magician in town

Chapter 543 Highland Office

Chapter 543 Highland Office

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

He hid behind the person, and Du Zhengyi didn't bother to turn around and drag him to his eyes, and walked straight to the stairs, without leaving a single glance at Han Yi who had been stabbed.Luo Qi automatically followed behind him, step by step, turned up the wooden stairs, and went downstairs.

The first floor was already empty, and there was no sign of Zhou Quan who had brought him here earlier, so he probably ran away the moment he saw Du Zhengyi.In the empty teahouse lobby, an old Indian song was playing vaguely from an antique tape recorder, and an old Tibetan man with half his arm exposed was hunched over behind the counter, picking up a dustpan of cheese, and lighting a stick of Tibetan incense next to it.

Oh... Roach remembered that he was not human.

No wonder why Du Zhengyi came so fast, found him so accurately, and dragged him out in no time.And why Zhou Quan dared to lure him out to meet outsiders alone.This bastard Zhou Quan never told all the truth at once. He said that "here" is next door to the human stronghold of battle mages, but he didn't say that "here" is the human stronghold of highland mages.Zhou Quan controlled the place to death. He could meet Han Yi, but the time must be limited. The length of this time was the process of the Highland mage sending a message inward, notifying the Qionglin mage circle, and finally alerting Du Zhengyi.

Although Luo Qi would come out no matter what, but when he thought that he thought Zhou Quan that bastard was simple again, he got a little angry.

The highland mages must have known that Du Zhengyi was coming, so they began to use their methods to expel irrelevant humans.The highland mages are very familiar with special plants, and the Tibetan incense they are good at adds ingredients they are good at, which can lightly stimulate the human brain and make them think of leaving here.

But the thought drive caused by this plant ingredient is too slight, and it is very slow to take effect on the human brain, and the spiritual influence on the mage is almost equivalent to non-existent, but this method is better than leaving no trace naturally.But for cats, the stimulus is strong, so Roach actually knew it from the beginning, but he didn't pay much attention to the harmless smell.You must know that human beings often make some incenses with various effects by mistake, or they can concentrate, stimulate desire, or hypnotize. He felt it and didn't think much about it. The shopkeeper hopes that customers leave early after drinking tea, and don't keep occupying chairs with refills.

Du Zhengyi stopped by the counter at the door, followed by Roach, watching Du Zhengyi turn around and bow respectfully to the mage with one arm and half of his shoulder exposed.He stood by and waited, thinking wildly in his mind. To be honest, he never thought that the highland mage could do so much.

The highland mage looked peaceful, nodded slightly in greeting, his eyes still stayed on the pile of cheese, and continued to sort the cheese comfortably.Roach reached out and quietly took a piece of dry cheese the size of a toffee, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The market outside the door is bustling, stepping out seems to be returning to the secular world. As soon as Du Zheng entered the street of human beings, he walked all the way. Roach followed behind to identify him several times, and he didn't feel like he was going to take him back immediately. route.

The dry cheese was very unpalatable, and it was very unpalatable to eat it up. The more Roach chewed, the more he tasted it. Suddenly, a burst of courage came up and grabbed Du Zhengyi's arm from behind.Du Zhengyi was pulled by him, stopped, and turned his head to stare at him coldly.

Luo Qi let go of his fingers, and wiped Du Zhengyi's sleeve, as if he wanted to smooth out the non-existent claw marks, and said without words, "If...calculated by [-]% anger, you now... have How angry are you?"

Du Zheng looked at him for a while, "120."

"Ah?" Luo Qi was taken aback, and his expression became more timid. He didn't expect Du Zhengyi to answer him, "Then is your blood pressure okay?"

As soon as Du Zheng saw that he was silent, he might also feel that it was useless to scold him. If he could scold him, he had already scolded him almost in the past, and now he couldn't scold him in new ways.The two of them stood by the side of the street, and the flow of people was like flowing water, continuously flowing to them, and then going around them and continuing to gallop away.Luo Qi couldn't bear Du Zhengyi's disappointed eyes, gradually lowered his head, stood silently for a while, and then laughed again, "Brother, you are so handsome just now. I haven't seen you show such a big picture yet. Trick, didn’t you use too much blue? Are you okay now?”

"shut your mouth."

"But he wants to see me, and I always want to hear what he has to say. After all, he..." Roach bit his lower lip, regretting that he stuffed the cheese in his mouth. The Tibetan cheese was too hard for him. Fishy too bitter.

"After all what?" Du Zhengyi stared into his eyes with sharp eyes and a sarcastic tone.

"After all, he is one of the people who investigated me." Roach forcibly twisted into another meaning, but Du Zhengyi sneered clearly, and he closed his mouth knowingly.

"After all, he can't wait to kill me." Du Zhengyi said Roach's correct answer, and his tone seemed to be sarcasm.

Roach looked up at him, raised his hand and scratched his forehead, as if Du Zhengyi was a little dazzling today, shaking his eyes.

Today, Du Zhengyi may have been extremely angry, he sneered, and continued, "I know, but I don't care at all, because he has no way to retaliate against me, and Han Yi is a clown. If, I am Say if, if he is really good enough to be trouble, I don't care about killing a mage. Roach, who am I? Answer me, who am I? You don't want to say? Did you see just now, I am very good at killing skills People? You think about it carefully, although no one told you, but if you think about it, you will understand that not everyone who causes trouble can be successfully brought back to Qionglin and locked up underground. Of course killing people is more efficient , I have always been a fighter with good performance, and I am good at hunting high anti-mages. So, I really don't need you to take care of me, do you know how ridiculous you are?"

"Hmm." Roach said, clenched his hands into fists and rubbed his nose, giving a vague answer.His irises were very bright, and his nose was stuffy like a runny nose.Du Zhengyi turned his eyes away in a rage, and suddenly heard Roach's vague question, which sounded like, "Really?"

"What did you say?" Du Zhengyi asked angrily.

Luo Qi took his hands away and put his back behind his back, "I said, are you really going to kill Han Yi?"

Du Zhengyi frowned and stared at him.

Luo Qi met his gaze, took a short breath, paused for a moment and said, "What's the name of your former partner...Chu Yao, are you really going to kill her fiancé?"

Du Zhengyi stared at him coldly, without answering his question.

"Look." Roach said, his voice stabilized again. "It's not easy to live with a bottom line. Of course I care about you. Those of us who want to face should always help each other, don't we?"

Du Zhengyi turned his head away, gave up talking to him again, and fell silent.

"Is there really no way for him to take revenge on you? Then why did you come here so quickly and still be so angry?" Roach said carefully, "It's a pity that he didn't realize that the way to take revenge on you was right in front of him. It's too strong to think of you. But you are so angry and put so much effort to warn him, he may have figured it out by now."

"You have the nerve to say so."

"Then your father's name is Du Tingxiu?" Luo Qi asked suddenly.

"Huh? What bullshit?"

(End of this chapter)

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