magician in town

Chapter 597 1 Lightning

Chapter 597

The battle mage was even braver than Roach thought, even before he could figure out what was coming, a bolt of lightning had already been thrown out from Roach's team.

Today's atmospheric conditions are really terrible. The plateau climate plus man-made storms, not to mention that the lightning was created at close range among the crowd, it really doesn't feel like it.Roach's hair was disturbed by strong static electricity, and it exploded like a flying weed in the strong wind. The compelling force formed a twisted suction force around him.

However, Roach knew that lightning was a good choice. The magic power consumed was limited and the effect was outstanding.A bolt of lightning does not level a mountain and twist a pit, but it may destroy the nerves of a living thing.He relished watching the strange man and monster being struck by lightning. The lightning struck obliquely and suddenly lost its flash when it was about one meter away from the monster.

what happened?Roach couldn't help but took a step forward. He didn't see anything, but he was sure that there was an invisible protective shell around the monster herders.

The atmosphere of the battle mage became tense, far from fearful, but serious.The battle mage didn't continue to attack rashly when he missed a hit. Roach didn't have much experience in mage duels, but he always felt that if it was a turn-based system, the opponent should fight back now.The battle mages were ready to fight, but the counterattack they were waiting for didn't make a sound immediately, and the weirdo watched them from a distance.

During this quiet confrontation, Roach gradually heard a slight noise from the strong wind.He might have overlooked it at first, but Roach didn't know how many seconds it took to realize that it wasn't a natural sound in the wasteland, it was like metal parts swinging rhythmically.In the midst of the tense unknown, this voice actually makes people feel leisurely, as if sitting in the window of a cafe in summer, the wrought iron signboard above the head is aging and blown by the wind, making such a sound.

It was a weird feeling. The alien herder didn't launch an attack. He ignored the lightning attack and stood gloomily in the gust of wind through an invisible shield, like a ghost observing a stranger.

Roach couldn't figure out what exactly he was observing?The lineup of their side will not be a secret, and no one needs to stare at Du Zhengyi to recognize him.

Roach tilted his body to maintain his center of gravity in the strong wind. Some looked at the huge lobster-like alien creature. Its tonnage was really heavy, and its footplate was stable enough to stand still in the strong wind.

Do not move?Something is wrong, Roach's heart moved.He watched the monster carefully. He had seen wild animals hunt, and they waited for their moment before attacking.At such a distance, Roach couldn't see its physical features clearly, so he turned his attention to the ghost, what was on his face?Mage has never put props on the face, humans will...

Roach suddenly realized that he had seen that vague shape before, and he had seen someone wearing that thing on the street in Lhasa.He couldn't help screaming, "Oxygen!"

"What?" Du Zhengyi asked loudly, not understanding what he meant.

Roach eagerly grabbed Du Zhengyi's arm and yelled, "Brother, kill him, quick! He is breathing oxygen, and he is waiting for the oxygen to drop even lower. That monster must be a low-oxygen creature! The oxygen level is even higher!" If it goes down, our speed of action will drop even lower, and that thing will become more vicious..."

His words were choked back by a gust of bloody wind, and Roach shivered fiercely.He was dragged away by Du Zhengyi, he didn't understand what happened, his eyes were fixed on the monster and the strange person without turning away, he could only feel the mages around him scattered like a flock of birds thrown into stones Get out of the way.Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black shadow, and the sound of metal colliding really sounded in his ears, and at that moment he understood the source of the metal sound.

"The second one." Someone said calmly and loudly, it might be Yan Hao.

Luo Qiwen's statement came to light, he turned his head to look at the second monster that appeared out of thin air, and beside him stood a man in black, also wearing a breathing mask on his face.Roach saw two things clearly at a glance. One is that this person has a pair of cold and vicious black eyes, and the other is that his breathing mask is very delicate and firm. It looks like a human military product, and it is similar to the oxygen breathing device used by tourists on the plateau. Not the same.This is the first time for him, and the lotus burner doesn't dislike using tools made by humans at all.

When Luo Qi saw the angle of their attack, he felt disgusted. They came straight to Liu Ziyu.Among this group of people, the two girls who needed to use auxiliary magic to fix themselves in the wind seemed to be the easiest targets to attack.But appearances are always appearances.

The monster's attack seemed to be slashing on an invisible wall. Luo Qi saw the crystal on Liu Ziyu's wrist flashing with dim light. She looked at the monster expressionlessly, and her eyes fell on the monster's ribs.Luo Qi now understands why Liu Ziyu is sure that he will be safe. If he observes carefully, he will find that the air around Liu Ziyu has strange jagged reflections.She and Guan Xinyue held hands together, and an unusual layer of slow-flowing air surrounded them, and the monster's attack stopped on this layer of air.

It doesn't have to be gas, Roach reminded himself, it's more like a shield supported by a force field, consuming the magic she can mobilize.But this is not instant magic cast at will, she must have props for shield magic.Roach realized that this scene was the same as when the lightning fell on the strange man just now, no wonder the battle mages were not particularly surprised, they must have seen it before.Du Zhengyi easily agreed with Liu Ziyu and Guan Xinyue to stay here, probably because he had enough confidence in the rare magic she had equipped.

However, although this magic can protect itself, it must be a very mechanical barrier.Roach can be sure that this shield is two-way. If he keeps the shield, he will not be able to attack, because Du Zhengyi's attack followed closely, and a sharp blade was accurately inserted into the monster's rib.

With a piercing sound of scraping metal, Roach took a breath of cold air down his spine. Du Zhengyi's knife scratched the metal shell covering the monster's surface, and pierced into its soft abdomen along the gap in its abdomen.The monster screamed sharply. Roach watched the metal sheet under the monster's ribs open and close violently, making a sound of metal collision. Roach saw that the metal sheet was covered with a film at the moment it opened. It kept trembling, and he suddenly realized that it was its vibrating abdomen that made the cry.The shape of this thing is more insect-like than the previous aliens, if you don't consider its sharp claws.

The moment Du Zheng stabbed it, he turned away from the target and went straight to its owner.The monster in severe pain stretched out a metal-covered claw to block Du Zhengyi's attack. Its owner turned his heels slowly, and his reaction was much slower than ordinary people.Roach had a feeling that he was completely one with the monster, perhaps inseparable at all.The direction of his movement is also very strange, his conditioned reflex is not to hide back, but to step forward to get closer to the monster.

Everything happened in an instant, Roach's eyes looked here, and from the corner of his vision, he saw several attacks silently attacking the strange man.Cracks appeared in the air, Roach came to his senses, and suddenly shouted, "Attack the monster! Keep the monster!"

The battle mage ignored him. In his instinctive judgment, catching the thief first is the first choice, and monsters are just human tools.

"Be careful." Du Zhengyi dragged him back, and Roach watched the attacks of several battle mages fail. The space in front of him was slightly distorted, and the monsters and weirdos disappeared.

"Attack the monster." Roach yelled at them, "It's the monster that teleports, not the human! Human beings are carried. The specialty of this monster is teleportation."

"Ah?" Yan Hao looked at him in shock, feeling unbelievable for a moment.

Roach turned his head and looked at the person who was watching them from afar and the silent monster beside him. He knew he couldn't keep them. Disappeared in the wind.

"Can the psychic beast teleport by itself?" Yan Hao asked in horror.

"The world is so big." Roach whispered.

"The teleportation ability is comparable to Du Zhengyi." Yan Hao couldn't help but said.

"So it's not people who are teleporting." Roach said, "They will still make a surprise attack. Next time, they may be out in force, just waiting for the oxygen to continue to drop. They survive under low oxygen."

"Aren't you going to attack people?" Mahjong asked him after shouting.

"He can fight back against me," Roach said, "maybe because he is connected to the monster's mind, his brain is not normal, and he no longer looks like a person. Those medicines that temporarily amplify the psychic ability that were discovered yesterday, remember? They should I ate them all."

Mahjong cursed. "What the hell is going on? Did they break the seal already? Did they break the seal and tease us?"

Roach didn't answer, he looked at Du Zhengyi, who seemed to be lost in thought.Luo Qi shook his head at Mahjong, "Is there any point in thinking so much? It doesn't matter whether it's unblocked or not! It's important not to be eaten by bugs. Let's talk about destroying the sealed beast!"

"Bullshit." Mahjong also responded, but took two steps back, signaling Liu Ziyu and Guan Xinyue to back off too.At some point, the battle mage had already stood on the outer circle, with his back to them.

Luo Qi followed Du Zhengyi and looked around nervously. All the battle mages had similar expressions. Fear could not bother them, nor could lack of oxygen.Roach restrained his emotions. His biggest emotion was impatience, impatience with the repeated appearance of the sealed beast.What mage would create a low-oxygen sealed beast?For fighting?Roach wasn't sure, he had some other thoughts, and a flash of lightning flashed through his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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