magician in town

Chapter 549 Zhou Quan's Nth Confession

Chapter 549 Zhou Quan's Nth Confession


When he was walking quickly through the corridor, a familiar voice stopped him, and then a brisk figure rushed out, it was Zhou Quan who kept creating troubles and increasing opportunities for him.

Zhou Quan took a quick look at Luo Qi, thinking that Luo Qi was unhappy about what happened yesterday, and said with a smile, "Still angry with yesterday? It's not that I'm not mean enough. I really can't resist Du Zhengyi's anger, so I can only Avoid it first."

"Just leave it at that, I don't have the time to be angry with you." Roach said, turning to walk away.

"Hey," Zhou Quan said after catching up with him, "Du Zhengyi went to Qianzhou, do you know about it?"

"I know, he will come back in eight hours... There are still five hours left." Roach said.

Zhou Quan was stunned. He didn't expect that Luo Qi would actually count the time, but Luo Qi has always been weird. Anyone who has dealt with Luo Qi for a long time will be familiar with it, and will not think too much about what is behind every strange move of Luo Qi. Is there any deep meaning. "Why is there such a tight time limit? Venerable Pei asked for it? I didn't hear Venerable Pei say it at the meeting."

Roach looked at him for a few seconds, "No reason, because Du Zhengyi needs to be charged, he is actually a robot."

Zhou Quan paused, realizing that Roach was joking, and didn't want to tell him the truth.He never forced others to speak, and he couldn't help but smile when he thought of someone solemnly arranging Du Zhengyi. "Since you can come back in a few hours, it won't be too deep to explore, so you should be fine, so don't worry. And he brought..."

"Twelve battle mages." Roach took his words and nodded calmly, "I know, so it will be fine. No one can kill so many battle mages at once."

"Yes." Zhou Quan said, looking at Roach curiously, "Is that why you stay here? What are you doing here?"

"Go to class and study hard with the highland mage." Roach said boldly.

Zhou Quan smirked and exposed him. "I saw you wandering through these corridors three times, and entered four different rooms."

Roach said without pausing, "I'll see more archmages, it will be very good for my future contacts."

"That's it." Zhou Quan thought about it. He really wanted to compensate Luo Qi with all his heart, so he sent another message, "The action of the lotus burner has escalated, and an executive mage died in Qianzhou."

Roach didn't speak, and subconsciously looked left and right, a trace of anxiety flashed in the corner of his eyes.Zhou Quan saw that he was in a hurry, so he suddenly laughed, "What's the matter, Qiqi? It seems that you don't need me to tell you this time, you already know everything? You don't even bother to ask more about the information I revealed. Yes. Why is the Supreme Committee now like a waste bag with air leaks on all sides, and all the news is leaked right after the meeting here. Did you tell Du Zhengyi that you studied with Master Gaodi here? Don’t worry, I won’t I will miss it. But you teach me, how did you get the archmages to accept you so quickly?"

Luo Qi hesitated for a moment, feeling that Zhou Quan was troublesome for the first time.This person is as shameless as him, even more slippery than him, and he doesn't take hard things, not to mention that he needs to ask for his help from time to time, so none of the methods he used to deal with others will work for him.As a last resort, Luo Qi had no choice but to get serious, and asked helplessly, "Zhou Quan, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Quan glanced at him, and smirked twice, "Okay, I'll let you go if you admit it."

He stepped out of Roach's way, but he followed after Roach moved forward, walking beside him, whispering to him. "I can guess that you threatened those archmages, didn't you?" He sniffed the air as he spoke, "I can smell it."

"I haven't cast any magic until today." Roach said perfunctorily.

"Then I don't know, you know, I'm not that proficient in magic. What I smell is the atmosphere between people. This atmosphere tells me that you don't use mind magic at all, and it has nothing to do with telepathy. Isn't it?" Zhou Quan laughed with interest as he spoke, "Is there any way you got the dirty little secrets in other people's closets?"

Luo Qi didn't speak, but he has always been very subtle when talking to Zhou Quan. He can make people extremely comfortable with a few words, and he doesn't care about being low-key, but he never flatters.But in fact, when talking to him, you never know when you have talked too much.He always has a hole card in his hand all the time, and he also plays tricks.

Zhou Quan also looked at Luo Qi. Luo Qi would act like a coquettish fool when he met his own people, talk nonsense when he met someone who couldn't afford to offend, and he was as cold as ice when he met someone other than the two, and he didn't know them. Do the parents at home know that the child is a sour tiger with a smile on his face?He could see that Roach was wary of him now, and he didn't want Roach to develop this vigilance into a thorn, and he pierced himself without letting Roach guess for too long. "Did you go to the black market to buy news? That's very expensive news, do you have enough money?"

Luo Qi was stunned, "Isn't it enough for you to lend me?"

"It's not impossible." Zhou Quan whispered, "But can you give me some interest? Give me some consecrated amulets, those amulets you make are very popular. Once connected to your crystal, the general level of hallucinations , the general mind mage's spying can respond."

"No." Luo Qi rebuffed straight away, "Our adults have said that I will not be allowed to continue prostitution."

Zhou Quan snorted, "It's just to let you copy a piece of your thinking, your magic, at most it's a shadow of you. If I could sell the shadow for money, I would have sold it long ago."

"I've never seen a mage who likes money as much as you do. Why do you want so much money?" Roach asked.

"For more resources!" Zhou Quan said, "This way I can sell more money."

Luo Qi had nothing to say. After walking a few steps, he realized that he had to make a concession to return Zhou Quan's favor. For a person like Zhou Quan, the only way to retreat is to tell the truth. "I don't need to buy information, someone gave it to me."

"Send?" Zhou Quan glanced at him in astonishment, and paused.Roach hurried forward, he grabbed his arm. "Roach, who would give you such a valuable thing? Does Du Zhengyi know? I won't ask, he definitely doesn't know. Roach, you have to be careful of mages on the black market, they are not the same as ordinary mages. Send you Such a big gift, what can I take away from you to make it worth it!"

Roach thought of the old lady who came out of the black market. There were some things he hadn't thought about, but he was in such a difficult situation, and he really didn't want to think about it.His heart moved, and he said calmly, "It's good enough for me if someone is willing to use me."

"This..." Zhou Quan was stunned, "How do you say such a thing?"

"Me?" Roach was puzzled, "Why can't I talk?"

Zhou Quan glanced at him again, "What's the matter with you? You are already very popular, and you will soon become the little treasure of the entire mage world. Even if you don't mention this, you were protected by your parents before, and now you have at least two venerables. , there is no shortage of good friends around to support you, how can you say such desolate and lonely words?"

Luo Qi was at a loss for a moment when he heard the words, and Zhou Quan looked at him suspiciously again.He seemed to catch something in a thought, but he shook his head and didn't want to think about anything else sometime. "I'm leaving, I have an appointment in the woods."

"I'm going out too." Zhou Quan said, "I have nothing to do now, it's really boring. Are you going on a date?"

"Do you still have something to do?" Roach finally walked to the teleportation point.

Zhou Quan squeezed away a few mages who were passing by, and followed. "I'm also going outside to get some air. Don't worry, I won't look at you. I'll walk away after I go out."

(End of this chapter)

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