magician in town

Chapter 451 Chapter 5 Agreement

Chapter 451 Fifth Agreement

Chapter 440 Nine

Once again, Luo Qi felt Du Zhengyi's simplicity and neatness from Liu Ziyu.He vaguely thought that this might be the imprint of Qionglin, and perhaps people who grew up in Qionglin would inevitably leave similar imprints.Whether it is Du Zhengyi or Liu Ziyu, they are all gifted children who were sent to Qionglin early.

They went straight upstairs to the experiment hall on the basement level.

The original lighting in the hall had been turned off, and the surroundings were completely silent. The only light source was the fireball in Liu Ziyu's hand.The fireball is now blue and doesn't look like flames anymore.She switched to a cold light source.

"I don't know what happened, it's not suitable to use open fire now." Liu Ziyu noticed Luo Qi's gaze and explained.After she finished speaking, she made a grimace again, and stuck out her tongue, "Actually, it's not suitable to use open flames at any time, it's too dangerous. But you know it's weird if mages don't use flames."

Roach nodded, turned his eyes to check the surrounding situation, and commented casually, "It really looks like a big firefly."

"Hmm." Liu Ziyu replied vaguely, hesitated for a moment, and tentatively let the cold light source begin to split, adding a layer of anti-gravity magic, and the cold light slowly floated in the hall.

Roach couldn't help shivering. The uninhabited underground hall was like a huge cold tomb, and the faintly floating blue light balls were like will-o'-the-wisps among the tombs. Under this atmosphere, the undead seemed to be everywhere.

He tried his best to forget the terrifying associations, and began to look around seriously, everything was not much different from the experiment hall in his memory.A filtering device was humming, a large pile of manuscripts was piled up messily on a nearby table, a large sheet of drawings lay flat in the middle of the junkyard, a pen was placed obliquely on it, and the ink from the nib was flowing slowly. Infected the blueprint, creating a large pool of smudges in the lower right corner of the blueprint.Roach couldn't help thinking that when they came back, there would definitely be a technical mage who collapsed in front of this blueprint.

However, more importantly, they left in a hurry, retreating in a hurry without finishing the work at hand.The only consolation is that there are no traces of fighting here, and no traces of excessive magic being released.

Luo Qi frowned, and checked Liu Ziyu's meter for testing radioactive substances again, the reading did not suddenly increase. "At least they weren't driven away by a curse."

"Yes." Liu Ziyu said, she walked to a laboratory table full of sundries, pushed away the tatters on it, pressed her palm into a rectangular groove on the table top, and pressed it into a movable panel .She murmured, "I'm going to reopen this laboratory, first restore the energy monitoring system, and then open the sensing crystal matrix to see what happened above."

Luo Qi didn't speak. He was sure that Liu Ziyu was reciting the mission process and didn't need him to answer.He looked at the time, from when Liu Ziyu found him and they left the hall together, it took no more than 10 minutes.What could happen to the top of their heads in such a short time?

He heard Liu Ziyu murmur a few vague words, and suddenly uttered a clear, "Huh?"

Roach immediately turned to look at her, her eyes widening. "Mage Agreement Five in 1981? Did you make a mistake?"

"What is that?" Luo Qi leaned over, staring at Liu Ziyu's hand tightly pressed on the panel, and then traces of consciousness appeared, he caught the consciousness, and immediately a clear voice rang in his mind appeared, and the voice spoke a string of numbers.

He froze for a moment, and when the number came to his mind for the second time, he knew it was a 16-digit number.Then the 16-digit number was repeated for the third time, and the fourth time... Roach understood that this was a consciousness broadcast in a loop, and the content was the 16-digit number, which was released by the energy crystal.Because this part of consciousness is too simple, even simpler than the thinking of a mouse, it has escaped Roach's consciousness detection.He's used to filtering consciousness and only detecting complex intelligence, otherwise it would be too noisy.

Liu Ziyu is not a mind mage, so he needs to be in direct contact with the crystal to receive the information.When Roach understood it, he immediately tightened the filter of consciousness in his mind, and dozens of voices sounded in his mind at the same time, as if dozens of mouths were reciting a fixed 16-digit number at the same time.The effect magically made Roach tremble, and quickly blocked the simple consciousness again.

"16-digit number?" He asked and turned to Liu Ziyu. Suddenly, he thought that in human movies, when there is a crisis in a certain base, red lights flash in every corner of the base, and mechanical voices play warnings at the same time. .The current situation is similar to that of human beings, except that the mage race uses consciousness, which directly acts on the human brain.It is not difficult to imagine that when this experimental hall is being used, all mages are using crystals, and everyone's magic is connected with crystals. At a certain moment, the 16-digit number rang through everyone's minds.

"The 16-digit number is a code." Liu Ziyu said hastily, speaking faster than usual.Given that she usually spoke faster than everyone else, Roach could barely keep up with her. "This code is one of the codes that must be memorized by the personnel in the experimental hall. The code means the fifth agreement in the "1981 Mage Agreement." Her hand had already left the panel, and she turned her head and stared palely. Roach, "The fifth agreement is the retreat agreement. It means that we have been attacked by the second level, and the external danger is coming, but there is still a little time. We must immediately dismantle all important energy crystals according to the fifth agreement, and leave the laboratory with the crystals." , meet with the battle mage, and go to the second backup point at the current location."

Roach swallowed, not knowing which part to respond to first, "That means..."

"That means that the danger should have come now." Liu Ziyu raised his head subconsciously and looked up, his hands trembling, "It also means that the useful energy crystals have been taken away, and I can't communicate with the original sensor here. The crystal is connected, and now I am blind and deaf. I don't understand, who attacked here? Is it a traitor in Qionglin? Fan Shi? Or the lotus burner? How do they know this place? I know, you The attack suffered is the first wave of attack!"

"Wait, don't be afraid. It's useless to be afraid. Do you know where the so-called second backup point is?" Luo Qi asked. Chance.

"I know." Liu Ziyu said, she understood Luo Qi's meaning, and calmed down a little, "Our second backup point here is Gongbu, in the valley of the highland, downstream of the big river."

Roach thought quickly, "Then let's go there too, maybe there's still time. Maybe the attack has already happened, and we just hid underground."

Liu Ziyu forced a smile, "You are so optimistic."

She raised her head and looked at Roach, and Roach felt the same thoughts in their respective hearts - no matter what happened, it must be serious, and they might not have time to go to the nearest Pendragon rail system site.

That's twenty kilometers away.

(End of this chapter)

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