magician in town

Chapter 448 The Beginning of Cooperation

Chapter 448 The Beginning of Cooperation

Chapter 440 Six

With a sullen face, Roach didn't respond to the clownfish's proposal, and instead said grumpily, "Let's hurry up, I only took 10 minutes off."

"Hurry up means have we reached an agreement?" The clownfish also answered him a little grumpily.

"Cooperation?" Roach spat out the word in disgust. "Of course we have to cooperate. Do I have any other choice?"

"Are you going to draw up a contract now?" the clownfish asked.

"No need, just pay a deposit first." Roach said quickly and sophisticatedly.He now has an upper hand that is not worth boasting about, but the clownfish does want him to be better than his father. "First of all, tell me, is Fan Shi the lotus burner?"

"No." The clownfish said without hesitation.

"No connection at all?"

"He's playing Qionglin's political struggle and has nothing to do with me," said the clownfish.

"Yes, it has nothing to do with you." Roach repeated mechanically.

The clownfish pondered for a while, and finally said vaguely, "You should be able to understand that dividing the enemy is the most effective method when attacking the enemy..."

"You're instigating Fan Shi." Roach took his words and concluded, adding, "The gorilla under him is going to kill me today."

The clownfish pondered seriously for a while, then said slowly, "I don't think Fan Ya's defeat is a foregone conclusion. He shouldn't go to this level of madness when he still has room to spare. Sending someone to kill you here will only kill you in the future." In front of Qionglin, you directly proved that your previous behavior was indeed a last resort, and at the same time aggravated his own crime. Even if he took another ten steps back, he really lost his mind, and the person he hates more should be Du Zhengyi, not you. "

Roach pondered for a while and said, "Someone told Du Zhengyi that the gorilla is gradually going crazy."

"It's really interesting." The clownfish sent a wave of smiles, "I've never seen the Lonely Mountain Guard wear a pair of pants with outsiders."

"Outsider?" Roach repeated, "You know what the hell."

"You should read more serious books, Roach." The clownfish said, "If you study the third volume of "Principles of Contract" carefully and use your brain a little, you will find that the guards of the Lonely Mountain are bound by entanglement and oath, He is not very good at opening his heart to outsiders, and he will not share secrets. This is the law of magic. Du Zhengyi is actually a special isolated case. Maybe you don’t realize it. I guess other Lonely Mountain guards can’t stand him. You may I think he is old-fashioned, but he is already an outside guard. I don’t know why he can be unrestrained to a certain extent, maybe one day you can research it, and it is the research field you are interested in at first glance.”

Roach didn't care if the clownfish was mocking him, but he remembered that the Lonely Mountain Guard had attacked Du Zhengyi, and he always thought it was because they were jealous of Du Zhengyi.Thinking about it now, maybe his filter is too thick, and anyone who doesn't like Du Zhengyi will turn to jealousy simply and rudely.Pei Shu was not outside at that time, the Gushan guards might have complied with the oath, and attacking Du Zhengyi might be doing their duty. "The Lonely Guardian is more robotic than the Battle Mage," he blurted out.

"Indeed." The clownfish affirmed him, "Battle mages actively reduce their fear, pain, or adjust other body parameters according to the needs of the battle. It's nothing, humans will also train soldiers to overcome fear, pain, and fatigue. But The guards of the Lonely Mountain are another situation. Once they enter the bounds of the oath, their bodies will adjust these parameters by themselves. Even if they don’t want to, they can only let their intuition take over, and they have no choice.”

"Cruel." Roach said suddenly.

"That's right," the clownfish said softly, "Mages are the most problematic species on this planet, a bug on Earth." Roach was stunned for a moment, the clownfish's position did bring him a subversive cognition.He didn't just say that he didn't stand on the side of the lotus burner. He was not just a mage who sympathized with or loved humans. Roach suspected that he might be biased to the other extreme.Suddenly Roach understood why he used the Mahakala Temple to murder mages, not because they were depraved and irresponsible mages who married humans, so he wanted to punish them, most of the reasons he killed them probably didn't matter at all Attributively, he just wanted to kill—the mage?

Roach felt a little uneasy, the clownfish didn't say anything, his consciousness was very calm, Roach didn't really feel a trace of hatred.He took some comfort that the clownfish might just be complaining.When Roach himself is in a bad mood, he will also say some of these complaints.

"The person who wants to kill you is a battle mage with good innate conditions, but his brain is not very good, and his temperament is violent and cruel." The clownfish said thoughtfully, "But he suddenly lost his mind and went crazy at this time dramatically, which is a bit too much. Too coincidental."

Roach thought about the terror in the mall, those manipulated minds. "Did the mind mage do it?"

"That should be a very powerful mind mage. Not me. And not the other mind mages in the lotus burner, otherwise I would know. By the way, it was I who encouraged the leader of the lotus splitter to speed up the attack and follow Joan clearly Lin was tit for tat, but I wasn't the one who arranged the terrorist attack, someone from the Lotus Burner was dedicated to doing this."

"How many mind mages do you have?"

"not much."

"Pei Shu is the strongest mind mage in the world. I heard that Qiong Lin's head is often a mind mage." Luo Qi said suddenly, "If you are not perverted, you would have a chance."

"Me?" The clownfish laughed, his smile was like bubbling spring water, and it couldn't be covered. "If you want to say that you suspect that Pei Shu is the person who secretly manipulated the gorilla, you can say it directly without obliquely mentioning him. My child, your words are not that good."

A flash of shame flashed across Roach's chest, but at least he got over the rage.

"I don't know if it's Pei Shu." The clownfish said, "I can't see through him, whether I use magic or not. If one day you figure it out, remember to tell me. Now let's see the time , 10 minutes will soon pass. Anyway, I will come here often, and from now on we will have a chance to meet... as long as we can avoid Du Zhengyi."

"Can he see through your invisibility magic?"

"Theoretically no, but... we still don't underestimate the guards of the Lonely Mountain. You and I don't know enough about the secrets of this world." The clownfish paused, and finally said, "Before I leave, I I have a question for you."

"I may not answer." Roach said cautiously.

"Don't worry, I don't ask any deep secrets. When Du Zhengyi actually asked me to cooperate for you, this secret has always been stuck in my heart. Forgive me for such gossip, you know that mind mages are all Those who study the human heart, and encounter people who don’t understand it, are like a bully who can’t answer a question, no matter how you think about it, it’s an insult.” The clownfish talked eloquently, revealing sincerity.Finally, he finally got around to Zhengti, "I... want to know, why Du Zhengyi chose you as a friend? Especially... when you were still a piece of shit?"

Roach was not angry, probably because he had suppressed his anger too many times since yesterday, so now he was finally able to restrain himself successfully.

"Fool," Roach said, and withdrew from the conscious world.At this moment, he felt that the teleportation was completed, and a Liu Ziyu holding a fireball appeared in front of him, and his heart tightened suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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