magician in town

Chapter 408 Zhou Quan's Confession

Chapter 408 Zhou Quan's Confession

Chapter [-]

Luo Qi finally got the chance to go out and let the wind go, and he can walk steadily without any external force.He is so proud of himself that he achieved the feat of walking upright twice in his life.

Teasing himself, he peeled and ate pistachios, and leaned leisurely against a tree.Du Zhengyi was sitting at a higher position on the tree, flipping through a paper book someone brought back from the city.

From time to time, some mages passed by them, casting some curious eyes furtively, but no one dared to approach them.Luo Qi felt that he was a good baby, and he had never been treated by such a plague god. It must be that the evil star above his head had too strong ability to exorcise ghosts.When Roach slowly ate the pistachio shells all over the floor, he finally felt a person approaching.

He spat out a piece of skin, raised his head to see the person's face clearly, "Bah, Zhou Quan!"

Du Zhengyi looked away from the book for a while, frowned, glanced at it for the first time, and continued to turn the book again.

Zhou Quan smiled at Luo Qi with a half-embarrassed smile, and said while moving over, "Hey, brother!"

"Who is your brother?" Luo Qi put another pistachio in his mouth, and his bright black eyes aimed at the grandson who made him suffer.

"Sister?" Zhou Quan asked curiously.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Roach said, "Do you smell anything here?"

Zhou Quan paused, and really took a serious sniff. This is the woods of the highland mages, and there is a lot of fragrance of the trees, but there is really no special smell.Zhou Quan asked tentatively, "Pistachio?"

"It's the smell of gunpowder." Roach cracked open a pistachio and said angrily, "I was used as a gunman. After I fired a shot, my surroundings still smell of gunpowder."

Zhou Quan grinned flatteringly, "This... This is completely unexpected. I didn't expect it to be so dangerous there, I thought I could cover it..."

"What can you cover? You can't even cover a fart, you are not as useful as a plastic bag!" Roach said angrily.

"Hey, who would have thought of it, I just want to find a treasure. Who doesn't know that the highland mages have a lot of good things, they are like a chicken that lays eggs, they keep those treasures under their buttocks, and no one is allowed to touch them "Zhou Quan sighed, and moved closer to Luo Qi, "Brother, in all fairness, which mage would not want to try his luck if he had this opportunity? Who wouldn't want to see what their treasure is? You don't have this curiosity? Everyone is curious!"

"That's not what you said at the beginning, all you said was for Qionglin." Roach broke his words and said mercilessly.

Zhou Quan didn't even blush, but smiled sincerely, "I am also for Qionglin. For Qionglin and satisfying my curiosity, there is no conflict!"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a sound of a small animal coughing and snoring suddenly from the branch behind him.It was Zhou Quan's quick reaction. When he turned his head, he suddenly remembered that everyone said that Luo Qi had a Qionglin scavenger-level cat.Just as he saw a pair of round eyes, he suddenly dodged to the side.

The little black cat spat at him, but he avoided it, and the saliva burned a hole in the branch next to him.

Zhou Quan looked back at Luo Qi with lingering fear.Just as he was about to speak, Roach raised his finger and pointed at it, "Shut your broken mouth and think about it, what is this little cat, I have a big one on top of it!"

Zhou Quan glanced at Du Zhengyi who was still reading through the gaps in the leaves, but he ignored them at all, and didn't even change his posture.But having said that, he is Zhou Quan of Qionglin, and he is well-informed, but when he sees someone who can use Qionglin's Great Plague God as a cat, that Plague God doesn't show his supernatural power, and really continues to bask in the sun like a big cat Woolen cloth.

"Brother, I'm convinced." Zhou Quan tasted Pin Luoqi's rank and status, and said in a timely manner. "You said, your old man said, how can you calm down?"

Roach looked at his face for a while, "I can actually go into your mind and see it myself. I can't hide any of your little secrets from me. I know whether you like to masturbate in the morning or in the evening. I know. You've got a nice thick skull, but I can still get through."

The look on Zhou Quan's face became serious, but he wasn't afraid.Luo Qi could understand this expression, he was just calculating, judging the situation, calculating the situation, and calculating how he should choose.

"I will publish a booklet in the future." Roach said, throwing a pistachio into his mouth, "full of the inner secrets of everyone in Qionglin Center, each book has one person, a chapter on sexual obsessions, Final Fantasy Open a chapter..."

"Wait, wait," Zhou Quan stretched out his hand and begged for mercy repeatedly, "I said, I'm confessing. I've been a little financially stressed recently. A while ago, in order to balance the income and expenditure, I added some money to myself in the report of the planning committee." credit points."

"Can that be changed?" Roach asked in surprise. "But what does that have to do with what's going on here?"

"Let's talk about the revision of the planning committee report first. Anyway, I have to tell the truth to my buddies, so let me tell you about the most glorious deeds of my life. I made the revision seamlessly, and transferred a little credit from everyone's account. Book. Hey buddy, do you know how the planning committee encrypts the credit points? Every time the credit point file is updated, they will simultaneously synchronize the storage crystals scattered in various confidential places in this world! The total, huh, quite impressive. I , very cleverly got the geographical location of these storage crystals, it is a top secret document! Even more top secret than this is the password for updating the storage crystals, for this I even talked to the old woman with the face of a dog in the planning committee Object for a whole year! In the end, the easiest and most difficult thing is to write fake data into these storage crystals. I can’t use Qionglin’s super-large-scale synchronization magic, because the magic level is too big. It will definitely be recorded by Qionglin's magic monitoring network. So I can only manually modify one by one, so many crystals, I almost ran to my death." Zhou Quan sighed and shook his head.

"Then you are a local tyrant now?" Roach asked with interest. "Why is it still smelling poor?"

"Originally, I should be the biggest invisible rich man in the entire magic world now." Zhou Quan said regretfully, "It's a pity that I lost a single crystal and didn't change it. With such a small mistake, all my previous efforts were wasted."

"That's pretty damn seamless," Roach said.

"But can you believe that my luck is so shit? Let me tell you what you judge, is fate fair to me? Who the hell would have thought to check that crystal? It was placed in the palace 300 years ago A bead, embedded in a large, green stone, with a deer carved on it, old man with a big brain..."

"Shanzi?" Roach asked.

"Hey, for this name, the sculpture is very ugly. The Imperial Palace is now the Palace Museum, and that Shanzi is not in the Forbidden City, but in the National Museum. You know that it is not even in the exhibits of the National Museum? Maybe they don't think it counts." Any good things are kept in the warehouse, in the big warehouse. The documents I got are only written in the palace. You know that the planning committee's paperwork is lazy. No one has updated this address since the Revolution of [-]. .I knew at the time, how the hell can he still be in the palace? Puyi hasn’t been there for long! Where can I ask him about the whereabouts of a broken bead? Even if he is alive, he won’t be able to remember. Mage, the emperor is gone, we don’t have this profession for a long time. That’s it, I didn’t think much about it. Qiqi, who would have thought that something would happen to this crystal? Their planning committee really has a force— —You may not know him, he looks like a weasel, with a short face and a long forehead, and a figure like a stool—it’s not so coincidental, one day he went to the National Museum to get the information in the bead and other storage crystals Compare and verify the information! Is there any reason? Tell me, why is it that a smart, capable and hardworking person like me is not rewarded well? Is it high for me to draw a dollar from each of you?" Zhou Quan yelled angrily Dao, and kicked the tree.

"What happened next?" Roach asked with relish.

"Later, the weasel extorted all my money, and all the money I worked so hard to transfer was gone, so I just made a wedding dress for someone." Zhou Quan said. "If I don't give it to him, I can only stay in the cube under Qionglin now."

"I've never heard of a mage doing this." Roach said with interest, "Are you a genetic mutation?"

"Don't talk about that. All in all, I have financial problems, and after that, it will be worse. How many points can I get for Qionglin's civil affairs? You think you can be as rich as your buddy on the tree. I can't help it, so I want to Touch something here, toss some money on the black market." Zhou Quan said.

"I feel that you are telling the truth."

"Why did I lie to you? It's just such a small matter. After explaining clearly, we are still good brothers." Zhou Quan said, reaching out to put his hand on Luo Qi's shoulder.

"Who is your good brother?" Roach said, "You still owe me your life!"

"I owe you my life, we can continue to do business in the future!"

"You gave your life to me?" Roach asked in surprise.

"No, no, a character like you will definitely meet a lot of good things in the future. If you sell it to me, I'll sell it for you. Brothers only need to earn a commission." Zhou Quan said courteously.

Luo Qi looked at him in astonishment, "You idiot, you almost killed me, you didn't come to me today to beg me to spare your dog's life, but you want to come and go with me to make some money? You big idiot , I don't even bother to hate you!"

Suddenly Luo Qi seemed to think of something, raised his head and shouted, "Did you already know it? That's why you ignored it?"

"Almost, guessed it." Du Zhengyi said leisurely, and turned another page of the book.

Zhou Quan laughed along with him, and stretched out his hand to take Luo Qi's arm, "Why don't I tell you some gossip about Qionglin to lighten your boredom, is it a deposit?"

"Determine your mother's head!"

"What swear words, mage of civilization, curse of civilization!"

"Get out of your mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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