magician in town

Chapter 527 Saints

Chapter 527 Saints

The bedroom was quiet. Someone left a glass of water and a highland mage's candle by his bedside. The sky was only a little dim, and he needed lighting before it was too late.Roach knew no one was in the house before he woke up.

Lying on his side on the bed, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the candle. Someone had left him a candle, and slowly realized that he had been thinking about one thing—how far the clownfish was from them.There are many problems at the moment, but he finds that his thoughts turn around and always fall back on the clownfish's invisibility magic.Among the things that have happened and will happen, this matter is the least important, but in the end he will always think about it unconsciously.

There are so many magics in this world, and most mages cannot fully grasp and use the known magics, not to mention that according to the literature records and the actual situation, the ancestor mages have more powerful magics.He can simply attribute this situation to the fact that the clownfish somehow found an undiscovered ancient magic, which is basically the case. He didn't tell the whole truth, but he asked Du Zhengyi about the invisibility magic. Du Zhengyi was not very interested, he just said that strange magic would reappear occasionally.Roach guessed that the "Chronicles of Battle Mage and Mage" mentioned by Wenlin must have recorded many strange events, some histories that he could not find in other documents.However, it may also be because the information he stored is mainly the knowledge of mind mages, and he has not had the patience to study it carefully.

Du Zhengyi would not bother with something that lacked evidence and did not pose a serious threat, and Roach could also see that this kind of invisibility magic must have great limitations, otherwise the clownfish would have used this thing to make trouble.If one were to make a technical summary, clownfish invisibility is a type of magic, one that uses ordinary magical energy, unrelated to telepathic magic, to evade human eyes, and even electronic devices that appear to be able to evade humans.He still couldn't speak clearly, a thread of thought tiptoed across his mind, but when he wanted to think about it carefully, he couldn't figure it out.Liu Ziyu must have felt that that weird girl was very similar to him in many ways, and Luo Qi was a little unhappy when he thought that he might be of the same kind as her.

He is always somewhat similar to weirdos, and even has a special understanding of clownfish.When Liu Xiuyun accused him of instructing Master Baili to attack him with his thoughts and psychologically interfered with the entire hearing, he immediately figured out what was going on.He really wanted to lament that the hero sees the same thing, and the whole thing looks like he could have done it—if Du Zhengyi hadn't been looking at him all the time, and he was really weak at the time.

It is very difficult to do some facts behind Du Zhengyi's back. He is sure that the magic of the mind mage cannot be measured like ordinary magic, that is to say, it is impossible for Du Zhengyi to check him with the methods he is good at measuring magic traces.In the beginning, Du Zhengyi really couldn't find out what he was doing furtively, but now it's getting more and more difficult. He wonders if he has a problem with facial expression management?Du Zhengyi may have discovered that he was playing tricks based on his experience at the poker table, and it was not based on any mysterious magic at all.

He was finally able to send the letter behind Du Zheng's back. He wondered how angry Du Zheng was and whether he would completely turn against him.

When he thought of this, he suddenly came to his senses and realized what he should have thought of earlier—why isn't Du Zhengyi here?

Roach sat up from the bed in a panic.Something must have happened, every time he was unconscious/incapacitated it was no good.He didn't know if the vicious dog of the clownfish had left completely, but he knew intuitively that the clownfish would linger around here.He also didn't know what measures Qionglin would take against the news he had spread.

That's good, he puts on his shoes hastily, and just after he messes up Qionglin, he loses consciousness.In the future, he must guard against Du Zhengyi.He had imagined that Du Zhengyi would definitely not agree with his actions, would debate (quarrel) with him, or might simply walk away, and the most serious possibility would be to break up with him.But he didn't expect that he would directly pinch himself unconscious, which was too straightforward... No, Roach thought about it, this is Du Zhengyi's style.

Roach pushed open the door and hurried into the corridor. When he passed through the door, he had the illusion of bumping into a spider's web head-on.

Someone in the next room jumped into action immediately, and Roach knew it was Mahjong.When Du Zhengyi left, he must have installed motion capture detection magic on the door, and he would be able to sense the movement of the mahjong next door.Luo Qi decided to argue with Du Zhengyi about this baby/pet monitoring measure later. The most important thing right now is that he doesn't want to see mahjong. Doctors can be more annoying than anyone else. His words are never pleasant.

He quickly thought about how to get rid of the doctor, but unfortunately the ghosts he learned were all in the hands of Du Zhengyi. His performance in recent days may not be good enough. Du Zhengyi hasn't returned it to him, so he has no way to ask his doctor. The prophets and wise men asked for advice.He could only speed up and run through the corridor. He ignored Mahjong's loud shouts behind him, turned around and walked through the turning point of the corridor.

Luo Qi quickly rushed into the hall, where many young executive mages of Qionglin were here, and when they saw clearly that it was Luo Qi, he consciously made way for him, as if he had a bit of rabies.No one took the initiative to say hello to Roach, and Roach ignored them. He bypassed several curtains of highland mages and disappeared into the eyes of Mahjong who was a few steps behind.

After making a few circles, Roach appeared in front of the highland mage on duty in the hall.He thought for a while, and said, "Which room is our teacher Pei in? He sent a message to see me. I left in a hurry and forgot to ask the location."

The highland mage on duty glanced at the beads of sweat on Roach's forehead, "It should be in the central small living room in the corridor on my right."

"The one at the corner of the swastika in this corridor?" Luo Qi confirmed, raised his head to catch a glimpse of Mahjong, and finally saw him from a distance.

"Yes." said the highland mage.

Luo Qi turned around and walked straight to the other end. Mahjong chased after him out of breath. This time, Luo Qi had no time to hide, anyway, he could no longer get in the way.

"Stop, Roach." Mahjong yelled angrily, "What are you going to do?"

"Pei Shu is here." Roach said, "I must be present when Du Zhengyi speaks."

"What do you mean? Are you a human lawyer?" Mahjong said in astonishment, "Besides, who told you that Venerable Pei is here? How did you know? Few people know that Venerable Pei is here. He just came here less than 10 minute."

Luo Qi gave him a smirk, "If he hadn't come, who else could call Du Zhengyi away like a dog?"

"How dare you say that."

"I have nothing to say. It's not that I'm bragging. Unless he comes, Du Zhengyi won't leave me at this time. He doesn't trust the people here at all. Heights is like a subway station now. Who can get in." Roach said annoyed, but the pace under his feet became faster and faster, almost trotting.

"What are you doing, Luo Qi? Even if Venerable Pei is here, why are you in a hurry? That is Du Zhengyi's teacher, who is similar to his adoptive father. Of course he will talk to Du Zhengyi first when he comes."

"Yes, he is still a venerable, a great man, and a saint." Roach muttered, "But saints like to persuade others to die. I hate saints."

(End of this chapter)

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