that you can survive to such an age."

Roach was taken aback when he heard this.Du Zheng looked at him with a frown, thinking about what he was thinking about, and suddenly if he got something, he muttered to himself, "Your luck value is really high."

"My lucky value is high. It depends on my ability to be hidden by my father after I was born. When I grow up, I meet a noble person like you. After being out of my body, I can still be favored by the enemy. The nobleman and the enemy work together to solve me. problem." Roach muttered, "I'm too fucking lucky, my luck is completely self-interested."

His mood was a bit complicated, but when he looked up, he saw Du Zheng smiled, so he could only smile wryly.Du Zheng picked him up from his seat, "It's time to go back. On the way, I will tell you what voiceprint magic is, and the effects of small system magic including light, sound, and smell on the human body."

"Wow." Roach said, "Can I not listen? I'm a bit full now, and the blood is busy digesting in the stomach. Now the brain is lacking blood and oxygen, and it's not working well."

"When did you ever have a good brain? It's so easy for me to be patient and teach others." Du Zhengyi said impatiently, "Be clear in advance, I haven't read any parenting courses, and I don't know any education methods, especially for children. If you say it, I think rough teaching is powerful."

Luo Qi trembled exaggeratedly, not afraid of Du Zhengyi's empty words and intimidation at all, he took tentative steps by himself, experiencing the feeling of being able to drive his legs again.

"Boss, you just need to know these things. We form a team to complement each other. If you must teach me, you can directly synchronize the knowledge to me."

"No, more haste makes waste, that's too heavy a burden on your brain to directly absorb knowledge." Du Zhengyi refused.

"Then you can tangle with me and help me bear part of the weight of my brain." Roach raised his head and said with a smile.

"You mean your brain is too small, are you planning to borrow one?" Du Zhengyi said.

"Nonsense, it's because my brain is too big that I got into this bad luck, okay?" Roach said, walking tremblingly to the outside of the barbecue shop.

Du Zhengyi picked up his arm impatiently, and grabbed him to walk, "Yes, you are the big head!"

"I'm so narrow-minded and you still think I'm big-headed?" Luo Qi said in surprise, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Du Zhengyi's hand, which was originally holding his arm.

"What's the matter?" Du Zhengyi asked in a low voice, subconsciously tensing up, observing his surroundings cautiously.

"I almost forgot." Roach said nervously, "I need to buy more snacks to go home, and I can only eat beans when I go back. I can only make Oreo cookies now, and I will get tired of eating soon."

"Fuck." Du Zhengyi whispered.

Roach looked at him in surprise, "Why scold me?"

"You just passed away, Luo Qi." Du Zhengyi said calmly, "When you go back, you probably have to work hard to make Oreos every day, so as to be forgiven by Mahjong and Guan Xinyue."

This future is shocking, but Roach is Roach after all.After a few seconds of melancholy, he still managed to win the staged victory step by step.No one can interrupt the will that the big civet cat king has begun to execute!Anyway, four or ten minutes later, he showed up in the Highland mage's restored hall eating dried figs.

Of the four minutes, three minutes were spent asking him to choose snacks.He also rejected Du Zhengyi's proposal to compress his food. It is indeed more convenient to carry after compression, but he insists on carrying a heavy schoolbag by himself. As long as the food is compressed, it will change slightly after decompression.Du Zhengyi believed that his view was completely metaphysical, but it was about food, and no one could persuade Roach.

Long before they appeared, many mages had gathered in the hall, and they were all waiting for the pair of "bi people" to show up.The technical mages working in the valley naturally brought back the news. Although they didn't know the truth, Mahjong and Guan Xinyue knew that it must mean Luo Qi's resurrection.But the excitement of the two of them was understandable, but it couldn't explain the interest of the others watching.

Roach has a thick skin, and he is not tired of all the scenes of shouting and hugging. He calmly continued to eat his figs, and only scanned the crowd with his eyes.

Guan Xinyue's behavior after seeing him was particularly intense, and it was also the most normal.Guan Xinyue looked at him tremblingly at first, probably because she couldn't tell which monkey he was at a glance, and finally turned her eyes to the Tathagata Buddha beside him.As soon as Du Zheng nodded implicitly, she started screaming, and finally rushed up and slapped Roach.

Roach, who was eating figs with relish, bit his tongue and felt a burning pain on his cheek. He was at a loss as to why he was beaten. Why did the girls in reality express their emotions so intensely?Can't you rush up and kiss him like in the movie?

He couldn't figure it out, and the slap was accompanied by the excited exclamation of the crowd, which in Roach's ears was the excitement of watching the fun and not being afraid of big things.Guan Xinyue ran away after beating him, and didn't say why she beat him. Everyone else was in the aftershocks, and he just had time to observe and listen to the voices of the crowd.

The crowd was burning with excitement, as brutal and powerful as a flood, Roach couldn't bear it as soon as he opened the barrier of consciousness, and quickly closed his door again.After a quick glance, he felt that everyone was very happy, as if they gathered together to eat a big melon.

Judging from the emotional hotspots, this big melon is mainly aimed at their old enemy Du Zhengyi, not exactly at Roach, who can only be regarded as an additional target.This is so strange, Roach couldn't figure out why Du Zhengyi always used traffic like this.

Roach didn't realize what had happened until about three days later.It turned out that Liu Ziyu, Du Zhengyi's talented junior sister, returned to the highland mage's residence and described what happened based on what he saw on the surface.What happened was that Roach knelt down to Du Zheng in the poetic (apocalyptic) scene where the mountains were boundless and the sky and the earth merged in the valley after the landslide.

Moreover, when everyone was eating Oreos and drinking herbal drinks (stealing plants from the garden), Liu Ziyu did not deny their speculation that Roach proposed to Du Zhengyi at that time.The argument that Luo Qi might indeed be a boy was overturned again. Liu Ziyu also said that Luo Qi had been carried by Du Zhengyi to the city to eat and celebrate, probably because he was worried about spraining his feet or dirtying his leather shoes (completely ignoring Luo Qi's that day. wearing Nike's new remake sneakers).

In Qionglin's tabloids, Du Zhengyi finally (eventually) has someone who deserves a special mention.Not only that, but on the day of the engagement, there were also human girls who fought against each other, and staged a bloody drama.There is such an unknown side behind the pious Qionglin God of War. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

On the official account of Qionglin's underground circle of friends, several public articles appeared in succession—"Just because he did two things right, even he married a wife", "Why more and more female mages are unwilling to get married" The reason is too heart-wrenching", "He has ascended to the highest position of battle mage, but he is not happy.Why?The truth behind it is embarrassing", "Good marriages are all a bit similar"...

The above, in fact, the most unbelievable thing for Roach is that some of them don't hesitate to go to the city every day in order to send and receive articles.

Of course, this is all for later.Du Zhengyi was always too lazy to know what other people were going crazy, so he dragged Luo Qi all the way back to Luo Qi's room.

(End of this chapter)

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