magician in town

Chapter 529 Sunflower

Chapter 529 Sunflower

Luo Qi walked out of the door, and Mahjong was waiting for him outside the door with a mocking face.

Roach didn't want to talk to him, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked towards the hall.Mahjong stopped him again, extremely annoying.

"Where do you want to go? You know you have made a lot of enemies now, right?" Mahjong said.

Mahjong, Mahjong again, always so serious, even if he doesn't like himself very much. "I want to go outside for a walk." Roach said slowly.

"No, Du Zhengyi said that you can only stay in your own room." Mahjong refused, staring at Luo Qi impatiently, "Don't play tricks, Luo Qi, you are really troublesome, do you know that? "

After he finished speaking, he waited for Roach's counterattack, with ingenious ridicule and false sophistry.But Luo Qi raised his head, opened his eyes that were too pure on the boy's face, and looked at him beggingly, "Can I kneel down and beg you?"

Mahjong almost bit his tongue and was tongue-tied.Just when his body and mind were shaken, and when he was full of guilt, Roach ran away.

Mahjong cursed a series of swear words, hesitated between going back to find Du Zhengyi and catching Luo Qi, moaned in pain, gave up his dignity as a doctor, and ran after Luo Qi.

He once again found that Roach was much faster than he thought, and he ran to the end of the corridor in the blink of an eye.In front of Mahjong, Roach plunged into the corridor and disappeared.

"Damn it!" Mahjong scolded angrily, he is a mind mage, he is familiar with this kind of trick.When humans pass through a door, they often temporarily forget what they were thinking about. This is because the spatial changes help the human brain to perform a subtle reset, which helps humans think more clearly.The same is true for mages and humans, and mind mages can use this moment to perform spiritual induction.At the moment from the corridor to the hall, the sense of space also switched in his mind, and his originally focused thinking was slightly adjusted and reset by himself, and Roach interfered with him at this moment.

Now, Mahjong is facing an open office like a large room, with dozens of people and all kinds of objects. Even if he knows that Roach is fucking in it, his eyes must be able to see Roach, but his brain is rejecting it. Identify Roach.

damn it!Mahjong knew that this kind of spiritual induction would not last long in front of his will, but this time was enough for Roach to disappear.He thought in frustration, why Roach can always master the most cunning and bastard magic in mind magic the fastest?

Roach turned outside and was in the middle of a woodland in the Highland Mage, surrounded by thriving dandelion flowers.Sure enough, the rain had stopped, and the ground was still wet, so he stepped on the mud.

In front of him, there is a small pool, not far from the big lake, there are a few temporary seats by the pool, and several mages are chatting here.

Roach's appearance attracted their attention, and Roach saw eagerness to get to know him on the faces of two of them, and he was in no mood to talk to strangers at this time.

He turned around and stepped on the little yellow flower to walk in another direction, but bumped into a person who was very difficult to avoid.

Zhou Quan smiled like a flower when he saw him.

Roach turned another ninety degrees and walked in the other direction.Zhou Quan didn't mind, put the text material in his hand into the arms of the mage next to him, and trotted after Roach.

"Hi, Kiki." He said crookedly, and forcibly put his arm around Roach's shoulder. "It's not very sunny today?"

Roach turned around, "Are you blind? One day I'm not a sunflower, I've always been a serious man."

"Hey," Zhou Quan said indifferently, looking back twice, "Where's Du Zhengyi?"

"I don't know." Roach shook his head, "Get away from me, I don't know you well."

Zhou Quan laughed out loud, Roach's shoulders shook while laughing.Luo Qi became impatient, "Go away, or I will eat your head."

"Wait, wait." Zhou Quan hurriedly grabbed Luo Qi, "What's wrong with you? Tell me if there is any difficulty, maybe I have the knowledge. Who doesn't know that I'm just asking around?"

"Then I should eat your head. It's better to ask yourself than to ask others." Roach said seriously.

"Don't, please keep me and let me use my subjective initiative." Zhou Quan said with a smile, and led Luo Qi in the direction of Ren Shaolin Zimi.

Luo Qi heard that there was something in his words, and gave him a symbolic shake, "What are you doing? My adults told me not to let me go into the woods with people of unknown origin."

In the deeper woods, there were overgrown bushes. They hadn't walked more than ten meters away, and the bushes had already filled the gap between the trunks.The mage passing by here, if they didn't come here specifically to find them, it would be difficult to find them.Roach stood still, and he really refused to go any further with him. "Last time I followed you, and it turned out to be bad luck. Let's stop, the friendship between me and you is only ten meters. If this matter is not worth the eyes that are pierced by thorns on my body, just wait and see Bar!"

"Don't complain, I'm trying to make up for the losses I caused to you." Zhou Quan said with a smile, "Our friendship will definitely go deeper than ten meters, because I bet all my treasures on On you, I plan to mess with you."

"Can you be more promising?" Roach asked.

"Can you be more promising?" Zhou Quan said, "Aim higher."

"For example, kill Pei Shu and make yourself king?" Luo Qi said casually.

Zhou Quan shuddered, stunned for a moment, and smiled awkwardly after recovering, "Let's talk about serious business."

"Please speak." Roach stared at him solemnly.

"Do you know Han Yi?"

"It sounds familiar." Roach said slowly, "Wait a minute, I remembered, I've heard of him. What's the matter with him? The relationship between his wife and Du Zhengyi seems to make him very dissatisfied."

"You understand it that way... yes." Zhou Quan said steadily, his acceptance was much stronger than that of the old mages. "But it's not his wife, they're just engaged. No, it's not that his wife is having an affair with Du Zhengyi. Chu Yao... is a very good battle mage."

"How good?" Roach asked.

"Excellent enough to be able to partner with Du Zhengyi, is that enough for me?"

Roach nodded silently, "I remember, she's dead."

"Han Yi has been asking people about you for the past two days." Zhou Quan said, "Today he found out about me."

"Huh?" Roach finally became interested. "What does he want to do to me? Let's hear it."

"What can he do to you? Why are your words always so strange? Are you still looking forward to it? Oh yes, you are not in a good mood today. Do you want to find someone to try your knife? It's best not to, he is also a very An excellent battle mage, when the time is right, he may dare to attack Du Zheng."

"When? When Du Zhengyi was sleeping soundly like a baby?" Roach asked.

"Don't look down on others, can you?" Zhou Quan said, "Actually, I'm more interested in this matter——he told me that he wanted to talk to you."

"With me?" Luo Qi smiled sincerely for the first time after leaving Pei Shu's door, "I'm interested. It's best to arrange a meeting within 15 minutes. I happen to be free today."

(End of this chapter)

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