magician in town

Chapter 598 Distorted Space

Chapter 598 Distorted Space

The second wave of raids is coming soon.Three monsters, three weirdos, attacked them from three directions, one of which was overhead.

Roach didn't think of this third attack direction at all, and Zhuge Liang felt that this attack was completely reasonable afterward.If you can walk out of the subspace, no matter if you want to be an Osprey or a Tuxingsun, of course it is all possible.

The battle mages didn't expect this development either. In their combat experience, the mages never engage in suicide attacks.But for those things with metal armor, IQ and obvious defects, suicide can be regarded as a conventional way of fighting.

So when that Roach estimated that a ton of stuff fell from the sky, the scene was chaotic.However, on the high-altitude wilderness, there was a strong wind, and places with low oxygen content were still losing oxygen, which made Roach's reaction ability worse than that of a battle mage.The thing almost hit the mahjong and stabbed Mage Wusu when it landed. It was only ten centimeters away from the back of Luo Qi's head, but Luo Qi's attention was completely attracted by the psychic who appeared in front of him.

The psychic didn't quite stand with the monster, and the human consciousness distracted Roach.He only felt a change in the surrounding atmosphere for a moment. Du Zhengyi suddenly gave up on the enemy in front of him and rushed behind him.

He was secretly taken aback, and when he turned around belatedly, the first wave of attack was over.The thin air mixed several different smells. The battle mages probably used knives, slashes, fires, small explosions and eight other attack methods that Roach couldn't distinguish. The smell of magic was mixed with the smell of barbecue.

The monster that fell from the sky strongly stimulated the sense of crisis of the battle mage. The monster was attacked by concentrated fire, and two of its legs were separated from its body. Someone managed to destroy its eyes somehow.

However, it is still alive.

Roach felt the unusual spiritual atmosphere of the battle mage in the spiritual realm, and there were several anxious fluctuations of consciousness. Although Roach could not interpret the consciousness of the battle mage, he was familiar with these waves.When ordinary people open the intense Zaun greeting, they will almost produce such a wave in their consciousness.

However, the instant attack of this second is experimental. The battle mage concentrates firepower and freely chooses attack magic, but it can only make it lose part of its combat power. Everyone's battlefield assessment is not very optimistic.Perhaps worst of all, this was also an experimental attack on the enemy, also for the purpose of probing the enemy.

The monster was severely injured, and its body convulsed and wanted to fight back. Roach could see that it still had the ability to fight back, but it seemed that an invisible bridle was holding the monster, and its body twisted uncoordinated.At first, Roach thought that some battle mage's magic had worked, and the other battle mages hesitated, but in the next second, it disappeared together with the psychic mage outside the circle, leaving only stumps and disgusting corpses on the ground. Liquid, Roach realized that it was the Necromancer who ordered it to retreat.

At about this time, two other monsters also attacked from the other two directions, and the battle began again.

The battle mage fought with all his strength, and Roach observed the battlefield almost five beats slower, avoiding risks, and barely completed his positioning.Du Zhengyi did not participate in the battle, which is rare, especially since even Roach could see that the monster was running towards him to make trouble.

The battle mages were divided into three parts in an orderly manner, one part stayed behind and defended, while the other two groups fought against each other in two directions.It seemed to Roach that they had all fought valiantly, but neither was able to gain an arm from the monster.Two battle mages still failed, and a battle mage whose name Roach didn't remember was scratched by the monster's mechanically hard claws.After a short contact, the two monsters disappeared into the warp with their master, and the battle only took place for one round.

The mages retreated to their original places, and stood in a circle in the wind howling wasteland, their backs touching each other.Mahjong took advantage of the short gap to apply healing magic to the injured person. Roach saw the wound on the mage's abdomen, and it might be the instinct of this creature to take out the internal organs.

Behind him, Yan Hao was yelling loudly, "The whole body is covered with armor, and the hardness of the armor is at the full level. Although it does not exceed the attack ability of creatures, but the reaction speed is faster than that of mages. As long as the hard shell armor is not smashed, we will be at a disadvantage. The shortcomings of the armor are the breathing membrane under the ribs, the parts that look like eyes, and the joints of the six limbs. We can concentrate on these places to cause damage, but it is difficult to kill them. If they keep hitting us with lightning, we will continue to be injured. The oxygen is lower, this is a war of attrition. After all, why can this creature travel through space?"

Wen Lin said loudly, "Magicians, magical creatures, it's reasonable, isn't it? All animals have no magic like humans, that's strange!"

"Master Grammar, you still have a crush on magical creatures?" Yan Hao shouted in disbelief. "I hope these disgusting things are never born."

Wen Lin turned to Du Zhengyi, "It seems that only space distortion magic can destroy them."

Luo Qi asked, "So the average battle mage can use space distortion magic?" Yan Hao was already familiar with him, and he wasn't too embarrassed, "I'm pretty good at this, with a success rate of 70.00% five."

"That's really high enough." Roach opened his mouth, his voice was blown away by the strong wind.

Yan Hao didn't hear clearly, and asked loudly, "What?"

"How many times can you fire?" Roach raised his voice and shouted.

"Three times!" Yan Hao blinked and said.

"If you can only kill two monsters, it doesn't make much sense." Roach shouted.

"The space distortion magic is so powerful that it can kill a monster at once," Yan Hao said.

"I guess your success rate is only [-]% the first time, less than [-]% the second time, and definitely less than [-]% the third time. That is whether it can be done or not." Luo Qi said wisely.

Yan Hao was held back.

Roach stared at him again and asked, "Isn't it a lot of power consumption?"

Yan Hao responded, "It requires a lot of energy, and powerful magic is naturally energy-intensive. This is almost the highest level in the skill sequence of a battle mage, and the lethality is always proportional to the energy consumed."

"Use a strategic cruise missile to hit a tank." Roach shook his head, "Don't use it, hold it up again."

"Master Du is very powerful. I heard that he has never reached the upper limit, and even he himself doesn't know where the upper limit is." Yan Hao said excitedly, and couldn't help but glance at Du Zhengyi, his eyes were full of idol worship.

"Me too," Roach said impatiently.

The surrounding battle mages all looked at him with astonishment on their faces, and Du Zhengyi also gave him a cool look.Roach exhaled, and in short, the topic was over.

(End of this chapter)

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