magician in town

Chapter 599 Oil Film

Chapter 599 Oil Film

The surrounding battle mages all looked at him with astonishment on their faces, and Du Zhengyi also gave him a cool look.Roach exhaled, and in short, the topic was over.

Wen Lin turned to him and shouted, "Roach, look at the sky!"

Roach raised his head, and the clouds engulfed in a blizzard were like a turbulent and raging polar sea of ​​ice, and they were like shrimp soldiers and crab generals who couldn't help themselves in the ocean currents.

"Such a storm can't last for too long." Wen Lin cried, and seeing that he didn't respond, she explained, "I mean, no matter what kind of weather plan they designed and what drainage they did, this Any additional severe weather produced has the potential to trigger global climate knock-on effects."

Roach understood, and finally remembered the content of his last final exam, the butterfly effect.

"Oxygen drop is a sign. When the oxygen drops to the point where we are actually affected, that time point is the time point when those things launch a general attack on us." Wen Lin shouted, and the strong wind blew her long hair to one side , a drop of rain fell on her brow bone and slid down her cheek.

She couldn't have been more right.

Roach stared at her for a while, a little jealous, jealous that he didn't think of it himself.

He was a little distracted, probably because there were so many capable people today, so his sense of crisis dropped, and he subconsciously waited for these battle mages to solve the problem.

Wen Lin continued, "I speculate that they may have more than three monsters. We must figure out how to deal with them before they launch their final attack. Space distortion magic should be used at such a time. Zhengyi, what do you say ?”

Roach couldn't find a good reason to refuse her proposal, but he had to refuse, whether the reason was reasonable or unreasonable, he had to dispel everyone's idea.Just when he took a deep breath in the gust of wind and was about to speak, Du Zhengyi stopped him, and he became irritable, looking anxiously at Du Zhengyi who looked normal.The calmer Du Zhengyi was, the more anxious he became. With Xuefeng on top, everything was close at hand, and the possibility that he couldn't stop Du Zhengyi began to gradually turn into frustration.He stood on the snow-covered plateau, but it seemed to be standing on the equator.

Not only him, everyone looked at Du Zhengyi, even Liu Ziyu, who was leisurely standing in the shield, looked at him expectantly.The person everyone relies on, the real backbone of everyone, the demigod whom everyone thinks has a high enough force value... Luo Qi's restless thoughts were interrupted by Du Zhengyi's words.

"Under today's circumstances, it is unwise to squander energy at will based on past circumstances." Du Zhengyi said.

"Huh?" Roach accidentally said in surprise.

"Do you have an opinion?" Du Zhengyi asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"I have no objection." Roach said sarcastically, seeing a teasing smile flash across Du Zhengyi's face.

Du Zhengyi continued, "We rarely meet real opponents. In the world of mages, the power of each of us is often overwhelming. In the tasks we have done in the past, could it be that we have reached this level? It's the last battle, and we can spare no energy. But today we are facing a new challenge, and no one knows what will come after this wave of attacks."

Roach finally regained his IQ and filled the gap beside him, "It means that although it is difficult to deal with, these monsters with hard skin and thick blood are just animals after all, and the mage behind them has not yet shown up."

Wen Lin shook her head unconvinced, "You also said that the skin is hard and the blood is thick, but it's hard to chew. If we continue to fight like this, we will continue to be injured. If we don't fight quickly, we will all become wounded soldiers, and it will be difficult to continue." It's time to fight."

"I said," Roach asked, "I heard that space travel is difficult to complete in severe weather conditions, especially snowstorms or thunderstorms. Can we find a way to block those things from space travel? Like this Being assassinated by a lightning strike is really not an option."

Wen Lin replied, "They can still travel under such weather conditions, which shows that they are very good at..." She paused, as if remembering something, and continued, "... are very good at traveling. We need to change the local force It is only possible to block their traversal actions through the field, but it is also very difficult, requiring a lot of magic power and dividing up some of the manpower that should be used for combat."

Roach's heart moved, and he said thoughtfully, "They are very good at traveling, maybe because their natural way of survival is to rely on traveling through space to move their positions."

"I don't know, that's not important, is it?" Wen Lin said.

"It's very important for those who want to open a pet store in the future. I don't want to wake up every morning and find that I have lost the goods." Roach said casually.

Wen Lin looked at him puzzled, this interruption made her forget all about what she was going to say just now.The third attack happened at this time, Yan Hao suddenly yelled and looked in one direction.Luo Qi now believes that Yan Hao is a battle mage who can better manipulate space magic. Except for Du Zhengyi, he is the only one who can detect monsters before they appear.

"Get out of the way." Du Zhengyi said loudly.

No one wanted to rob him, and Roach took a step back anxiously.The battle mage closest to the monster had already been in close combat with the monster. Hearing this, he flashed to the other side. Roach praised him for keeping the attack dutifully.

Du Zhengyi approached the monster very fast. Roach was used to his cheetah-like swiftness, and could easily detect his intentions, but this time he was a little confused.As soon as Du Zheng got close to the monster, he immediately dodged its frontal attack. Roach stared at him closely. It is certain that he still used some kind of magic, but it was really not like attack magic, without any impact, even basic There is no magic to condense cold weapons.

Luo Qi couldn't help taking two steps closer, and he saw Du Zhengyi nimbly dodging to attack the monster's flank.He had seen this move before. Du Zhengyi noticed the breathing gap in the monster's flank carapace almost at a glance, but they all reached an agreement that he would not pay any price if he wanted to find such a small weak point and attack. That was too difficult.Therefore, when most people carry out this kind of attack, they will injure [-] to the enemy and [-] to themselves.

In fact, Du Zhengyi did not attack the monster.Roach saw him stop at least one meter away from the monster's flank. Of course, this was already within the attack range of the monster's two pairs of giant jaws and six metal claws, but it was not the mage's physical attack distance.What kind of magic did Du Zhengyi use on one side of the monster, Roach didn't see any dazzling effect, Du Zhengyi had already turned to the other side of the monster, and the battle mage who cooperated with him quickly left the position for He himself took on the frontal attack in front of the monster.Du Zhengyi also used magic on this side of the monster.

Luo Qi couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed over to observe carefully, Du Zhengyi was already backing away, step by step until he was in front of him.Nothing happened at first, but Roach suddenly found that the black armor under the monster's ribs seemed to become more shiny. "Brother, brother, did you rush over to maintain it? Did you oil it? Are you afraid that it will get rusted?"

His words suddenly stopped, and Du Zhengyi didn't need to answer. The half-insect, half-beast monster suddenly trembled violently. Roach thought of the scene of the creature suffocating, and it seemed to be in great pain.

"What did you use?" Wen Lin asked excitedly.

"Grease," Du Zheng said succinctly, "Attention everyone, use the first half of the primary lighting magic to pour grease on the breathing membrane under their ribs, and the oil membrane will prevent them from breathing." Retaliating against a person with a strong mentality, the other party made their breathing more difficult, and he thought of the same entry point in a blink of an eye.At this moment, Du Zhengyi grabbed him and led him to avoid a flying stone. When Roach came back to his senses, he saw the monster struggling in pain and planing all the stones out of the ground. .

"What's the matter with you? Why are you so clumsy." Du Zhengyi pushed him.

Luo Qi was not ashamed, pointed at the psychic master and shouted, "Seize the opportunity and attack him!"

The situation on the battlefield suddenly reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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