Chapter 557

Roach was sitting beside a round table, eating a bowl of Shuangpi Nai mouthful.Sitting next to him was Wusu, and Wusu was next to Guan Xinyue and Liu Ziyu.There was a table full of Cantonese-style desserts on the table. He took a bowl of Shuangpi Nai, and Wu Su only touched the milk tea. The two girls seemed to be having a tasting meeting, and they took a little of each and were exchanging taste experience.

"So," Luo Qi continued talking to Wusu, he has already seized the time to chat with Wusu about Wushan's theory for a long time, "Let yourself be in the dream, what if you get lost in the dream?"

"Actually, the best way is to maintain a spiritual link with another person and fix yourself. Just like the dreams Wu Shan sometimes provides for guests, and detects the dreams that guests most desire, Wu Shan can help them fall into a dream and then pull them out. " Wusu smiled slightly, stretched out his left hand, palm up, and said to Guan Xinyue with a smile, "Hold my hand, can you?"

Luo Qi saw that Guan Xinyue's cheekbones were red, and he didn't stop Guan Xinyue from reaching out, because a mind mage doesn't need to hold someone's hand to break into the spiritual world.Wusu just makes things more ceremonial. Whether it's his charming smile or gentle holding hands, the guests will be more relaxed. When the relaxed spiritual world is connected, there will be no strong rejection reaction.

Guan Xinyue was a little nervous, but she still put the small white hand with blue veins in Wusu's big hand. Wusu looked at her with a friendly smile, shoulders straight, gentle and elegant, without any offense, to press Roach felt that this action was about as if the knight was helping the lord's young daughter to cross a ditch.He was thinking about whether he should learn it or not. Wu Shan can manipulate people without using telepathy. Thinking about it carefully, it is really clever.But then I thought of Du Zhengyi looking at the other person's dog-like pretentiousness in surprise, and then asking him honestly——are you sick?

So forget it, he filled another spoonful of Shuangpi Nai into his mouth, and observed silently.All of a sudden, he saw what Guan Xinyue was looking at. Master Wushan's illusion barrier was too weak for him.He saw the bustling Disneyland, revolving Pegasus, fluttering flags, steam spaceships, and the time flow in the mind world was extremely fast, and Roach only saw fleeting images.He saw the figures of two girls, arm in arm, and he saw an old man sprinting over with two ice creams in his hand.

Liu Ziyu was watching them closely, she couldn't see anything, but it seemed that nothing could be hidden from her, so she blinked suddenly to hide her sight.

Guan Xinyue's face gradually became brighter, her eyes were soft like pools of autumn water, a little bit of moisture overflowed from those eyes, and the corners of her eyes slowly turned red.She smiled slightly, and then she broke free from Wusu's hand. "Thank you," she whispered, then lowered her head.

Luo Qi pushed Shuangpi Nai away, and he couldn't eat it anymore.

Wu Su withdrew his hand, cleared his throat in embarrassment, turned his head to look at Guan Xinyue, and said in a low voice for a while, "Sorry."

Guan Xinyue shook her head again and again, raised her head to glance at him quickly, and insisted, "Thank you."

Wusu looked at the top of her head for a while, then turned his head and looked at Roach, then cleared his throat, "You can connect with someone you trust, it doesn't require him to be a mind mage, as long as he is a will Someone who is determined can wake you up. But, of course, if you don't have such a person you can trust, it's not a big problem, and it's far safer to fall into a dream than you would otherwise be."

"Isn't this link a tangle?" Roach asked.

"Entanglement? Of course not. Entanglement is a kind of magic contract, which is supervised by fate. The link in the spiritual realm is only a short-term sharing, and it is a partial sharing. It is only connected by a pipeline." Wusu stopped here. After a pause, he hesitated for a moment, "You probably already thought about it. On the other hand, if you are really lost in a waking state, if you have time to establish a link, there is hope to bring you back. This kind of explicit link is very important for maintaining Stabilization is very helpful. But if you want to develop into a full openness, it may also mean a loss of ego, which we have not used in this way."

"The Highland Mage wants me to join them, and they will help me stabilize my spiritual world." Roach whispered.

"That's a completely open connection." Wusu said, and glanced at Roach.

Luo Qi understood that there was no significant difference between Wu Shan, a highland mage, and Qionglin world mages like him. They just adopted different ways to deal with their own problems and develop their own abilities.Highland mages are fully integrated into a whole with a religious piety, frankly sharing the spiritual world.So they regard the man-made puppet army as a great shame and an unacceptable offense.Wushan, on the other hand, dealt with problems in a tricky way between the secular and monks, and maybe even pursued indulgence in life, but they did develop many methods to use telepathy.

These are two minorities, lucky enough to escape the troubles of the world.The remaining telepathic mages are often born in the families of ordinary mages. Once they develop telepathic ability, they will be supervised by Qionglin. own problems.The probability of becoming obsessed may not be low, so Qionglin is extra vigilant. At the same time, being in the secular world requires too much ambition, which makes Qionglin even more vigilant.

He was thinking silently, Liu Ziyu suddenly paused, pulled off the clothes around her left wrist, and looked at the crystal on her wrist.He looked at Liu Ziyu, and she raised her head to look at the door, "The person you asked me to meet for you is here."

Roach also looked towards the door, and a figure appeared outside the glass door with the words "Good Luck Opening".Under Luo Qi's superficial probing, her heart can be locked tightly. It is indeed the will of the battle mage. There is another person behind her, whose lock is slightly looser than hers. He is a person who is prone to hesitation. was upset.

The door was pushed open, and a slender woman came in. The wind outside was very strong. She wrapped herself in a dark blue long trench coat and wore a soft felt fedora hat on her head. Her chin was buried in the raised collar, and her face could not be seen clearly for a moment.Behind her was a man in a dark gray coat with slightly curly hair and a troubled expression.

Liu Ziyu raised his hand and cheerfully greeted the female battle mage, "Hey, Wen Lin, this way."

The woman's face was raised, and her eyes drifted between Roach and Wusu several times, as if she was not sure which one was Roach.

Luo Qi sighed, it seems that his real body is in the non-core area of ​​Qionglin, and it will be a mystery for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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