magician in town

Chapter 576 The Key

Chapter 576 The Key

"In this world, it's really hard to tell which things come from mage civilization and which ones come from human civilization." Roach said, he passed the corpse without taking a closer look at it.Du Zhengyi left the other battle mages and Liu Ziyu who was doing complicated measurements, and walked along the river with Roch as he wanted.

"Do you have any opinions on such a grand theme?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"No." Luo Qi said, seeing Wen Lin watching them, whispered, "Wen Lin is more talented than Yan Hao, and more active than other battle mages. Others will also be fighters in the future, but Wen Lin Want more."

"How did you see it?"

Luo Qi didn't answer the question, "Fan Shi has no future in Qionglin. She caught us in time—mainly you. After seeing Pei Shu, she completely completed the camp change. Can she persist here so For a long time, I'm a lunatic. But it's so strange, my whole body can feel that this place makes me uncomfortable, but my brain can't tell where the source is. Brother, can you feel it?"

Du Zhengyi shook his head.

"I knew it." Roach said, and he followed the traces of human excavation.It's easy to tell, humans' mechanical digging capabilities are too strong, it's like a giant groundhog waving its claws all the way here. "Your will is too strong, and the shield of your mind is indestructible."

Du Zhengyi hesitated for a moment, Roach turned his head and looked at him sensitively, without mind magic, but just like swallows always want to rain whenever they want. "Do you feel different?" Roach asked softly.

"How do you know?" Du Zhengyi asked.

Roach's eyes were wide open, he blinked slowly, the wind blowing into his collar made goosebumps on his neck, he shivered and shrank his neck.Du Zhengyi thought aimlessly that Roach's neck is really thin, fragile and immature, life is maintained on such a thin neck, if something pulls him slightly, all his genius and intelligence will disappear.

"Of course I will know." Roach said slowly, as if speaking to himself, "The truth is like a red thumbtack stuck to a whiteboard. What else can't be seen?"

Du Zhengyi thought about it, and didn't want to make this matter too complicated, "It's very simple, and I feel like coming here." He knew a lot of things, or many things were always in front of him. Just don't want to look closely.No matter how complicated the world is, the path he has to take is very clear.He could see that Roach was entangled in himself, all the network lines that criss-crossed the world, Roach wanted to trace the thin threads that he touched every day.He doesn't want to stop Roach, he can choose to be indifferent, but Roach still has a long way to go, and there is no way to avoid it.

"Why?" Roach asked. "Why do you feel like coming? Who, who, planted this idea in you?"

Du Zheng looked at him for a while, his expression was not intense, Roach was changing, if they hadn't known each other before, and he had seen Roach being completely innocent, then he might not have seen Roach's restraint Live emotionally. "What's there to be angry about?"

Roach stared at him, "Could it be possible that I still thank him?"

"This idea must have arisen a long time ago, maybe when I became a guard of the Lonely Mountain, or maybe it came from my own family when I was younger." Du Zhengyi said flatly.

Roach lowered his eyes, and after a while he said, "What does that feel like."

"I don't know. It feels like a long, distant memory. I just feel like I should be here. It's nothing. Maybe it's just that my brain has marked some places for me to pay special attention to. Because this feeling is too shallow, Da It's not enough to dominate me, it can only be a potential reminder." Du Zhengyi said.

"I think the relationship with the Du family is deeper. Although the Du family will always become the guards of the Gushan, not all the guards of the Gushan are from the Du family. If the scope of influence is as large as that of the entire Gushan guard, then maybe Qionglin Someone has been able to figure out the location here long ago. If the meaning of the Metatron cube marks the guide, the guide who can open the seal is the Du family." Roach said.

He spoke very smoothly, and Du Zheng could tell that he had already thought clearly as soon as he heard it.

Luo Qi suddenly took a breath, "Brother, if Du's bloodline is the key, the fewer people in the Du family, the less backup the key will have."

"Roach, no one would destroy my family just to get some monsters. Don't you think our family members are more useful than those monsters?" Du Zhengyi said.

Roach looked at him and smiled, but the smile gradually faded, "Yes, no one will destroy the key just for some monsters that can destroy human beings. It sounds ironic, but human beings are not my species after all. This idea is wrong, I was wrong."

As soon as Du Zheng heard that he still had a message, but the message never came, Roach closed his mouth.

"Roach, it doesn't matter if you don't know some things. There are many things you can do, and it's your freedom to do it or not, but as long as you do it, people will see it, and if you do it, there will be consequences. If you wait At home, although there will continue to be many annoying things, many people will bother you, you may suffer some grievances, but it will pass after all. The important thing is that you can no longer be seen as dangerous, and you can’t always appear like today In a sensitive place. I know you don't trust Pei Shu, but his trust is very important, you can't ignore this, you can't do such a thing under his nose." Du Zhengyi said.

Luo Qi raised his head and smiled at him, and said slyly, "No, no, brother, you made a mistake. I trust Pei Shu very much, and I believe that his power is enough to control Qionglin. So, how could I fall under his nose? Sneaking out from underneath, he is not retreating now, and he is in the highland mage's residence. Didn't you ever think that it was his intention that he could come out?"

Du Zhengyi's expression changed, and he looked at Luo Qi with slight astonishment.

"If Pei Shu hadn't allowed me to come out, Zhou Quan would be able to smuggle me out even though Zhou Quan was exquisite and good at dancing. Why would he do it? Because I'm cute, or because I'm so important? Could it be that I really Is it a narcissistic stupid teenager?" Roach suddenly couldn't help laughing at this point, "Is there a free lunch in this world? Good people suddenly gathered to help me?"

Luo Qi was silent for a while, as if he suddenly realized that he had to be a child, too sensible to be afraid of falling out of favor, his face became softer and softer, and he was still vacillating, not knowing how to make a next step for himself.But there was another sentence that he couldn't help, "In fact, someone wants to attract you and use you to open the door, so as long as you are not let out, but he still let you stand here."

"I don't care about being a bait, and I don't like to wait passively." Du Zhengyi said, looking at Roach's embarrassed expression, he said in a flat tone, "I won't see you showing your tail and think you are a monster. I know You are not a day."

Roach laughed again, turned his head to look at the river, took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore open the package and put the candy in his mouth. "You have seen the person Wen Lin mentioned. That should exceed Fan Shi's power. The one who is interested here should be the Lotus Burner. Anyway, I will not give in to the Lotus Burner. They really If you want the legacy of the ancestor mage, once they can control the beast, whether it is massacring humans or assassinating mages, it will not be a good thing."

(End of this chapter)

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