magician in town

Chapter 542 Du Tingxiu

Chapter 542 Du Tingxiu (9)

Roach's forehead was instantly covered with a layer of cold sweat, his entire nervous system was tense, and he almost let himself attack recklessly like a sharp knife out of its sheath.

He struggled to hold back his stress response, and at this moment, a part of his consciousness made a vague but correct judgment.His hand should not have touched the stone yet, if something could happen across space, why did Han Yi bother to force him for so long.

With just such a hesitation, the space distortion ended.

Roach is sure that the current space is still the original space, the chair under his buttocks and the store with the smell of old cheese mixed with Tibetan incense have not changed.The only change was that a strong smell of blood erupted in the air, strongly stimulating his keen sense of smell.Almost at the same time, his cat let out a shrill cry, ran up to his shoulder in a vigilant manner, and stepped on his neck with a paw, causing him a sharp pain.

He retracted his finger that was going to touch the crystal and grabbed his cat. The crystal fell on the wooden table and rolled a few times on the tablecloth.Han Yi slammed his hand down, propping himself up on the table in pain.Only then did Roach focus his sight on the target, and finally saw where the blood came from.Gushing blood was flowing down Han Yi's left shoulder, and a black dagger was nailed to his shoulder, piercing him through.

Roach stood up in shock, couldn't help but took a step back, hit the chair with his knee, and almost fell back on the chair again.At this very moment of confusion, a part of his consciousness played back in his brain what his eyes had seen but his mind missed in amazement.

At that moment, there was no sound of a sharp blade piercing the wind.He felt a slight distortion of space, and only now realized that the core of that distortion was actually in Han Yi's body.This feeling is so terrifying that the root of his tongue is almost tied up. Han Yi himself must be able to clearly perceive any terrible changes that are about to take place in the human body.Clearly aware, but unstoppable, a form grows a core in its own flesh, condenses into a shape, breaks out from the muscles and bones, cuts the meridians, and penetrates the blood vessels.The mage's ears could even hear this small sound, a moment of cruelty and despair.Until the hard metal finally pierced the skin, protruding from the flesh and blood, and condensed into an even somewhat exquisite dagger.Han Yi panted heavily, his heart beating like a drum, as if he was nailed to the ground by an invisible spear, the smell of fear he exuded was like the smell of blood, Xun made Luo Qi's heart beat faster.

His wound is not necessarily more serious than being stabbed from the back, what is serious is the way of intimidation.Even Roach, who was not experienced in iron and blood, felt the meaning of cold punishment from the back of his tongue.Roach pinched the cat's back trembling slightly, staring fixedly at the dagger protruding from the human body. It was not the first time Roach saw that black metal. He was familiar with the texture and texture of this rare metal. I always feel kind, like carrying... Du Zhengyi's signature.

The black metal condensed out of thin air more than once, forged into different weapons, and sent to different paths.It's just that this time it was extraordinarily brutal and bloody, there was no wind, even a battle mage couldn't avoid it.Behind him was the coldness and precision of a killer. Roach subconsciously thought in his stupor that Du Zhengyi was really good at complex calculations.Moreover, he also announced one thing silently, that is - he can.He can make a sharp blade grow from anywhere in Han Yi, the shoulder is a warning, the next time it may be the stomach or the brain, it makes no difference to him.

Roach swallowed, startled when he looked up.People around have been leaving since just now, but he didn't realize that the entire second floor was actually empty, and even Zhou Quan left without knowing when.He sniffed subconsciously, the most unusual thing in the air was the smell of Tibetan incense.Since just now, his cat has been reminding him that the fragrance is abnormal, making people anxious and wanting to leave.But he was too anxious to know Han Yi's cards, he was sure that the incense could not do anything to people, so he ignored it.Only now did he realize that someone was clearly clearing the scene silently.

He tried hard to remember what kind of person the waiter who came to add fragrance last time was, but he really didn't pay much attention, he only knew that the person was human.Human beings will always be ignored by mages.

At this moment, the sound of light footsteps sounded, and they walked through two complete wooden stairs.Luo Qi silently thought that the trouble was launched from such a long distance, so even Han Yi was an excellent battle mage, he didn't notice it in advance.

Du Zhengyi appeared at the stairs and paused for a while where the light failed to shine.Luo Qi didn't dare to look at his expression, let alone see if there was any disappointment hidden in the shadow, so he quickly lowered his neck like an ostrich.He was still carrying the cat with one hand, and he was bewildered at his clothes with the other.

As soon as Du Zheng walked over, he walked more slowly, walking towards them, his eyes fell on Han Yi.Every time he took a step closer, Roach could feel that the temperature on the second floor of the teahouse had dropped by another degree, and the place with the most smoke and fire in the world was as cold as a cemetery.He hardly knew Du Zhengyi like this, it wasn't that he didn't walk through life and death with him, and he didn't take it seriously at that time, it didn't matter, everything was taken lightly.It's not like this, there's nothing superfluous like this.

"Hahaha." A cold laugh burst out suddenly, with a rough echo in his throat, Roach was taken aback by surprise, and gripped the cat tightly.He looked at Han Yi in confusion, and caught a glimpse of a very sinister look on his face.The muscles on his face became ferocious, he smiled grimly, more blood flowed from the wound involving his shoulder, he gritted his teeth and called out the person's name, "Du, Zheng, Yi."

Roach suddenly realized that he had made a mistake.He knew that Han Yi hated Du Zhengyi.But he miscalculated the extent of this hatred.He himself has never hated anyone deeply, which may be due to his nature, so he cannot accurately estimate the hatred of others.He thought he hated Li Xu and Zhao Zhiyan, who had tortured him, but this kind of hatred, compared to Han Yi's feelings for Du Zhengyi, could only be regarded as...not pleasing to the eye?

Du Zhengyi walked up behind Han Yi silently, Han Yi smiled convulsively, Luo Qi smelled strong hatred, anger, hopelessness, and shame again, these smells mixed together were like the stinky sweat on Xia Fatty's body. A taste of the soul.Roach pursed his lips tightly, with an urge to completely and temporarily shut down his telepathy, and no longer accept the smell leaked by this person.At this moment, he saw Du Zhengyi raised his hand and grabbed the handle of the dagger protruding from Han Yi's back shoulder.


Du Zhengyi exerted strength in his hand, and the dagger was suddenly pulled out. Han Yi's body twitched violently, and blood spurted out profusely.

Roach stood in shock, staring blankly at Du Zhengyi's every move.Han Yi's body trembled for a while, and then he forcibly stabilized. He let out a hoarse laugh again, and roughly stopped the bleeding, which stained his hands.

Du Zhengyi looked at him coldly, indifferent to the blood and trauma in front of him.Over Han Yi's shoulder, the dagger made by Du Zhengyi was placed squarely on the table in front of Han Yi. Blood flowed down the black metal, staining a tablecloth.

"The first time, shoulders." Du Zhengyi said, lowering his eyes, stretched out two fingers, and nodded mockingly on top of Han Yi's head, his voice was as soft as a whisper. "Second time, break your mind."

Han Yi laughed hysterically, "Okay, very good, threaten an innocent..."

Du Zhengyi made an extremely impolite and impatient voice, Han Yi subconsciously held his breath, and then reacted with an angry face.

"Roch." Du Zhengyi finally raised his eyes, and turned his cold eyes.

Roach witnessed a side of Du Zhengyi that he had never seen before, and he was still immersed in shock. He didn't wake up suddenly until he saw Du Zhengyi's eyes. He picked up the cat and walked around the table to Du Zhengyi.

As soon as Du Zheng stared at him with bitter anger, Roach gasped slowly, tiptoeing, like a mass of extremely inflammable inert matter, no matter how angry you are, you can't even think of igniting him.

At this critical moment of life and death, Roach couldn't help but sneak a glance at the memory crystal that had been thrown aside, with some vague calculations in his heart, and he was unwilling to leave like this.

"Roch!" Du Zhengyi growled warningly, reaching out to grab him.

"Ah, ah, I know, I know." Roach turned his head away fiercely, walked around Du Zhengyi to grab his hand, and dodged behind Du Zhengyi, so that he couldn't continue to stare at him as he wished.

(End of this chapter)

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