Chapter 409

Chapter [-]

"I can tell you some news right now. There is no whole news broadcast in the wizarding world." Zhou Quan worked hard to smooth Roach's hair, while stealing a few pistachios from Roach's pocket. "Don't, don't don't like to listen, you must know this first news."

"What shit do I have to know?"

"Qiong Lin's emergency investigation team will arrive soon." Zhou Quan said, watching Luo Qi and observing his reaction.

"Investigate shit?" Roach asked impatiently, "Can you finish it in one breath, and don't use such a clumsy way to tantalize people."

Zhou Quan explained very patiently, "It's not to investigate bullshit, but to investigate you."

"Oh," said Roach, glaring at him uncomfortably.

"You don't know?" Zhou Quan asked.

"I know, my brother reminded me." Roach said. "If you come to provide this kind of information, you'd better get out and give me back the pistachios that ate me."

"Of course this can't be considered news. There is so much magical energy here. After Qionglin's 800-year-old monitoring system sounds, there will definitely be an investigation team to check it out. You don't need to listen to others about these things. This is a standard procedure. , you can definitely think of it. But, do you want to know the name list of the investigation team?" Zhou Quan said with a smile.

Roach looked him up and down, "How can you be such a mage?"

"To each other." Zhou Quan said with a smile, "Don't be so serious about being a person, don't pay attention to those rules, don't care about those details. You must read this list of emergency investigation teams carefully."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right index finger and middle finger and swayed in the air, a beam of light bounced from his fingertips.A blurred scroll of paper flew obliquely up to the treetops, Du Zhengyi stretched out his hand to catch it, and the scroll unfolded in front of him.

"A magical gadget that burns after reading it." Zhou Quan said to Roach with a smile, "Of course it's not of much use to you, but I heard that you can't fight unprepared battles, and everything can be done in advance." It’s all good, if you know it early, you can be mentally prepared.”

"I'm not familiar with Qionglin's personnel, why don't you explain it?" Roach looked at him and said.

"I am so happy. I am too familiar with Qionglin's personnel and affairs, even more familiar with our family's genealogy. There is no way, I am so dedicated." Zhou Quan said.

"Don't push."

"Okay. First of all, you need to know that there are people from Fan Ya." Zhou Quan smiled and said teasingly, "Several telepathic mages under Fan Ya's command, and as far as I know, you have already fought We've met, it's Fan Shi's chopper team leader, Chi Yu."

"That brainless gorilla?" Roach remembered who he was, and he even videotaped him in the street office.

"Oh yes, it is such a thing. But you also have to be careful, his lethality in the battle mage sequence is second only to Du Zhengyi. And he is different from Du Zhengyi, no matter how amazing Du Zhengyi's lethality is. , He always has a sense of righteousness from the beginning to the end. I don't feel this kind of thing in Chi Yu's body, let's talk privately and I can tell you, I think he is getting out of control now."

"You think Du Zhengyi is very upright?" Roach asked.

"Brother, can you focus on the key points? Can we praise the one on the tree another day?" Zhou Quan said.

Luo Qi said inexplicably, "But that gorilla can still carry out investigation work? Is there any investigation work that his IQ is capable of? Why can Fan Shi send someone over? Shouldn't he be being investigated by Qionglin now? "

"Fan Shi is Venerable, one of the nine. To be honest, it is almost difficult to be convicted of a mage who has reached this level. I have read Qionglin's records, at least none of the nine were found guilty. A few days ago The process of impeachment against Fan Shi initiated by Pei Shu in Qionglin would have been very long. If it hadn’t been for the fact that the person who initiated the impeachment was a highly respected mage like Pei Shu, and also the head of the Nine Venerables, the outcome would have been Du Zhengyi’s instead. Convicted. Fan Shi will be punished internally at most. After all, the prestige of the Nine Masters cannot be damaged. The situation was very favorable to Pei Shu a few days ago. My original assessment was that Fan Shi would be imprisoned, and he might accept the magic array in secret. The mind detection. But..." Zhou Quan dragged his voice and shrugged helplessly.

Luo Qi's heart sank, "But we caused trouble here and consumed high-energy magic, so Qionglin turned to suspect Du Zhengyi?"

"Du Zhengyi and you." Zhou Quan corrected his words, "Now you are tied together, grasshoppers on a thread."

"So this investigation is tricky?" Roach asked with some annoyance.

"I'm afraid Pei Shu has no way to simplify the process. He can't stop them from doing business, so they can only investigate you through the normal process." Zhou Quan said, looking into Luo Qi's eyes, he emphasized, " have to worry, Qi Qi .”

"Fuck your mother Kiki." Roach said rudely, "If you call him Kiki again, I'll eat your brains."

"Okay, Qiqi. By the way, I will draw another key point for you. There is also a person named Han Yi among the people who participated in the investigation." Zhou Quan said with a smile.

"It sounds familiar," Roach said.

"Ahaha, he is Du Zhengyi's colleague and Qionglin's battle mage. His fiancée used to be Du Zhengyi's...teammate, and later became Du Zhengyi's battle casualty." Zhou Quan laughed dryly for a few moments. Voice, quickly and quietly finished the rest of the words.

"Damn it," Roach said understandingly, "the hatred is deep."

"Yeah, the hatred is as deep as the sea." Zhou Quan said, "These two are the most hostile to you. The others have no direct contact. know that Du Zhengyi is very famous because of his work. He has some grudges with many mage families. There is no way, the more families that can produce more archmages, the higher the probability of high anti-mages appearing. Now encountering such an opportunity, I am afraid that many families will find ways to send some People who have a relationship with me come in and look for opportunities to catch Du Zhengyi. You have to be careful, Qiqi, and don't become Du Zhengyi's battle damage in politics."

"It's really not pleasant to speak." Roach said troublesomely.

"I don't mean anything else, I just hope you don't take it lightly and be careful. Also, by the way, the investigation team will be here today." Zhou Quan said.

"Damn it." Roach yelled, "You didn't say it earlier! What kind of advance is this?"

"My good brother, I have tried my best, and I can only help you here. What family interests do other people represent, and who are really innocent and fair? I will slowly inquire about these information for you." Zhou Quan said, "I'm going to adjust the personnel arrangement for going to the city now. They are all vying to go to the city to play recently. It's a good start for you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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