magician in town

Chapter 450 The Missing Mage

Chapter 450 The Missing Mage

Chapter 440 Eight

Luo Qi was thinking about many things in his mind, listening to Liu Ziyu chattering about the test data, inferences, conjectures, all three were mixed to look at the technical terms he didn't understand.His footsteps automatically followed Liu Ziyu, followed her to the new teleportation point, and then returned to the previous floor.

"If one day the mages of the history department are free, they should check all the grooves on the wall, and then restore the three-dimensional model according to the scale, so that they can guess the original appearance of these halls." Liu Ziyu finally said about the hall Yes, what she said earlier seems to be an abnormal energy body.Now Luo Qi can be considered to be able to conclude that mages who can do her kind of work must not only need a high IQ, but also have a super strong attribute.

At this time, they had just escaped from the teleportation again, and the top floor was the basement floor, where Qionglin Laboratory, which had just moved here, was stationed.Luo Qi stretched out his hand and grabbed Liu Ziyu's wrist, the girl immediately stopped comprehending, and stopped her mouth in a timely manner.

In fact, Luo Qi should have noticed something was wrong earlier, but Liu Ziyu had been talking just now, which made him drowsy, and he was thinking about his own affairs again, and the vigilance of his brain had dropped to the lowest point.Until the sixth sense alarm went off again and again, he finally noticed something was wrong.

"It's too quiet." He subconsciously said something that Liu Ziyu was unlikely to understand.

Liu Ziyu is not a lively girl, she didn't ask back, but raised her eyebrows.

"My mind is too quiet," Roach said.

Judging from Liu Ziyu's expression, she might be restrained and silently asking if he is crazy?

"I'm not schizophrenic, that's not what I mean, I don't talk to myself." Roach said, looking up subconsciously, as if he wanted to penetrate the thick metal to see the soles of the feet of the upper class.There was no one above him, though, and he knew perfectly well that the upper hall was as empty as the one below him.He couldn't help taking a deep breath, "I can't hear the buzz of consciousness. It's been a while, it's too quiet, there is no living thing that can think."

"Living... things?" Liu Ziyu repeated Luo Qi's words with difficulty, she thought for a moment, and followed without hindrance. "You mean they might have gone somewhere to have fun instead of taking us?"

"I don't necessarily want to have sex with them." Luo Qi whispered, his spirit tensed up, he knew something must have happened, and Liu Ziyu knew it too.What she said was a joke, but her face was ashen. While telling the joke, she reached into her pocket and took out a magic crystal.She had turned off the detection grid when walking up just now, and now hastily restarted the crystal.

The three-dimensional model that Roach was already familiar with appeared in the air, and Roach knew the result at a glance. Those once dense dim light spots disappeared.All he could see was himself in dim light, Liu Ziyu in brighter light, and the big light bulb downstairs.

Roach didn't waste time expressing his astonishment. He asked directly, "Can the monitoring range be extended to parts outside the building?"

"Not here." Liu Ziyu said, the confused expression on her face had completely disappeared, and Luo Qi could see the female mage's eyes reflecting a sharp light under the firelight, "Upstairs is fine, I need more magic tools. But If you go up rashly now, you may bump into something."

"At least we won't run into any living people." Luo Qi said, seeing Liu Ziyu tremble out of the corner of his eye, "If we don't go up and have a look, we can only stay here, there is nothing here." Liu Ziyu only thought for a second Zhong nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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