magician in town

Chapter 528: The Prestige of a Saint

Chapter 528: The Prestige of a Saint

"Wait." Mahjong No matter what Roach said, he couldn't figure out what Roach meant for a while.He wasn't in a hurry at all, he just grabbed Roach's collar in a hurry and roared eagerly in a low voice. "Stop, you can't just rush into His Holiness' office like this! Are you crazy?"

Luo Qi turned around suddenly and escaped from Mahjong's grasp.Mahjong was taken aback for a moment, in his impression that Roach's cleverness was limited to his brain.Either he was misled by the daily scene. The civet cat that Du Zhengyi can catch with one paw does not mean that ordinary people can.

He was stunned for only a moment, and Luo Qi took this opportunity to knock open the door of the small meeting room with his shoulder, and finally broke in with a big face.

"Hey." He said, greeted easily like the king of mages, and glanced at Du Zhengyi.

For a moment, the upper part of Roach's spine went numb with panic.

He knew exactly why he was panicking. Du Zhengyi might be persuaded, and Pei Shu could control Du Zhengyi to some extent.Of course, it is not controlled by thoughts, but it may be due to Xiao Yi Da Yi, or some feelings that can only be understood between the two of them.Du Zhengyi was brought up by him, and he was the one who trained and educated him to become what he is today - the trust between them is as thick as four sets of complete works of Zizhitongjian stacked together.

Du Zhengyi was sitting on a cushion next to Pei Shu, stretching his two long legs lazily. He raised his head and glanced at Luo Qi quietly.

No criticism of education.

Luo Qi calmed down for a while, unknowingly straightened his waist, and turned to the elder Pei Shu respectfully like a polite young man, "Pei... Teacher, it's like this, I think you will definitely ask me to come over for questioning, so I Just take your time and come here.”

The lion-like old mage looked at him. He must have looked angry just now, but he couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "Oh? You are a diligent and sensible child."

Luo Qi nodded slightly, restraining his indecent words. He couldn't tease Venerable Qionglin and Du Zhengyi's father. Sometimes he could overcome the foul mouth.

"However, the fact is that you made me have to come to see you." Pei Shu said neither soft nor hard.

Roach swallowed, and a human idiom slipped out of his mouth, "I just did what every qualified people's mage should do."

Pei Shu stared at him for a moment, and finally burst out laughing, lowering his head and putting his hands on his knees.It took a while before he said, "Child, I haven't been laughed at like this for a long time."

Luo Qi didn't smile, he glanced at Du Zhengyi nervously, and found that Du Zhengyi didn't smile either.He tore his gaze away from Du Zhengyi, "I don't regret anything I've done."

"Take advantage of the little Confucius of the system and spread Qionglin's secrets to the outside world, but you don't regret it?" Pei Shu said, "Son, I always thought you were just a soft kid, but you turned out to be a tough guy?"

"I'm super soft." Roach licked his lips like a cat, "and I'm very sensitive, with a nervous breakdown."

"Really?" Pei Shu asked.

Luo Qi was so overwhelmed by his gaze that he couldn't lift his head, and the tattoo on Pei Shu's face kept distracting him.The pattern of the tattoo is a small piece of facial makeup, like the facial pattern of some primitive tribes, which is very artistic, and it looks like the writing of an ancient mage when you look closely.He struggled to concentrate, regained his confidence in himself, and continued his previous sentence, "So those monsters give me nightmares. I can't rest assured, saying something that seems disrespectful, most Qionglin Mages are useless rubbish. The signs come and go, and those who defend our world are unreliable."

He felt that Du Zhengyi suddenly raised his head and looked at him at this moment, his gaze was as sharp as a needle.

Roach's throat was a little dry. No one would believe his nonsense, but he continued to speak firmly, strengthening his self-confidence, and eloquently expounding on his responsibility as the new Qionglin mage.

Pei Shu listened carefully to his speech, or rather tolerated his persuasion, and finally summed up his words, grasping his main points sharply. "You want Qionglin to immediately set up an investigation team to investigate Qianzhou."

"Especially Mount Kongsang." Luo Qi said without giving an inch.

"Under your unremitting efforts," Pei Shu said sarcastically, "we have no other choice but to immediately send elite troops to Kongsang Mountain in Qianzhou. Take control of the place, even though it's just an empty tomb."

"Maybe it's just because the people who dig the grave lack the necessary skills. According to the situation of Xingtai Mountain, if I are sent to assist in the investigation, there may be a big breakthrough." Roach said.

"That's right." Pei Shu looked at him, "It was the time you were digging everywhere in Xingtai Mountain, and Du Zhengyi almost died."

It was like being splashed with a bucket of ice water, and it took a long time for Roach to regain his ability to speak. His cheeks were stiff and sour, as if he had taken a big gulp of low-quality red wine with too much tannin. He swallowed the bitter wine , admitted in one bite, "Yes."

"Teacher." Du Zhengyi moved by the side, and Roach felt a little uneasy even two meters away. He knew what Du Zhengyi was going to say - he couldn't blame Roach for that.

"Du Zhengyi," Pei Shu said with a heavy tone when he mentioned his name, and suppressed what Du Zhengyi said later, "As you know, his health is not very good. He doesn't want to cultivate his body at home, he wants to do it. I respect his idea of ​​what I can do. I just hope that I can use his experience and wisdom to complete some investigations that are difficult for others to obtain. I don't want him to still be on the line of fire. Not to mention I want to lend him to you as a nanny, to protect your life, or to defend your utilitarian desire to become famous."

The room fell silent, and Roach's face slowly turned red, as if someone had slapped him hard.On the other hand, even an old sorcerer like Pei Shu, who looks at people's lives, thinks that he is just a vulgar idiot, and he should be proud of himself.But in fact, Pei Shu may still think highly of him, he is even more vulgar than he thought, and he didn't even desire to make contributions and become famous. Although the result of doing so would be a loss to Du Zhengyi, it might indeed benefit many people.He is even more useless, like an illiterate old farmer in the countryside who just wants an apple tree in his garden to grow well.

"I can't even blame you." Pei Shu said, "You didn't tie yourself to Du Zhengyi on purpose. I don't want to talk to you about children today, so save the nonsense you told others. Apart from the reason of Du Zhengyi, it is not suitable for you to leave here in the short term, follow the highland mage to practice earnestly, and first calm down your boiling thoughts."

Pei Shu was more difficult to deal with than everyone else, Luo Qi murmured for a while, but did not say a word.As much as he tried to convince himself that it didn't matter, he was so shocked that he couldn't think of what to say at the moment.

"Go back." Pei Shu said calmly, and cut off his last hope, "Du Zhengyi stayed for a while, I haven't finished my words yet."

(End of this chapter)

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