magician in town

Chapter 548 Hurricane

Chapter 548 Hurricane

"Son, you don't even have a piece of time here."

The old mage in the crimson robe opened his eyes and said, he was sitting cross-legged on the thick and soft felt blanket, and there was nothing on the felt blanket surrounded by candles opposite him.The old mage was stunned for a moment, then looked back soberly.

Roach leaned against the corner of the wall behind him, pushing most of his body weight to the corner covered with tapestry, his eyes were dull and lifeless, and his fingers slowly picked a small hole in the tapestry.

"Son, your thoughts are like a hurricane in the valley." Master Hash said patiently.

Luo Qi withdrew his thoughts reluctantly, and said neither soft nor hard, "Then go with the wind, I was sent to serve my sentence."

Not long after he came back from the outside, he was stuffed into the highland mage's class by Du Zhengyi. Du Zhengyi thought this was a good place to circle him.He accepted his fate soberly, and if Du Zheng was not allowed to circle him for a while, he would not be able to go anywhere.

It's a pity that Du Zhengyi didn't know the highland mages that well. They never forced anyone or blocked anyone's way.Roach counted the time silently, without taking the words of Mage Hashi into his heart.

"You still haven't cleared your mind. Your mind is filled with too many things that don't belong to you. Stolen, snatched, and sent by others. I can see that they all have different traces." Hash The mage said suddenly.

Roach turned to stare at him, wondering if the highland mage was losing his temper.

The old mage shook his head and said in Chinese with weird pronunciation, "We don't judge right and wrong, even gods are not qualified to judge. You have to meditate, slowly unfold everything in your mind from your anchor point, and find out what's in it. Connections, let them be as harmonious as nature. You will slowly weave the connections between all beings until you weave a well-ordered web in the spiritual world, all-encompassing connections, at which point the anchor will naturally degenerate into a common point . We think that's the only way you can go."

A graph was formed in front of Roach's eyes. At the beginning, all the strangely shaped points were connected to the central node. He understood the fragility of this structure.If one central node is destroyed, everything else will fall apart, and he will also be submerged in this chaotic world.Then countless edges appear between any two points, and all the nodes are connected into a complex network, as stable as a drawn chemical structure.

The original point disappeared into the solid and complex network structure, and Roach could no longer distinguish it.

A violent anger surged from his chest, and the hurricane turned into flames and swept his entire body.

"Calm down, child!" Master Hashi roared in the distant sky, the smell of incense suddenly became strong, like a ghost guiding the way, Roach suddenly came back to his senses when he smelled the smell, and suddenly left the corner and stood up straight.

"Meditation." Master Hashi said persistently.

Roach turned and left the room without saying a word.

He walked out along the corridor and stopped for a while in the middle of the corridor, looking for a room full of people but still with a quiet soul.High-level archmages can hide their souls tightly behind high-wall shields, and the place where they gather is like this. It's a bit like a bunch of puppets if you try it superficially.

There was no sound outside the door of the room, and no one could be heard in the room at all.Roach stood patiently at the door. Ten minutes later, the door suddenly opened from the inside, and the noisy sound from the room leaked out. A middle-aged mage appeared at the door angrily, and was stunned when he saw Roach.

Liu Xiuyun.

Luo Qi took a step back and took the opportunity to look into the room behind Liu Xiuyun.They enlarged the room a bit, squeezing in a conference table and two dozen mages.

He didn't see Du Zhengyi, which was a bit strange, if there was an investigation tomorrow, he would definitely participate.Pei Shu was inside, sitting in the middle of a long table, listening thoughtfully to the arguments of the mages on the left and right.It looks a bit like a human painting, the Last Supper.

Just before the door was completely closed, Pei Shu raised his head suddenly, and across a table and several heads, his deep eyes fell on Roach outside the door.Luo Qi's eyes met his, Pei Shu's eyes were thoughtful and deep, while Luo Qi's face was expressionless, and he didn't mix any innocence in his expression to reduce the threat value.But in an instant, the door closed, and the tattooed old man disappeared behind the door.

"Luo Qi." Liu Xiuyun pronounced his name deep in his throat, as if it was a spell and he was cursing.

Roach had a hunch that maybe a few years later, mages would pronounce his name in this low tone.It doesn't matter.

He opened his mouth and asked bluntly, "What's the result of the meeting?"

Liu Xiuyun only hesitated for a moment, and said, "There is no progress yet, you saw it just now, they are arguing."

Luo Qi was agitated for a while, his face was expressionless, and countless guesses rolled in his heart.Just when he had three thoughts, Liu Xiuyun said to himself, "The project of setting up monitoring magic in Kongsang Mountain is too large, and all departments are pushing each other, and the monitoring crystals have to be temporarily transferred. Maybe Qionglin has insufficient stock, so You need to borrow from jewelers. Several big merchants are arguing, saying that they don’t have enough stock.”

Luo Qi was stunned. It turns out that great goals are easy to set up, and the truth can be convinced, but it is so difficult to implement things in practice.No wonder Du Zhengyi is not here, he must have been too lazy to attend such a meeting long ago.

Liu Xiuyun scratched his hair wearily and irritably, as if he was afraid that Luo Qi would be dissatisfied, he hastily added another message, "Anyway, some excellent battle mages will be sent there tomorrow."

Instead, Roach asked, "Why are you in such a hurry to send people over tomorrow?"

Liu Xiuyun glanced at him a few times, and Luo Qi saw that his eyes were already bloodshot.He was observing whether Roach was cheating on him. He thought Roach was too cunning and lacked the sense of security he should have.He hesitated for a while longer this time, and finally said in a low voice, "The Lotus Burner appeared in that area, and a mage we worked there died today."

Roach turned to stare at him.

On the first floor underground, in the corner of the temporary laboratory, Mahjong finally found Du Zhengyi who was busy among a pile of materials.

"What's going on?" Mahjong lowered the soundproof magic around Du Zhengyi, pointed to his side and asked in astonishment, "You have so many messages?"

Two mages nearby sent furtive glances. They have been curious for an hour, but it's just not easy to ask.

Du Zhengyi concentrated on searching for connections in the floating data, comparing the data, dozens of transparent bubbles floated around him, and from time to time, bubbles brushed against his hair tremblingly.

Mahjong was stunned, "Don't you know that you are surrounded by bubbles? To be honest, if you are a beautiful girl, this scene is quite beautiful, especially in line with the mermaid fantasy of a 12-year-old girl."

Du Zhengyi raised his head and looked at him coldly, "How about I hear it for you?"

Mahjong is unknown, so it is not good to nod rashly.

But at this moment, Du Zhengyi looked at him maliciously, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Dozens of bubbles burst at the same time, and dozens of the same voices shouted in unison: "Brother!!!!"

Mahjong was taken a step back by the sound, and looked at Du Zhengyi who was gloating in shock.The work of the entire laboratory stopped, everyone looked at them, Mahjong touched his ears in embarrassment, and finally covered his eyes.

"Roach can use communication magic? Did you teach him this in your free time?"

"It's pretty smart, and you can learn it after teaching it once." Du Zhengyi said with a dark face.

(End of this chapter)

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