Chapter 558 Meeting (2)

Wen Lin sat down on the opposite side of the round table, put her hat on the edge of the table, her slender legs crossed naturally, Roach couldn't help but glanced at her legs.

She picked up a slender cigarette, glanced at the no-smoking sticker on the wall of the dessert shop, and just held the cigarette between her fingers without lighting it. "So," she looked at Roach, "you are really a boy."

Life experience No. 250, when a woman full of life experience shows you some part of her, don't control your eyes. "It doesn't matter if you think I'm an earthworm."

Wen Lin nodded politely and accepted Roach's speech.

Guan Xinyue looked at her a few times, then turned her head and asked Liu Ziyu in a low voice, "What nonsense is he talking about, why is it an earthworm?"

"Oh." Liu Ziyu swallowed a mouthful of sticky taro balls with great difficulty, and said, "Maybe it means that earthworms are hermaphrodites. When earthworms mate..."

Luo Qi's face turned dark, "Junior Sister Liu Ziyu! Thank you! Don't go to class! I don't want to translate either!"

Wusu raised his head and suppressed a smile, Guan Xinyue's face was blank, and the man sitting next to Wen Lin showed a face of hardship in life, Wen Lin looked at Liu Ziyu understandingly, and mouthed, "Thank you for the translation .”

"This is..." Roach turned to the man next to Wen Lin, "It looks familiar."

The man smiled wryly, "We've met... I mean, if the man with the mouth that was in the street office that day was you."

Luo Qi remembered, "That's right, your name is Chi Qian, right?"

"Shi, Qian." Wen Lin corrected.

Wusu finally couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my memory is not very good. It's all because of Chi Yu's strong sense of presence. I only have him in my mind. Do you drink milk tea? The milk tea in their shop is good." Luo Qi said, as if echoing his words, the clerk came straight to them and put down two cups of milk tea in front of them with a blank expression.Roach greeted them to drink milk tea as if the owner here.

Shi Qian still smiled bitterly, and whispered as if he was short of energy and blood, "That's not important, it's okay."

Wen Lin took over the words, "Speaking of Chi Yu, I seem to vaguely hear that he made a mistake in Qionglin."

"Speaking of Chi Qian...Shi Qian," Luo Qi said with a smile, "I seem to have invited you alone."

The cigarette in Wen Lin's hand ignited spontaneously. She grinned and looked at Luo Qi, put the cigarette in her mouth, and exhaled smoke. "There are quite a few people here, and there is such a great mage sitting next to you as your company."

Luo Qi didn't speak, women are really difficult to deal with, and the longer they live, the harder they are to deal with.

Wen Lin flicked the cigarette ash and continued, "You guys begged me to go and investigate that fucking place, I don't want to stay there for a nanosecond, it's weird, creepy, and disgusting. But I still help You investigated, but you suddenly disappeared and never contacted me again. Why should I run this cheap leg for you? If I didn’t really see you today, I thought Du Zheng was a big raccoon king Abducted and got married, hid on some uninhabited island for honeymoon."

Liu Ziyu choked on the mango sago dew, coughed and pushed the bowl away, Guan Xinyue coldly rolled her eyes at Wen Lin, took out a tissue and stuffed it to Liu Ziyu.

"Almost." Roach said calmly, "We've been trapped in a place where we can't communicate with the outside world."

Of course, a battle mage of Wen Lin's level is not in Qionglin's inner circle, nor in Pei Shu's circle of trust. She doesn't know where Luo Qi and Du Zhengyi are, and it's normal not to know what happened to them.But Fan Shi didn't know, maybe it just showed that she was eager to cut off with Fan Shi, and she could run as far as she could during this time.Roach could tell that her complaints were nothing more than pretending to have a reason to stay away from her old boss, and that she would probably be willing to go to hell.

"What about now? You can already bring your friends out for afternoon tea. Du Zhengyi can always send me a mage letter, or make a human phone call?" Wen Lin said dissatisfied, but the degree of dissatisfaction has begun to decline .

"He is with twelve battle mages, it is inconvenient to contact you. I have already come out to contact you, isn't it all the same?" Roach said reassuringly.

"He went out on a mission with so many battle mages? He encountered such a serious incident?" Wen Lin frowned and asked worriedly.

"No," Roach said earnestly, "It's just for team building."

Wen Lin was finally amused by Luo Qi, and she looked at Luo Qi helplessly, as if he was a naughty kitten.What can she say?He could only sigh, and flicked his long hair, flinging the fluffy and thick hair to one shoulder.Luo Qi watched her domineering and confident movements. She was a bit like those oriental girls who had just entered the West, trying to imitate the external characteristics of self-confidence and independence, but because the frame was too small and the face was too flat, there was always a sense of disobedience.She's also looking sideways at Roach, providing her best profile perspective, in a way that's kind of like Usu's.But that said, after seeing Wu Shan's performance up close, her charismatic performance is not perfect.And she must have not had a good rest recently, or she was too angry, and there were some small bumps on her face.

A moment of boredom flashed in Luo Qi's mind, life is limited, why can't he use this time to play games with Du Zheng?If he had to be serious, he would rather go to learn ancient spells from Liu Ziyu, and sit on the big tree of the mage in the highlands, like two good babies, everyone loves them.

"Have you made any progress?" Roach asked, glanced at Shi Qian, and included him.

"Maybe we should take a step to talk." Wen Lin said, and she looked at Wusu suggestively.Wusu gave her a slight smile, as if the sun was shining on her head, and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Roach said carelessly, "Master Wusu is the treasure hunter I invited."

Wen Lin hesitated for a moment, reluctantly accepted Roach's statement, took a step back and said, "I feel that there is still a human being here. I didn't intend to offend, but the human mind is not safe."

"It's okay." Roach said, everyone looked at him, more or less surprised.

Wen Lin's face was stiff, she looked at Luo Qi suspiciously, her voice became a little thinner, "Are you going to hold a press conference?"

Roach laughed, "I'm not sure, maybe that's what I mean?"

Shi Qian moved anxiously on the chair, and couldn't help shaking his legs, jumping up as if he would burn his butt at any moment.Wen Lin gave him a warning look, then turned her head and nodded to Luo Qi, "It doesn't matter, you are the boss, you have the final say."

(End of this chapter)

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