magician in town

Chapter 575 Metatron

Chapter 575 Metatron

"Do you need me to help you, big brother? Should I pull you out or stuff you in?" Du Zhengyi squatted down behind Roche, and also looked into the safe he was rummaging through. A wad of money came from Roche. out from under the knees. "The money-spreading boy?"

Roach slid out backwards and sat on the back of his coat, staring down at what he was holding. "Humanity has really discovered something here."

Just as Du Zhengyi was about to look over his shoulder to look at the thing in his hand, he slapped his hand on the coat suddenly, and clasped the thing tightly with one hand, not showing it to Du Zheng.It seemed to be a rather thin thing, and Du Zheng caught a glimpse of the gloomy metallic luster as it passed by. "What are you doing?"

Luo Qi's expression was somewhat strange, he glanced around, Yan Hao turned his head knowingly, and took two steps back.Luo Qi clasped his palms, turned his head and glared at Du Zhengyi, "Wait, wait, bro, let me ask you a question first."

Du Zhengyi looked at him.

Roach grabbed his hair on the front of his forehead and pushed it up to reveal his sweaty forehead, "Do you still remember the day when you helped me meditate with the highland mage? I asked you for a representative A set of graphs, do you remember what you said?"

Du Zheng nodded.


"Why?" Du Zheng asked in confusion.

Roach looked into his eyes, "Why do you like that figure? Why does that figure represent you? Why do you subconsciously think of that figure? You definitely didn't just say it casually, think again! What you said at that time meant a lot to me It's very important, you know in your heart that from then on, I may always use this figure to build the world when I meditate, and my world is this thing, how can you just say it casually!"

Du Zheng subconsciously looked at Roach's hand on the coat. He seemed to know what was in his palm.He didn't answer the question right away, but really thought about it for a while. For a moment, he seemed to have gained something, but in the end he could only shake his head at Roach.

"You really don't know." Roach said, wondering if he was disappointed.That's true, after all, mages are actually very familiar with this form, and the structure of some magic circles is related to this, and the composition of some magic is similar to it.He opened his palm, and the two-dimensional form of a black Metatronic cube appeared in his hand.

Du Zhengyi took Metatron from his hand.

"How strange," Roach said, ruffling his hair, "your metal again."

"The ancestor mage also used this metal." Du Zhengyi reminded him, "and it is still used in large quantities."

"Anyway, humans don't have this kind of metal." Roach said, "These people discovered it somehow, maybe they dug it out in the river bed, but the blind man knows that this thing is unusual anyway. They are far from the mage's The ancient ruins must not be far away, and they will be killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Du Zhengyi thought for a moment, "Do you think it will be at the bottom of the river?"

"It's possible, do you know that proverb?" Roach looked at the Metatron cube and said casually, "It's dry for a thousand years, wet for ten thousand years, half a year if it's not dry or wet."

Yan Hao really couldn't hold back, and couldn't continue to pretend that he didn't hear anything, "Is that a formula? Is it the formula of an ancient mage?"

"Ah?" Roach raised his eyes and looked at him, "Of course not, this is a common saying of humans. It means that if humans bury their graves under the desert, they can be preserved for thousands of years; if they are buried under the river, they can be preserved for ten thousand years. ; If the above two conditions are not the case, the tomb robbers will finish digging within half a year."

Yan Hao nodded humbly, "It seems to make sense to say so."

"It makes sense, okay?" Luo Qi said bluntly, "King Jin Shining in the Mesopotamia built his tomb under the water, and it is only now possible for human beings to explore it. It has been five to six thousand years."

Yan Hao stared at him blankly, unable to judge whether what he said was true or not. With his current temperament, it is entirely possible that he was telling him about his Journey to the West.

If Du Zhengyi got something, "Jin Shining mean Gilgamesh?"

"What else?" Roach said, turning his head and snatching his discovery from him, "Can I take this? It's just a piece of metal? There's no energy in it!"

"Gilgamesh of Mesopotamia?" Yan Hao finally understood a little bit, "I seem to remember that he was mentioned in the chronicles of the battle mages. In the records left by the extinct Sumerian mages, he He is the son of the ancestor mage and man. The Sumerians believed that the female ancestor created the world's first mage to kill Gilgamesh. Unexpectedly, the mage later became Gilgamesh's friend, the only friend. It's a pity that the magician died young, and Gilgamesh tried his best to revive him, and he couldn't find the elixir of life, so he had to admit that he was just a human being."

Yan Hao just subconsciously wanted to show that he was not ignorant, or at least he could keep up with the conversation between Luo Qi and Du Zhengyi, but Luo Qi stood up and glared at him sullenly as if he had been scolded.He froze for a moment, and at this moment, a gunshot sounded behind him.Yan Hao dodged almost instinctively, and a bullet flew past his sleeve, making a gap in his sleeve.

Everyone was taken aback and looked back from their own work.Ten meters away from them, Liu Ziyu, who was holding a gun, stared at them in bewilderment, "I'm sorry, I was just going to try, but somehow I went in the wrong direction, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Roch..." Du Zhengyi stood up and sighed helplessly.

Yan Hao turned around and looked at Luo Qi in a daze, not knowing how everything happened, and gradually felt the lingering fear in his heart.

Du Zhengyi patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, human guns...will definitely not be able to harm a battle mage. Liu Ziyu...was testing a piece of material, it might have gone off."

Yan Hao glanced at him in confusion, and then at Luo Qi, who was still angry. Luo Qi glanced at his sleeve with regret.But what did he say wrong?Didn't Roach start the conversation himself?

Du Zhengyi stretched out his hand and pulled Roach away, "Let's go, let's see what else you want to pick up on the battlefield? Do you want to touch the corpse after opening the treasure chest?"

Roach was amused, took out the metal piece of Metatron's cube, looked at it, and stuffed it into the inner pocket of his coat. "What is this called in the ancient language?"

Du Zhengyi read out a three-syllable word.

"It sounds familiar," Roach said.

"It means a guide." Du Zhengyi said. "Humanity has another meaning, perhaps similar to that of a guide."

"Let's hear it?" Roach said.

"Paradise Guardian."

Roach's heart moved, "Isn't that you?"

(End of this chapter)

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