magician in town

Chapter 446 Doctor Luo's Pathological Analysis

Chapter 446 Doctor Luo's Pathological Analysis

Chapter 440 Four

"Mind mages are the most hated mages," Luo Qi said slowly, "everyone is afraid that their brains will be modified, and everyone is afraid that the decisions they make do not come from themselves. For example, I can let Liu Ziyu If my fear deepens a little bit, then she will not go down this level with me again, and I will find a chance to talk to you alone. Of course, this is harmless to her, but it is not to me. It's too moral, I should have used it if I could. What's more terrifying than this is to be completely obliterated, just like those puppets you made. The self has long since disappeared, but the body is still in the world, and it is completely a zombie."

"Academic report meeting?" The clownfish reminded him sarcastically, while another part of consciousness was evaluating Roach cautiously.

"It's not about academics, is it? I haven't sat in the academy and learned step by step. These are all lessons learned now." Roach said, "For example, I was reminded by you and other seniors and found that I can also make energy crystals. Myself."

"You did sell yourself everywhere on the black market, and Qionglin will find out sooner or later." The clownfish said.

Roach waved his arms, as if chasing away annoying little flying insects. "It doesn't matter, it's all a harmless little joke, if Qionglin doesn't see you, you'll really know as much as I do."

"A little joke? Not necessarily." The clownfish smiled lowly, but did not continue to expose Roach.

Roach didn't bother with this, he looked at the clownfish carefully, slowly trying to uncover the barriers of the clownfish, a little closer to the core consciousness of the clownfish, and try to remember the characteristics of his consciousness.He continued, "Actual combat is the best way to learn. Later, I carefully reviewed the battles I participated in many times. I also wrote analysis notes. Do you want to read it?"

"Thank you, no need. I don't want to change your homework for you. If you want a master-student relationship, you have to kowtow to me first." The clownfish said indifferently.

Roach made a face at him, half a smile. "What I recall most is the battle between me and Du Zhengyi and you and Zhao Jiaozhu. Do you think I fought well?"

"If you start writing memoirs now, aren't you a bit too narcissistic." The clownfish sent him a half-truth and half-fake confusion.

"I just want to say that I later realized that if you want to tear apart the opponent's brain, you have to use your own consciousness." Roach didn't really want to reveal his emotions to the clownfish, but he didn't have that much knowledge when facing a master. Energy to suppress your emotions.The sky over his wilderness is covered with red clouds, the air becomes extremely humid, and the subtle sounds are also amplified, and a blizzard will fall within a breath.He continued, "Remove my innate compassion, delete sympathy, empathy, raise anger, copy such an incomplete consciousness from my own consciousness, and then artificially distort it into a cold devil, A raging beast. Finally, unleash it into the minds of its enemies."

This time the clownfish didn't speak.

"We can only use our own consciousness to do this, right?" Roach asked, "There is no need to use other people's consciousness as a devil and store it in your own head, no matter how big the head is, it is always limited. "

Roach teased the mind mage, and also teased himself. His tone of consciousness was frivolous, but the blizzard was already raging in his mind world, and his true emotions were caught in the blizzard, whipping the whole world.The clownfish raised his head, a large chunk of snow fell on him, and his robe was about to be torn to pieces in the blizzard.He turned his head and glanced at the girl who was frightened by the blizzard, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to provide her with shelter.She raised her hand and put her little hand in his.At this moment, she suddenly disappeared.

The clownfish turned his head and looked at Roach coldly.

Luo Qidao was very satisfied that his attention was captured, "You attacked Du Zhengyi with a copy of your own consciousness, right? If he is not determined enough to defeat you at all, then he should be brain dead immediately. But He resisted you, he is a battle mage, he has been trained to resist mind mages, and his will is strong enough, he must have successfully persisted until other mind mages discovered him and came to rescue him."

"That's right." The clownfish said, "I should praise you. Considering your age and experience, you have performed well."

"But you are stronger." Luo Qi said dryly, "Du Zhengyi can only suppress the consciousness that attacked him and minimize the damage. Pei Shu and my father can only save him along this line of thought. The difficulty must be that you cannot get your consciousness out of his. They can only help him build a barrier of ideas, and he can only use a lot of magical powers in his own mind to maintain the barrier. Therefore, you can Say, you're always on his mind?"

"Not bad." The clownfish said.

"You can take your own back!" said Roach angrily. "You still have the face to lie to him and say you're sorry for him?"

The clownfish held up a hand in a gesture asking Roach to pause. "Let me interject, why don't you let your doctor, or your own father, deal with the problems in your own mind?"

"Because I don't trust them..." Roach paused at this point, he understood the meaning of the clownfish in despair.

"I feel that you have already understood." The clownfish said, "Du Zhengyi will not allow me to touch his spiritual world again, even though he understands logically that it is better to try when death is imminent, but you understand the subtleties of the spiritual world .His world doesn’t trust me, but I have to invade his thinking. Even if he is not a high-level mind mage, this kind of behavior will still cause an imbalance in his spiritual world and cause serious damage to his spirit. As a result... …I dare not say what it must be like, but I can guess, maybe ptsd, maybe psychopathy, obsessive-compulsive disorder, the best result may also be the loss of the ability to control certain emotions..."

Roach was completely silent.

The clownfish whispered, "You said that after losing the integrity of the soul, a person is no longer himself. Maybe, he will go from light to darkness, just like... Algernon."

"Algernon..." Roach's consciousness murmured the name, the bitter story was remembered by him, and a torrent of emotions he couldn't resist rushed from his heart to his mind.His conscious world became stronger than ever, the clownfish took a few steps back in shock, Roach's spiritual world suddenly faltered, and the red cloud was torn into blood-red wounds, like the gate of hell opened above his head.

"Control yourself!" The clownfish roared, their spiritual worlds are now connected, if Roach's world is destroyed, the black hole will tear his world apart.This was the only way Roach could defeat and kill him. He didn't want Roach to drag him to his death just by being negligent. "Damn it, what on earth is Qionglin thinking, why did he take Du Zhengyi away!"

The words had an effect on Roach, who swayed and stabilized his spirit.

"I suggest you go to Du Zhengyi, let go of your dignity, and be a good follower. You are already thick-skinned, so what are you pretending to do!" the clownfish roared.

Roach was pretending that nothing happened just now, "So, I still have a chance. I heard that the tangle can be deepened. If I get to know you better..."

"Fuck, you are such an optimistic person." The clownfish said incredulously, "You want to synchronize with me, and then go back to save people? I might devour you."

"At least the reason is confirmed, and I hope to maintain the status quo." Roach was silent for a while, and finally said, "If I can synchronize with Du Zhengyi, I will definitely be able to strengthen his barriers, and this is back to my original idea gone."

The clownfish sized him up for a while, "But in the end, you still need a way to revive in the Lonely Mountain. Du Zhengyi and the Lonely Mountain guard have a high level of entanglement authority, and it is difficult for you to break this. Let's face reality. I To help you get straight to the top in Qionglin, you must ensure that you will not have a mental breakdown because of the current difficulties, and kill Qionglin."

(End of this chapter)

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