Chapter 608
Luo Qi didn't say anything, taking advantage of Du Zheng's opportunity to check the only piece of furniture in the house, he temporarily regained his freedom of movement and wandered around in the hexagonal hall.In fact, maybe the leader is nothing, but the clownfish may have more information. The leader may be a mascot in the first place.

He didn't observe the clownfish directly, his consciousness approached Guan Xinyue, Guan Xinyue didn't know it, her subconscious treated him much colder than before, but her feminine gentle consciousness still didn't completely reject him.He cautiously extracted Guan Xinyue's perspective, and as expected, she had been staring at the clownfish, and he watched the clownfish's every move with Guan Xinyue's eyes.

The clownfish stood in the center of the room like a statue, more calm than Hierarch Zhao.

While keeping an eye on him, Roach walked slowly to the wall, reached out and tapped on the wall, and stretched his fingers into the lines on the wall.He didn't touch a trace of dust, his fingers slid across the decorative lines like geometric clouds, and suddenly paused.He lowered his head to look at his shoes. The mud stepped on from the outside was stuck to the shoes, and the dark brown stains on the sides of the shoes looked like blood.

He raised his feet and rubbed the soles of his shoes vigorously against the grains in the corner, scraping the mud mixed with blood on the delicate grains.Several consciousnesses pointed to him, full of consternation and blame.Of course, he is like a starlet now, wherever he goes, there will be mages chasing him openly and secretly. How can he do such a thing without being noticed.He misses the old days when he was a socially transparent person.

A gust of wind blew past, and Luo Qi took a step back, a strong premonition arose in his heart.The small hornless snakes on the relief are interspersed with each other, and they seem to come true in this gust of wind, vaguely transformed into wriggling insect snakes, crawling along the lines of the relief.Roach's heart churned in disgust, and he staggered back a step in a panic.Several lines squirmed, concentrating towards the area stained by him, his goosebumps popped out, and all the lines on the entire wall shook before his eyes, spreading like water ripples, and he felt as if The abyss was generally dizzy.

A hand was pinched on his shoulder, and he hurriedly turned around, "Ah, brother..."

Du Zhengyi stood behind him at some point, pinched his shoulder with one hand, and squeezed it hard again.Luo Qi exhaled in pain, but he became sober and calm, and closed his mouth.When Du Zhengyi saw the worms devouring the blood-stained sludge, his face was as cold as when he saw a nest of ants.It suddenly occurred to Roach that this was not the first time Du Zheng saw such bugs in such a place.

"It's okay." He said flatly.

What does it mean?Does that mean the bugs won't get bigger?Bugs aren't interested in anything other than smudges?Insects don't eat people?Does that mean that even if Roach makes more discoveries, it won't hurt?Luo Qi was surprised to think that with Du Zhengyi's desire to control, he might derail if he strayed even a little bit, and Du Zhengyi would be very irritable.The current situation seems to be returning to Du Zheng's family - even if you destroy it, if you can't control it, you can count me as the head of the family?
Luo Qi turned his head back in a daze, and the worms squirming along the lines burrowed back to the place where they emerged one after another. There were hard-to-find holes in the shadow of the relief. The worms lived in the wall for thousands of years, conscientiously acting as scavengers .The reason why this place is clean and new is because of these designed bugs?The wind that Roach can feel every time is not wind, but the static electricity brought about by the activation of some kind of energy field.When Du Zhengyi responded to something he couldn't see or feel, when the welcome ceremony was opened here, when the door was opened for them here, when the place needed to be cleaned, the magic was gradually activated, and the whole building The ruins seem to be slowly waking up.

Luo Qi had a kind of wishful thinking, maybe the lonely mountain guarded by Du Zhengyi is not near Qionglin, maybe it is here?Or is the lonely mountain just a false finger?All such places are his regions?What made his back tingle was that through Guan Xinyue's eyes, he saw the clownfish standing not far behind them, silently staring at their backs.He also saw crawling bugs, and more importantly, he was the one who walked into Du Zhengyi's territory a few years ago, and he knew this place better than everyone else except Du Zhengyi.

If this is a mystery, the people who know the answer are Du Zhengyi and the clownfish.

There was no point in hiding the discovery, and Roach wondered if he should just call the clownfish over to have a look, or just ask him if he could get a worm out.

The clownfish let out a chuckle. Although it was impossible, Roach was still suspicious, as if the clownfish could sometimes clearly know what he was thinking.Although he is not a person who is unfathomable, he is an extremely unpredictable person. This has been figured out by others, and it is indeed a bit humiliating.

"Du Zhengyi." The clownfish called from behind.

Roach turned back first, jumping back like an impatient monkey, staring at the clownfish unhappily.He had a vague premonition that none of them could get the upper hand of the clownfish.

"Don't you need to hide it?" the clownfish said sharply, with a cynical and sour tone. Every time Roach heard it, he felt that his stomach was too sour, and he wanted to perform retching in front of him.But the clownfish then said clearly, "You just found out that you can also open this place, right? Open this place, do you really want to give up the chance to listen to the last words of the ancestor mage? If you don't open this place, there will be no guide here." Look, we can search room by room, but it’s pointless, isn’t it? There are so many uneven mages entering here, it’s not guaranteed that one of them will go astray and cause disaster, so you should search less for yourself Trouble?"

Roach preliminarily thought that he was scolding himself with the last sentence. If he hadn't been too shocked by the first few sentences, and if it wasn't because he might not be able to beat the clownfish, then he should have started to act aggressively by now.Once I realize that I'm pretty good, it's really hard to balance my mentality to the previous state when I'm depressed again, and it's really uncomfortable not to be able to rush up and beat him.He admired Du Zhengyi. He found that Du Zhengyi's mood was very calm.

Du Zhengyi was silent for a few seconds. Roach thought it was just him thinking. After a while, he made a decision and walked straight to the podium-like table.Now Roach realizes that there is indeed the "front desk" here, or rather, more like the console here.

Without fighting back or talking nonsense, Du Zhengyi's right hand stuck to the table.Luo Qi caught a glimpse of the satisfaction and excitement on the face of Hierarch Zhao. In an instant, the energy of magic flowed abundantly in this room, and a dazzling light condensed on the opposite side of Du Zhengyi. Several mages shouted excitedly. .Roach scoffed at them, but as the light took human form, gradually a female form, and all the mages held their breaths in admiration of her dreamlike grace and beauty - Roach cried out.

"Fuck!" Luo Qi pointed at her beautiful figure, unable to say anything else.

The clownfish said clearly, "Looking at your bear appearance, I can be sure who she is."

 Happy New Year of the Ox, everyone, full of bullishness!Be healthy, be happy, and be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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