magician in town

Chapter 447 Level of Mind Mage

Chapter 447 Level of Mind Mage

Chapter 440 Level of the fifth mind mage

For a long time, Roach was lost in his own thoughts.He knew that the clownfish had reservations about him, but he also felt that the words he said were still believable.

He silently thought about all possible situations, and recalled all related pasts. The clownfish's words were like caulk, glued many rough gaps, like stones gradually piled up and glued together to form a three-dimensional fortress.He could see clearly the architectural structure of the fortress, and he filled his thoughts into the fortress.

"Have you ever thought that Du Zhengyi is a person with a complete personal world view, he is from Qionglin, and he is basically consistent with Qionglin." The clownfish said.

"He will forgive me in the end." Roach withdrew his gaze from the sea, and turned to the clownfish theme projection.His figure is obscure, but his ocean is extremely clear, black waves churning under the cliff, and there is a solitary rock in the distance, like a giant's arm stretching out of the waves. "Even if he doesn't forgive me, it doesn't matter, he should live and order should be maintained."

"Should? Order? How many people know that you are actually a control freak?" The clownfish grinned, as if very happy. "Our world is similar, cold anyway."

"Speaking of this, I'm a little curious." Roach said, "I know that only mind mages have the ability to concretize their own spiritual world, but if everyone has this ability..."

"I know what you're asking." The clownfish said plainly, tolerantly allowing Roach to ask the master. "When I first found out that I was a mind mage, I also liked to explore the inner world of others. But in fact, not everyone has a big territory, and some people only have a spiritual world as big as a 350ml milk carton. If there are two Standing on the same mountain, the larger the inner world, the more scenery you can see. Humans..." He paused, and whispered, "In this point, they are exactly the same as us. Some humans can As much as the two of us see, even if they themselves don’t have the quantification ability we do.”

Roach stared at him suspiciously, "Are you a pervert? Why are you so divided? You understand human beings so well that you can slaughter them? As far as I know, human beings are just livestock in the eyes of those murderers. To get rid of the psychological pressure."

"Maybe." The clownfish calmly affirmed his words, admitting his perverted title, "Just like you are a control freak, we mind mages are not normal."

Roach is deeply skeptical about this, and doesn't really believe the clownfish's words.

The clownfish said again, "We mind mages are more advanced mages than other mages. I don't know if you noticed?"

"How do you calculate it to be advanced?"

"I know how Liu Ziyu found me." The clownfish said, "Because my invisibility magic consumes energy. Almost all magic in the world uses the energy of the world, but telepathy does not need it. If it is pure telepathy , as long as it doesn't exceed the ability of the caster, we don't need external power. Remember this, elementary school student."

Roach thought for a while, "Maybe it's because it comes from the power of the soul? You can only look for it in your own heart?"

"Maybe." The clownfish said. "My theory is not very strong. You have also discovered that the highland mages are all telepaths, so they don't want to mix with other mages."

"They think they can go to heaven," Roach said, not sarcastically. "I know what you're doing here, stealing the knowledge of the highland mages. Are you going to ascend to heaven too? If you can get the girl back?"

"Not interested." The clownfish said indifferently.

"That's because they are the closest to the ancestor mage's lineage." Roach said, he thought for a while and asked, "Are you still planning to reveal the secrets underground?"

"Why not, isn't that ancestor mage very interested in the underground treasures here?"

"Don't go down," Roach said. "It's a Chernobyl problem pit."

He noticed the vibration in the clownfish's spiritual world. From a certain point of view, at least the clownfish understood what he said.But thinking of him marrying a human woman and living in the human world for many years, he is almost a pure human being.

"You didn't know there was radiation below, and you stopped on the sixth floor cautiously?" Roach said in surprise, and added, "I don't know what you did here just now, it's best not to do it, you Let the radiation up here just now. Seriously, I might have saved your dog's life by going downstairs."

The fluctuations in the mental world of the clownfish are very shocking and bewildered, and no human language continues to appear as the carrier of the stream of consciousness. If Roach wants to translate this confusion into human words, it will probably be, "Nani? How come? What are you talking about? "

"You owe me a debt of favor." Roach continued, his heart was calm, and the language conveyed in his consciousness was still his usual virtue.He faked a wave of schadenfreude, but the clownfish gave him a sneer.

"Don't pretend." The clownfish said, "I feel that you can't laugh at all now." He thought for a while, "I can stay here for a few days, maybe I can stabilize your spirit at critical moments. Said Maybe it can save your dog's life and return your favor."

(End of this chapter)

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