magician in town

Chapter 607 Limitations of Mind Mage

Chapter 607 Limitations of Mind Mage

No one speaks, the silent and magnificent music rushes out from the depths of time, the finely crafted passages rush in the vastness, and the delicate structure is embedded in the grand expression.The walls are like flowing sculptures, cooperating with the art of time, rushing away from them.Originally, there might never be anyone to listen to and appreciate, but Zhao's infected emotions strongly stimulated Luo Qi's consciousness, like a croaking disco player, and forced him out of the shocked state.

Perhaps all political figures and leaders have their own romantic side, otherwise it is not enough to inspire people and lead people.From this point of view, although the former leader passed away suddenly, it cannot be said that the successor he chose was wrong.Relatively speaking, Roach had to feel sorry for Du Zhengyi, his emotions were strictly controlled within his own controllable range, even an ancient artist would not be able to make Du Zhengyi lose control.

However, in this mind bewitched by art, Roach couldn't help noticing the clownfish.Du Zheng only responds to the power of art in a low-frequency way, but the clownfish's emotions are only blank. His heart has long been a barren land shrouded in the color of death, and Roach has smelled death from his heart more than once. the taste of.

He also felt Roach's prying eyes, and he slammed the door of his consciousness shut, completely shutting Roach out.

Luo Qi was not ashamed, and was presented with an irreversible fragment of consciousness. The fragment of consciousness was like a wet and cold snake against Luo Qi's ear, and teased, "Enjoy this moment while your sun has not set. A beautiful sunset." Roach rubbed his ears, goosebumps came out, clownfish are better at how to disgust people than him.

"What's wrong?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"It's nothing, when will the welcome music end?" Roach asked casually.

"Music makes you sick?" Du Zhengyi asked suspiciously, and the music stopped abruptly as he asked.

Roach raised his head and looked around in surprise. The light and shadow reliefs on the four walls also disappeared, and the light became a little brighter than before and became stable, turning into a daily lighting mode.What appeared on the wall instead of light and shadow was a real relief, and regular decorative patterns were evenly intertwined on the wall.

"What's going on?" Hierarch Zhao asked regretfully, with a confused look on his face, as if he was still immersed in art and did not want to wake up.

Roach said in confusion, "Because I said it's over?" He thought for a while, then tentatively said, "Start? Restart? Loop?"

No one answered.

"Okay Master Luo." Master Zhao smiled, "You are too deep in the human world, there is no Siri assistant here." "It's really stupid." The clownfish whispered, "You can't think in your heart. Do you want to? You must try it in public? How can the ruins of ancient mages understand this year's Chinese?" Luo Qi was hit in the head, and he suspected that the clownfish was targeting him today.

The clownfish was indeed targeting him specifically, because the clownfish then said, "Besides, why are you responding here? Who are you? Why are you so conceited? If you want to respond here, you will only respond to Du Zhengyi. What makes you feel ancient? Can the mage expect that you, an unknown descendant, will stand here and specially design a magic agreement to deal with you?"

Roach really wanted to pout.

What's the matter, it's always Luo Qi who stands in such a place and hates others, but today he was robbed of his position.He wondered angrily whether it was a mind mage or an annoying attribute.Because I can often see people's hearts, I am very cynical, and I don't like anyone?

Just at this time, the seemingly absent wind that made Roach alert came again.He gave up the opportunity to argue with the clownfish, turned his head suddenly, and stared at the dark arch, which had opened at some point.

"Let's go." Du Zhengyi whispered, grabbed Roach's wrist, and brought him within his control.Roach just had time to feel the uncontrollable twitch of the clownfish's consciousness. If it was restored to the facial expression, it should be a grin.He thought about the clownfish, and stretched out his hand subconsciously. Du Zheng said without even looking at it, "Don't touch that gap."

Roach withdrew his hand resentfully, there was a hard-to-find crack on the arch, and no one knew what had attacked the metal arch, tearing it apart like a block of wood.He thought he was the only one who saw it.

"I thought your weapons were made of the hardest metal in the universe," Roach said.

The clownfish interjected behind him, "I thought you were too old to stop breastfeeding and watch comics and movies. Have you been thinking that he is Wolverine, holding Adamantium metal?"

Roach forcibly restrained the urge to kill him. What made him even more angry was that he thought about it carefully. He had the same attributes as the clownfish. Even if he wanted to attack the clownfish, there was a high probability that he would not be able to win. Think about them more It is even difficult to explain clearly the grievances and entanglements between them.Du Zhengyi even tugged at his wrist, making him unable to do anything else, so he was forcibly carried into a hexagonal hall.

He gave up and whistled, "Hey, this is a bit like the lobby in the school's teacher's office building. Is the honeycomb design also a kind of retro? Wait, if it's really all honeycomb, how many rooms are there? What can we find? There are as many sealed beasts as a swarm of bees?"

The battle mage who followed in shivered when he heard the words. The man stood beside Wen Lin, and Wen Lin smiled and said in a low voice, "What a crow's mouth."

"The important thing is, if the structure is really that complicated, we don't know where to go." Roach said while looking around, hoping to see some traces of navigation, but the music and reliefs did not appear again. Lighting as usual.The decorative lines on the walls have become more concise, with the weirdness and ultimate elegance of prehistoric civilization.

The hall was empty, with six arches leading to six directions, the incoming door was behind them, and there was only a small waist-high table in front of them.

"What's that?" Roach asked Du Zhengyi, "Welcome desk?"

"Maybe it's the podium." Yan Hao followed up from behind and glanced at Leader Zhao.

Luo Qi almost burst out laughing, Zhao Hierarch's magic weapon seemed to be a podium naturally.He covered it for a while, and asked Hierarch Zhao, "The door key has opened the door for you, please enter the activation code?"

"What password?" Hierarch Zhao asked back, looking into Roach's eyes.

Roach didn't know why he asked back, but after thinking about it, he himself didn't seem to be sure what the password was unlocking.His mind turned quickly, and he said, "This place is empty, there is nothing, isn't it normal? You should have some spell to restore this place to its original appearance, right? At least you can call out the hidden things, right?"

A trace of annoyance and irritability flashed across Master Zhao's face, Luo Qi's heart sank, Master Zhao didn't expect that there was nothing here!And he... he, Luo Qi, a little witty ghost, actually... actually boarded a boat made of sand sculptures!
The thing is like this, when he was outside the door, he was sure that Master Zhao was not lying, so he tended to follow and take a look.But now he understands that Hierarch Zhao is not lying, because he is sure that there is everything he is looking for behind the door, and he completely believes in the boundless magic power of the ancestor mage.

Roach couldn't believe it.You see, this is the limitation of mind mages. They can easily find out whether the other party is lying, but to judge whether the other party is a sand sculpture, this can only be practiced step by step based on life experience.

 It has not been very good all the time, I didn't expect so many people to stick together, thank you for your votes, rewards, and comments all the time.I don't even know why you guys are so nice to me, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ I...will definitely finish writing this article.

(End of this chapter)

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